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Do you own a business where employees need to have different levels of access to certain rooms or areas? There are a variety of electronic locks openable only by passcode or by keycards and similar mechanisms that can help you control who in your business is able to enter secure areas.
The key that comes packaged with a lock is called an original key. If you make copies, they should ideally always be taken from an original key, because this makes for a more accurate copy. Because of this, it's a good idea to put the original key in a safe place and use a copy for day-to-day use.
Having many different locks on the doors of your house can be frustrating because it means you have to carry and keep track of different keys. As long as the locks are the same brand, a locksmith can usually rekey them all to be opened with the same key.
Among the different services provided by locksmiths is the ability to both create and open locks. For the latter, this means opening locks whose combinations have been lost or those locks that have been damaged in some manner, preventing their operation.