A plus plumbing and mechanical solutions has been serving the Delaware area since 2011, Herb has 30 years plus experience in the Plumbing industry. He prides himself on customer service. The customer always comes 1st. He now offers Water Treatment Solutions for the homeowner . Here in Kent county the water is hard, it also has scales and iron. This is harmful to your home. it causes build up in pipes, clogs the fixtures, and is unsightly. Call Herb today for a FREE analysis of your water. No obligation and Herb can test your water to see if you qualify for this in-home filtration system. Depending on your needs, Herb will find the solution. Call him today!! If Plumbing is your need, look no further, he can help from the biggest job to the smallest., like remodeling kitchens and baths to replacing a toilet. He is the one to call. Licensed, Insured, all workmanship is guaranteed.