mission is to provide Home Access by installing wheel chair Ramps, Grab Bars, Assist Bars, Stair lift, Handrails, security doors and other minor home
modifications to create greater safety, accessibility and independence for seniors and persons with disabilities. "Action Home Access .com" is sponsored by The Foundation. The Foundation has served families in the San Diego area with installations of Grab Bars, Handrails, and Access Ramps. Safety is a priority among seniors and disabled to prevent accidents and saving medical costs. Our volunteer and skilled labor force provides quality installations necessary to achieve these goals.Jack Robertson launched "the Foundation" in April of 2003. He has been an educator since 1973. As a paraplegic, he enjoys sharing his personal and professional perspective with theclients of Action Home Access.We offer free estimates and quick efficient service. Our staff will visit your location and get all the information as to what the individual needs to overcome barriers to provide basic access to their place of residence.’s high quality custom craftsmanship will assure you of that our products will last long.