Full Body Tantra Massage
One Fine Lady provides massage sessions for clients in the greater Las Vegas area, specializing in tantra massages. Full body tantra sessions offer a great deal of benefits including but not limited to the ability to prolong and achieve heightened states of pleasurable sensations. These states are achieved by transforming, recycling, and finally storing energy rather than quickly releasing it, leaving you to feel completely drained of all your body energy.
Massages sessions include:
• Light Swedish massage
• Lighter sensual massage
• Start and stop techniques
• Several levels of tantra massage
One Fine Lady is very attentive, friendly, independent and trustworthy. Massages are provided at a clean, upscale and private location just minutes from the strip. Services are offered at a flat fee with no hidden charges. For an additional fee, services will be provided at your major strip hotel. Appointments are by phone only.
Call One Fine Lady today and book your appointment for bliss!
Please note, the video provided here says "we" it should say "I" as I am independent and not a company.