If it seems like roaches are uncommonly fast, scientists say that s precisely the case. A roach can travel as fast as 80 centimeters a second, and also is able to turn in any direction on a dime, even while traveling at full speed.
If you think your luggage might be infested with bedbugs, then it s time to start thinking solar power. Hopefully the skies aren t cloudy as you want to set your luggage in a black garbage sack in the hot sun for at least three hours. The sun plus the garbage sack holding in the heat should kill any pests in the folds of your suitcase.
Bumblebees received their name because of the loud buzzing sound a colony of bees can produce when provoked. While honey bees can only sting once, a bumblebee has a smooth stinger that doesn t detach from the bee s body when used.
You've heard that cockroaches can survive a lot, and that includes being submerged. They can hold their breath for 40 minutes and survive for 30 minutes under water. That's why it's important to have a pest control expert take care of them.
If stung by a bee, you will want to remove the stinger from your skin as soon as possible. The longer the stinger remains connected to you, the more venom is allowed to release into your system.