8 Mile Brake and Lube

(on mile)
Auto Repair in Detroit, MI
Auto Repair
Gas & Service Stations


5210 E. 8 Mile RD
Detroit, MI


8 Mile Brake and Lube was founded in 1996, by twin brothers Hass & Sam along with their father. We have always been, and will remain, family owned and operated. 8 Mile Brake and Lube is locally owned full service, preventative maintenance centers. We service most makes and models of cars, trucks, SUVs, pickups, and vans.


Company name
8 Mile Brake and Lube
Auto Repair


  • What is the phone number for 8 Mile Brake and Lube in Detroit MI?
    You can reach them at: 313-366-9100. It’s best to call 8 Mile Brake and Lube during business hours.
  • What is the address for 8 Mile Brake and Lube on mile in Detroit?
    8 Mile Brake and Lube is located at this address: 5210 E. 8 Mile RD Detroit, MI 48234.