We offer ACT tutoring in the Mesa and Gilbert areas. We approach PSAT/SAT/ACT preparation as a sports coach would approach the playoffs. Over our eight-session course, we teach skills, employ drills, review concepts, and practice timing so our students feel confident and prepared come test day.
No Surprises: We teach all concepts that will be on the test (PSAT, SAT, or ACT). Our students can then take the test with confidence.
Innovative Use of Drills: Working 1-on-1 with our students allows us to identify a given student's specific deficiencies and then to employ 'drills' to leave the student feeling comfortable and capable in his or her area of previous deficiency.
Concept Review: Applying principles from cognitive psychology, we use 'warm-ups' and practical reviews to ensure that our students remember concepts.
Timing Practice: Many students do not score as high as they should on these tests simply because they run out of time. Our course includes a strong emphasis on speed.