Specializing in Rapid Prototying and Fast Track Manufacturing Options. In these changing economic times we may be facing the requirement to do more with less. 3Axis Development, Inc. offers you access to a single source buying option that can support their program efforts. The 3Axis Development team has grown as a service company by gauging the marketplace and delivering programs that fit your manufacturing requirements in our current domestic and global economy. Think it! CAD it! Build it!
Want to get and stay ahead of the competition? The Rapid Prototyping Services provided through 3Axis Development, Inc., can help get you there. Using the core Rapid Prototyping Technologies of Sereolithography (SLA), Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS/DMLM), Polyjet Matrix-Objet and other 3D Printing processes, 3Axis Development, Inc., together with our professional and experienced team, can put your product development effort at the leading edge of innovation. We provide fully functional engineering prototypes that can be produced either singly or in multiples, for proving part data, testing & evaluation, and for sales tools. Need more information about our Rapid Prototyping? Please contact us at (561) 752-9095. Our highly skilled team of engineers and design technicians are ready to take on your most demanding Rapid Prototyping projects.