ABS Unlimited Auto Repair

(on old pickett road)
Auto Repair in Fairfax, VA
Auto Repair
Gas & Service Stations


8:00AM - 6:00PM
8:00AM - 6:00PM
8:00AM - 6:00PM
8:00AM - 6:00PM
8:00AM - 6:00PM


3215 Old Pickett Road
Fairfax, VA


Family Owned and Operated. AAA Approved Auto Repair. From Oil Changes to Engine Replacements. Service is our specialty. Serving the local area since 1987.


ABS Unlimited Auto Repair Photo ABS Unlimited Auto Repair Photo ABS Unlimited Auto Repair Photo ABS Unlimited Auto Repair Photo ABS Unlimited Auto Repair Photo ABS Unlimited Auto Repair Photo ABS Unlimited Auto Repair Photo ABS Unlimited Auto Repair Photo ABS Unlimited Auto Repair Photo ABS Unlimited Auto Repair Photo ABS Unlimited Auto Repair Photo ABS Unlimited Auto Repair Photo ABS Unlimited Auto Repair Photo

Latest ABS Unlimited Auto Repair Reviews (Average Rating: 4.5)

based on 80 review(s)

If you want a top to bottom check of your car, consistency, and follow up, this is a great place to bring a Prius hybrid for periodic scheduled...

joe w. March 26, 2022 via Yelp

First time bringing my car here. Seems they are looking at any opportunity to replace your engine, which from their website it seems is one of their...

Ray P. April 22, 2022 via Yelp

I absolutely love the way this automobile place runs things! They use an appt that rates the health of your car and they photograph each parts of your car...

J.A. M. June 24, 2021 via Yelp


Since 1987, our company has been providing some of the best auto repair services to clients in the Fairfax area! To inquire, feel free to contact us. https://www.autoservicefairfax.com/
"ABS is a trustworthy and quality oriented repair shop. I use them for my fleet of 60 vehicles." -Eric S., Google review
Here's an interesting fact! Faulty oxygen sensors account for roughly 40 percent of all check engine light issues.
#ProTip: You should check the air pressure in your tires at least once a month and before a long road trip.
When is the last time you've had routine maintenance performed on your vehicle?
Here are some of the top wheel and tire cleaners on the market today. Check it out! https://bit.ly/39deDJx
From wheel alignments to oil changes, ABS Unlimited Auto Repair is dedicated to handling any automotive job that's thrown our way! Feel free to contact us if any questions arise. https://www.autoservicefairfax.com/
What did the tornado say to the sports car? Want to go for a spin?
Passenger cars alone consume 359 million gallons of gas each day just in the United States.
"The cars we drive say a lot about us." - Alexandra Paul
In the United States, the average commuter spends over 42 hours a year stuck in traffic.
News: Do you drive a Tesla? It must be fascinating to watch the rise and fall (and rise again) of a company that's really changed the car industry. Here's the latest on their strange struggles to stay afloat, as well as an update on the GM strike: http://bit.ly/2mI4dhb
How often do you find yourself washing your car? Share in the comments!
Electric cars are not new. In fact, in 1900 38% of cars were electric, 40% were steam, and 22% were powered by gasoline.
Fun fact: Over 250 million car tires are discarded each year.
Out of all the cars you've owned, which has been your favorite?
Have you had problems with your car's pedal and/or had it fall off at one point or another? You should get any wonkiness checked out immediately to make sure you don't get in an accident. #protip http://bit.ly/2MGIHUB
We offer a wide range of services at our establishment including oil changes, brakes, batteries, and more! Feel free to contact us if any questions arise. https://bit.ly/2QYJznU
Tip: Try to avoid offroading at all costs, even if your car's manufacturer claims your vehicle is designed for it. You don't know what's out there -- nails, holes, sudden drops in terrain, etc., all of which can seriously endanger you and your vehicle.
Is it time to get your automatic transmission serviced? If your car is showing these signs, the answer is yes. https://thenewswheel.com/signs-that-your-automatic-transmission-needs-service/
Do your brakes squeak and squeal when you stop? Here's what your car could be trying to tell you: http://bit.ly/2JEGDfp
Many Americans are owning their cars longer. Is this true for you, too? Please share your thoughts below? https://bit.ly/31Sr8b9
When the brakes start squeaking, it's time to come to ABS Unlimited Auto Repair! Contact us today to schedule services! https://www.autoservicefairfax.com/brakes
If a new car is on the agenda, then don't be taken in by extras that you don't need. Think it through. http://bit.ly/2ZpVFKT
Washing your vehicle regularly is an important part of keeping it looking great and also preventing the elements from rusting and wearing it down too quickly. How long has it been since the last time you washed your car?
If it's difficult to see the road and other drivers around you, no matter the reason, it is best to turn on your hazard lights and pull over somewhere safe until you can see clearly.
Do you drive a car with adaptive cruise control? It can actually save you plenty of money each year -- just on gas -- but also helps avoid crashes and costly repairs by staying well behind slow or erratic vehicles. #FYI http://bit.ly/2YLfTAV


Company name
ABS Unlimited Auto Repair
Auto Repair


  • What is the phone number for ABS Unlimited Auto Repair in Fairfax VA?
    You can reach them at: 703-352-7770. It’s best to call ABS Unlimited Auto Repair during business hours.
  • What is the address for ABS Unlimited Auto Repair on old pickett road in Fairfax?
    ABS Unlimited Auto Repair is located at this address: 3215 Old Pickett Road Fairfax, VA 22031.
  • What are ABS Unlimited Auto Repair(Fairfax, VA) store hours?
    ABS Unlimited Auto Repair store hours are as follows: Mon-Fri: 8:00AM - 6:00PM.