Adam Traywick, LLC - Certified Public Accountant

(on broadway)
Accountants & Bookkeeping in Fort Worth, TX
Accountants & Bookkeeping
Financial Services


9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM


2205 W Broadway
Fort Worth, TX


Fort Worth CPA providing tax, small business accounting, and advisory services. QuickBooks ProAdvisor. Call 817-381-5520!


Adam Traywick, LLC - Certified Public Accountant Photo Adam Traywick, LLC - Certified Public Accountant Photo


πŸ“’ Tax Extensions are Due October 15th!!! #Tax #TaxExtension #Octover15 #TaxDay
πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’° 3 Financial Rules You Need To Learn: (and teach your children). #TipTuesday #Finance #Money #CPA #Personal #BusinessOwner #TeachThemYoung #EntrepreneurialMindset #FinancialFreedom
😩 Easily Forgotten Deductions 😲 #Business #Deduction #CPA #Accounting #SmallBusiness #Expenses #Taxes
Did you miss this blog post #Tax Implications of Working from Home and Collecting #Unemployment
"If you’re buying a #home, or you just bought one, you may wonder if you can deduct #mortgage points paid on your behalf by the seller. Yes, you can, subject to some important limitations described below." #HomeBuyer #DidYouKnow
ACCOUNTANTS: We're not boring people, we just get excited about boring things... #Facts #CPA #Accounting #FunFriday #funny
"Pretty much every business today has a website. However, the IRS has yet to issue formal guidance on when Internet website costs can be deducted..."
Late at night, and early in the morning, the air feels crisp like fall! We love it!! #Fall #Autumn #Accountant #Prefer #quote
"Here are some of the tax-related deadlines affecting businesses and employers during the fourth quarter of 2020. Keep in mind that this list isn’t all-inclusive. There may be additional deadlines that apply to your situation..."
The easiest ways to survive an IRS audit is to get ready in advance... Read More:
"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible." #quote #kindness #QuotesToLiveBy
"Why it's important to Plan for Income Taxes as Part of Your Estate Plan."
"The Tax Rules for Deducting the Computer Software Costs of your Business."
Can investors who manage their own portfolios deduct related expenses?
"Do something today that your future self will thank you for. Our actions and decisions today will shape the way we will shape the way we will be living in the future. " #quote #Motivation #future #goals
If you started a business recently, you may want to set up a tax-favored retirement plan for yourself and your employees. Several types of qualified plans are eligible for these tax advantages:
"If your small business is planning for payroll next year, be aware the β€œSocial Security wage base” is increasing next year. The Social Security Administration recently announced that the maximum earnings subject to Social Security tax will increase from $137,700 in 2020 to $142,800 in 2021."
If you file a joint tax return with your spouse, you should be aware of your individual liability. And if you’re getting divorced, you should know there may be relief available if the IRS comes after you for certain past-due taxes...
"You always pass failure on the way to success..." - Mickey Rooney #quote #failure #Success
If you invest in mutual funds, be aware of some potential pitfalls involved in buying and selling shares...
set a goal that makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning... #quote #goals
A hobby may become profitable, turn into a business... but Don't let it take away your happiness.
50 more days of the year. How will you make them the best?
#VeteransDay Let us not forget
Feeling Stressed with your Business?
#MotivationalMonday Know that you can: start late, look different be uncertain, and still succeed. #EntrepreneurialMindset #Entrepreneur #focus #lifehack
Owners of closely held corporations are often interested in easily withdrawing money from their businesses at the lowest possible tax cost. The simplest way is to distribute cash as a dividend. However, a dividend distribution isn’t tax-efficient, since it’s taxable to you to the extent of your corporation’s β€œearnings and profits.” And it’s not deductible by the corporation.
Many Americans receive disability income. You may wonder if, and how, this income is taxed. As is often the case with tax questions, the answer is … it depends. Learn More:
"Focus on leads, not sales." #businessowner #tips #businessmindset #focus #learnsomethingnew
#Motivation #quotes #success #failure #businessowner
Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced many businesses to shut down. If this is your situation, we’re here to assist you in any way we can, including taking care of the various tax obligations that must be met. Read More:
#SmallBusinessOwners are very aware of the increasing cost of employee health care benefits. As a result, your #business may be interested in providing some of these benefits through an employer-sponsored #HealthSavingsAccount #HSA.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! - From all of us #Thanksgiving #TurkeyDay #BeThankfull
#ProTip Hire friendly staff to work directly with Customers. #BusinessOwner #customer #tip #tuesdaytips #EntrepreneurialMindset
πŸ“ˆ Numbers are rising, restrictions are tightening again, some businesses are sending employees back home to work remotely. Are you one of those too? Don't fret, there is still time to prepare. Start with a "To Do" list... or two. Make one for your work and one for your home. It's easy to get distracted by the mail, laundry, garage door, and children. But having a list to regularly check will help you stay on track. #COVID #pandemic #WorkFromHome #TuesdayTip #Prepare #Distractions
Yes, it's still Monday. πŸ₯± One of the biggest worries of prospective business owners is market saturation, or being accused of copying an idea. Quiet that noise in your mind and be the best photographer, best chef, best real estate investor there is... No one else does your work like you do! You've got this!! #Momday #Motivation #WorkHard #Drive #BusinessOwner #Prospect #PlanIt
Have an FSA Fund? We don't want you to Lose It!!! Did you, like many employees place funds in your employer's health or dependent care FSA in order to save taxes... Don't forget about it! There are a few rules and reminders to keep in mind as we wrap up 2020 this month. Let us help you understand more:
Struggling to focus? Have you been working from home for months now? There's a good chance your workspace is a little disarray, making your mind struggle to find focus. Take some time to STOP and get organized. #Focus #Workspace #Organize #Desk #Overwhelmed #WorkFromHome
πŸ“– Courage - The ability to do something that frightens one. If you are a small business owner you've already done something courageous. Taking that leap of faith to do something you love without knowing if it will succeed, but feeling like it will. Making a commitment to working for yourself isn't for the faint of heart. If you find yourself 9 months into this pandemic, and feeling uncertain about what to do next with your Business. Give our office a call. Adam or one of our incredible team mates can help you develop a strategy to expand your business and your courage. Don't let fear keep you from planning. "Life shrinks and expands in proportion tp one's courage." - AnΓ€is Nin #Courage #EntrepreneurialMindset #entrepreneur #businessowner #SmallBusinessOwners #focus #strategy #strategicadvising #cpa #Accounting #businessplan
Struggling to focus? Have you been working from home for months now? There's a good chance your workspace is a little disarray, making your mind struggle to find focus. Take some time to STOP and get organized. #Focus #Workspace #Organize #Desk #Overwhelmed #WorkFromHome
Contributing to a tax-advantaged retirement plan can help you reduce taxes and save for your retirement. If your employer offers a 401(k) or Roth 401(k) plan, contributing to it is a smart way to build a substantial sum of money. #Blog #NewPost
#TipTuesday Business Owners: make it easier on yourself - manage your time and your money by setting up anything that can possibly be automated. No more stressing over something that can easily be doing itself! #Automate #BusinessTools #AutomaticTrandactions #SmallBusiness
As small business owners we sometimes find ourselves completely overwhelmed and lacking motivation. That same motivation as when we first began brainstorming our business. Over the years we've found this quote to be more true each time. Sure having a strategy is important, but so is jumping forward! "The secret of getting ahead is getting started. " - Mark Twain #quote #Motivation #Author #MarkTwain #SmallBusinessOwners #focusonyourgoals
πŸ’­ Are you thinking about selling stock shares at a loss to offset gains that you’ve realized during 2020? If so, it’s important not to run afoul of the β€œwash sale” rule. IRS may disallow the loss... #IRS #blog #Researcher Read More:
Separate your Finances. Yes, we are talking about your Business Expenses and your Personal Expenses πŸ€“ Keeping them together isn't helping you stay organized and on track.
#MotivationalMonday Just Go for it!!
This year has brought many struggles and many blessings. Some of our clients have been faced with confusing situations, challenging decisions, and struggled to strategically plan in their personal and business finances. We are cheering for you! You got this! We got this! Take this time to reflect on the great things that have come this year. For one, the sense of community, despite being physically distanced most of the year. Let us remember our #blessings. We want to wish you a very #MerryChristmas and #HappyHolidays from all of us.
#MotivationalMonday Just Go for it!!
πŸ“š Have you caught up on reading since the holidays? This is a friendly reminder the next tax payment deadline for individuals is Friday, January 15th. There are a few circumstances that may involve you making a payment. You can read more here: #Taxes
#HappyNewYear We have 365 opportunities to make a positive impact. Let's kick off this year #FriYAY Determine your goals and then lay out the path to reach them. #Goals #Path #Focus
Feeling discouraged? It happens sometimes, especially in business. When you are trying to run a homestead and a business in a pandemic... it changes things. Remember to stay focused, don't lose sight of your goals, adjust when necessary, and don't be afraid to seek advice. "Success isn't over night. It's every day you get a little better than before. It adds up." #DwayneJohnson
Feeling discouraged? It happens sometimes, especially in business. When you are trying to run a homestead and a business in a pandemic... it changes things. Remember to stay focused, don't lose sight of your goals, adjust when necessary, and don't be afraid to seek advice. "Success isn't over night. It's every day you get a little better than before. It adds up." #DwayneJohnson
Feeling discouraged? It happens sometimes, especially in business. When you are trying to run a homestead and a business in a pandemic... it changes things. Remember to stay focused, don't lose sight of your goals, adjust when necessary, and don't be afraid to seek advice. "Success isn't over night. It's every day you get a little better than before. It adds up." #DwayneJohnson
Feeling discouraged? It happens sometimes, especially in business. When you are trying to run a homestead and a business in a pandemic... it changes things. Remember to stay focused, don't lose sight of your goals, adjust when necessary, and don't be afraid to seek advice. "Success isn't over night. It's every day you get a little better than before. It adds up." #DwayneJohnson
#QuickTipTuesday You ever find yourself lacking focus and motivation, but feeling obligated to completing this task. You want to, but you just don't feel you are in the right mindset to get the project completed as efficiently as you "could." Maybe you just need a moment of clarity, a moment to clear your mindful "ToDos." #Motivation #ToDoList
Let's talk about "New Year's Resolutions " for a minute. One of the biggest reasons they fail, is lack of consistency or drive to keep going. This usually happens when we lose track of our goal or let a cheat meal turn into a cheat day, a cheat week, a cheat month... When we become business owners we have this excitement that keeps us going and trying, but eventually we get tired. We think that will never happen, but it does. Now, how do we prevent that from happening? We rest, and we rest BEFORE we think we need it. 5hat keeps us from burning out. If you burn out, you are closer to quitting... but if you just rest, you can rejuvenate and get back to it. Stronger and more refreshed. Take a moment to rest, even if it's just a cup of coffee, enjoyed.
The IRS announced it is opening the 2020 individual income tax return filing season on February 12. (This is later than in past years because of a new law that was enacted late in December.) Even if you typically file closer to the April 15 deadline (or you file for an extension), consider filing earlier this year. Why? You can potentially protect yourself from tax identity theft β€” and there may be other benefits, too. #Tax #IdentityTheft #cpa #irs #blogpost #incometax
Business Owners! 😩 Are you stuck and cannot get your business to the next level? 😞 Are you stuck at work, and want more family time? 😧 Is your business is struggling with cash flow or profitability? β†˜οΈ Strategic Advising ↙️ can help you navigate these situations. Come up with a plan to find solutions and get focused again. πŸ“²
Entrepreneurial Mindset is a way of thinking. It allows you to overcome the challenges you face, take responsibility for the actions you make, and learn from every move you make. It's a positive drive from within that keeps you focused. It's time to believe in yourself, in your business, in your goals to succeed. "I am stepping into the most successful decade of my life..." #Mondset #Drive #Determination #EntrepreneurialMindset
"In one recent cybercrime scheme, a mortgage company employee accessed his employer’s records without authorization. He then used stolen customer lists to start his own mortgage business." It seems crazy, like it could "never happen," but scams occur all day, every single day. #Scam #Tax #cybercrime #cpa
There is something weird that happens when we share our business ideas with those closest to us. Sometimes they get excited, but more often they question our ability, or express their confusion... as if what we are doing has been done before. Sure a t-shirt πŸ‘• business isn't a new concept, but maybe the texture, style, and image surrounding the company is different. When we have a business owner that isn't afraid to be true to oneself...the brand can lead the way... creating a trail rather than following one. #quote #thoughtful #EntrepreneurialMindset #path #lead #feelgood
#QuickTipTuesday You ever find yourself lacking focus and motivation, but feeling obligated to completing this task. You want to, but you just don't feel you are in the right mindset to get the project completed as efficiently as you "could." Maybe you just need a moment of clarity, a moment to clear your mindful "ToDos." #Motivation #ToDoList
The IRS announced it is opening the 2020 individual income tax return filing season on February 12. (This is later than in past years because of a new law that was enacted late in December.) Even if you typically file closer to the April 15 deadline (or you file for an extension), consider filing earlier this year. Why? You can potentially protect yourself from tax identity theft β€” and there may be other benefits, too. #Tax #IdentityTheft #cpa #irs #blogpost #incometax
The COVID-19 relief bill, signed into law on December 27, 2020, provides a further response from the federal government to the pandemic. It also contains numerous tax breaks for businesses. Here are some highlights... #NewLaw #Covid #ReliefBill #tax
Did you catch our #NewBlogPost ?? When it comes to taxes, December 31 is more than just New Year’s Eve. That date will affect the filing status box that will be checked on your 2020 tax return. When filing a return, you do so with one of five tax filing statuses. In part, they depend on whether you’re married or unmarried on December 31. #NewYear #Tax #FilingStatus #CPA #TaxSeason #TaxQandA
Let's talk about "New Year's Resolutions " for a minute. One of the biggest reasons they fail, is lack of consistency or drive to keep going. This usually happens when we lose track of our goal or let a cheat meal turn into a cheat day, a cheat week, a cheat month... When we become business owners we have this excitement that keeps us going and trying, but eventually we get tired. We think that will never happen, but it does. Now, how do we prevent that from happening? We rest, and we rest BEFORE we think we need it. 5hat keeps us from burning out. If you burn out, you are closer to quitting... but if you just rest, you can rejuvenate and get back to it. Stronger and more refreshed. Take a moment to rest, even if it's just a cup of coffee, enjoyed.
Contractors (without Bookkeeping Support) every year trying to file their taxes... (oh - by the way, we can help...) #Taxes #CPA #BusinessExpense #Contractor #businessowner #Bookkeeping #lol #AdamTraywick #HalfTimeShow #NFL #Superbowl
The New Form 1099-NEC and the Revised 1099-MISC Are Due to Recipients Soon
Don't let being unique put you down... let it set you apart. #Motivation #quote #TayLauren
There is something weird that happens when we share our business ideas with those closest to us. Sometimes they get excited, but more often they question our ability, or express their confusion... as if what we are doing has been done before. Sure a t-shirt πŸ‘• business isn't a new concept, but maybe the texture, style, and image surrounding the company is different. When we have a business owner that isn't afraid to be true to oneself...the brand can lead the way... creating a trail rather than following one. #quote #thoughtful #EntrepreneurialMindset #path #lead #feelgood
#QuickTipTuesday You ever find yourself lacking focus and motivation, but feeling obligated to completing this task. You want to, but you just don't feel you are in the right mindset to get the project completed as efficiently as you "could." Maybe you just need a moment of clarity, a moment to clear your mindful "ToDos." #Motivation #ToDoList
The IRS announced it is opening the 2020 individual income tax return filing season on February 12. (This is later than in past years because of a new law that was enacted late in December.) Even if you typically file closer to the April 15 deadline (or you file for an extension), consider filing earlier this year. Why? You can potentially protect yourself from tax identity theft β€” and there may be other benefits, too. #Tax #IdentityTheft #cpa #irs #blogpost #incometax
Contractors (without Bookkeeping Support) every year trying to file their taxes... (oh - by the way, we can help...) #Taxes #CPA #BusinessExpense #Contractor #businessowner #Bookkeeping #lol #AdamTraywick #HalfTimeShow #NFL #Superbowl
The New Form 1099-NEC and the Revised 1099-MISC Are Due to Recipients Soon
Don't let being unique put you down... let it set you apart. #Motivation #quote #TayLauren
There is something weird that happens when we share our business ideas with those closest to us. Sometimes they get excited, but more often they question our ability, or express their confusion... as if what we are doing has been done before. Sure a t-shirt πŸ‘• business isn't a new concept, but maybe the texture, style, and image surrounding the company is different. When we have a business owner that isn't afraid to be true to oneself...the brand can lead the way... creating a trail rather than following one. #quote #thoughtful #EntrepreneurialMindset #path #lead #feelgood
#QuickTipTuesday You ever find yourself lacking focus and motivation, but feeling obligated to completing this task. You want to, but you just don't feel you are in the right mindset to get the project completed as efficiently as you "could." Maybe you just need a moment of clarity, a moment to clear your mindful "ToDos." #Motivation #ToDoList
The IRS announced it is opening the 2020 individual income tax return filing season on February 12. (This is later than in past years because of a new law that was enacted late in December.) Even if you typically file closer to the April 15 deadline (or you file for an extension), consider filing earlier this year. Why? You can potentially protect yourself from tax identity theft β€” and there may be other benefits, too. #Tax #IdentityTheft #cpa #irs #blogpost #incometax
Contractors (without Bookkeeping Support) every year trying to file their taxes... (oh - by the way, we can help...) #Taxes #CPA #BusinessExpense #Contractor #businessowner #Bookkeeping #lol #AdamTraywick #HalfTimeShow #NFL #Superbowl
The New Form 1099-NEC and the Revised 1099-MISC Are Due to Recipients Soon
Don't let being unique put you down... let it set you apart. #Motivation #quote #TayLauren
There is something weird that happens when we share our business ideas with those closest to us. Sometimes they get excited, but more often they question our ability, or express their confusion... as if what we are doing has been done before. Sure a t-shirt πŸ‘• business isn't a new concept, but maybe the texture, style, and image surrounding the company is different. When we have a business owner that isn't afraid to be true to oneself...the brand can lead the way... creating a trail rather than following one. #quote #thoughtful #EntrepreneurialMindset #path #lead #feelgood
#QuickTipTuesday You ever find yourself lacking focus and motivation, but feeling obligated to completing this task. You want to, but you just don't feel you are in the right mindset to get the project completed as efficiently as you "could." Maybe you just need a moment of clarity, a moment to clear your mindful "ToDos." #Motivation #ToDoList
The IRS announced it is opening the 2020 individual income tax return filing season on February 12. (This is later than in past years because of a new law that was enacted late in December.) Even if you typically file closer to the April 15 deadline (or you file for an extension), consider filing earlier this year. Why? You can potentially protect yourself from tax identity theft β€” and there may be other benefits, too. #Tax #IdentityTheft #cpa #irs #blogpost #incometax
Whoa!! πŸ‘‰πŸ» You want Quickbooks. πŸ‘‰πŸ» BUT you're intimidated by the set up? πŸ‘‰πŸ» or trying to learn how to use it? πŸ›‘ Don't worry, we got you covered. πŸ‘₯ Our office offers a variety of ways we can support you in your journey to a more organized Bookkeeping Process. πŸ“ž 817.381.5520
Traditional IRA? Tax-deferred retirement plan account? Avoid being penalized by taking required minimum distributions (RMDs)... The CARES Act, allowed people to skip taking these withdrawals in 2020. Now in 2021, RMDs must be taken again.
It's no secret this past year has been a challenge for businesses across the entire World. Every industry has been impacted in some way... both positive and negative. Let's make a goal to come out on top. To create something better. #Quote #Business #Challenge #Motivate
Contractors (without Bookkeeping Support) every year trying to file their taxes... (oh - by the way, we can help...) #Taxes #CPA #BusinessExpense #Contractor #businessowner #Bookkeeping #lol #AdamTraywick #HalfTimeShow #NFL #Superbowl
The New Form 1099-NEC and the Revised 1099-MISC Are Due to Recipients Soon
Don't let being unique put you down... let it set you apart. #Motivation #quote #TayLauren
Do you write off mileage as a business expense? You may want to know, the Cents-Per-Mile Rate for Business Miles Decreased... Again for 2021! Not what you want to hear I'm sure... but we can help you navigate these changes and more...
Often new business owners are faced with challenges that seem impossible... most of the time opportunities do not fall upon your desk. Chances are you are up late building a door right now. #Focus #quote #BusinessOwner #nightowl #businessplan
Whoa!! πŸ‘‰πŸ» You want Quickbooks. πŸ‘‰πŸ» BUT you're intimidated by the set up? πŸ‘‰πŸ» or trying to learn how to use it? πŸ›‘ Don't worry, we got you covered. πŸ‘₯ Our office offers a variety of ways we can support you in your journey to a more organized Bookkeeping Process. πŸ“ž 817.381.5520 πŸ—£ Mention this Facebook Post when you call...
Traditional IRA? Tax-deferred retirement plan account? Avoid being penalized by taking required minimum distributions (RMDs)... The CARES Act, allowed people to skip taking these withdrawals in 2020. Now in 2021, RMDs must be taken again.
It's no secret this past year has been a challenge for businesses across the entire World. Every industry has been impacted in some way... both positive and negative. Let's make a goal to come out on top. To create something better. #Quote #Business #Challenge #Motivate
Contractors (without Bookkeeping Support) every year trying to file their taxes... (oh - by the way, we can help...) #Taxes #CPA #BusinessExpense #Contractor #businessowner #Bookkeeping #lol #AdamTraywick #HalfTimeShow #NFL #Superbowl
Q & A for Individual Taxes πŸ‘‰πŸ» How much can I contribute to an IRA for 2021? πŸ‘‰πŸ» I have a 401(k) plan through my job. How much can I contribute to it? πŸ‘‰πŸ» I sometimes hire a babysitter and a cleaning person. πŸ‘‰πŸ» Do I have to withhold and pay FICA tax on the amounts I pay them? πŸ‘‰πŸ» How much do I have to earn in 2021 before I can stop paying Social Security on my salary? In this blog we answer these questions and MORE at #blogpost #ICYMI #learn #accounting #taxes
Are blogs a thing of the past? 🀨 No!! They are a easy way for us to share important and often confusing information with our clients. Allowing you to learn more about various topics surrounding all things Accounting. Be sure to check our blog posts each week!! πŸ‘‰πŸ» πŸ‘ˆπŸ» #Accounting #blog #newpost #client #learn
Did you catch this blog post? "The Power of the Tax Credit for Buying an Electric Vehicle" πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ» The tax code provides a credit to purchasers of qualifying plug-in electric drive motor vehicles including passenger vehicles and light trucks. Read and Learn more at: #Blog #TaxCredit #ElectricVehicle #learnmore
Facing problems with the IRS? We can help you get the most favorable outcome with several situations... We have studied and gained years of experience to help you navigate the process. Give us a call πŸ“ž 817-381-5520 #Irs #Audit #cpa #helpingothers #levies #leins #appeals
New business owner tend to fight the insecurities of being the new kid on the block. Don't let that stop you from sitting at any table... Surround yourself with people in your industry, your level of expertise and up... but don't shy away from giving back to your community. Seasoned business owners, be sure to build up those just breaking ground. Keep the table round. "If they don't give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair." - Shirley Chisholm #quote #businessowner #newbusinessowner
Do you write off mileage as a business expense? You may want to know, the Cents-Per-Mile Rate for Business Miles Decreased... Again for 2021! Not what you want to hear I'm sure... but we can help you navigate these changes and more...
Q & A for Individual Taxes πŸ‘‰πŸ» How much can I contribute to an IRA for 2021? πŸ‘‰πŸ» I have a 401(k) plan through my job. How much can I contribute to it? πŸ‘‰πŸ» I sometimes hire a babysitter and a cleaning person. πŸ‘‰πŸ» Do I have to withhold and pay FICA tax on the amounts I pay them? πŸ‘‰πŸ» How much do I have to earn in 2021 before I can stop paying Social Security on my salary? In this blog we answer these questions and MORE at #blogpost #ICYMI #learn #accounting #taxes
Are blogs a thing of the past? 🀨 No!! They are a easy way for us to share important and often confusing information with our clients. Allowing you to learn more about various topics surrounding all things Accounting. Be sure to check our blog posts each week!! πŸ‘‰πŸ» πŸ‘ˆπŸ» #Accounting #blog #newpost #client #learn
Did you catch this blog post? "The Power of the Tax Credit for Buying an Electric Vehicle" πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ» The tax code provides a credit to purchasers of qualifying plug-in electric drive motor vehicles including passenger vehicles and light trucks. Read and Learn more at: #Blog #TaxCredit #ElectricVehicle #learnmore
Facing problems with the IRS? We can help you get the most favorable outcome with several situations... We have studied and gained years of experience to help you navigate the process. Give us a call πŸ“ž 817-381-5520 #Irs #Audit #cpa #helpingothers #levies #leins #appeals
New business owner tend to fight the insecurities of being the new kid on the block. Don't let that stop you from sitting at any table... Surround yourself with people in your industry, your level of expertise and up... but don't shy away from giving back to your community. Seasoned business owners, be sure to build up those just breaking ground. Keep the table round. "If they don't give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair." - Shirley Chisholm #quote #businessowner #newbusinessowner
Do you write off mileage as a business expense? You may want to know, the Cents-Per-Mile Rate for Business Miles Decreased... Again for 2021! Not what you want to hear I'm sure... but we can help you navigate these changes and more...
Q & A for Individual Taxes πŸ‘‰πŸ» How much can I contribute to an IRA for 2021? πŸ‘‰πŸ» I have a 401(k) plan through my job. How much can I contribute to it? πŸ‘‰πŸ» I sometimes hire a babysitter and a cleaning person. πŸ‘‰πŸ» Do I have to withhold and pay FICA tax on the amounts I pay them? πŸ‘‰πŸ» How much do I have to earn in 2021 before I can stop paying Social Security on my salary? In this blog we answer these questions and MORE at #blogpost #ICYMI #learn #accounting #taxes
Are blogs a thing of the past? 🀨 No!! They are a easy way for us to share important and often confusing information with our clients. Allowing you to learn more about various topics surrounding all things Accounting. Be sure to check our blog posts each week!! πŸ‘‰πŸ» πŸ‘ˆπŸ» #Accounting #blog #newpost #client #learn
Did you catch this blog post? "The Power of the Tax Credit for Buying an Electric Vehicle" πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ» The tax code provides a credit to purchasers of qualifying plug-in electric drive motor vehicles including passenger vehicles and light trucks. Read and Learn more at: #Blog #TaxCredit #ElectricVehicle #learnmore
Facing problems with the IRS? We can help you get the most favorable outcome with several situations... We have studied and gained years of experience to help you navigate the process. Give us a call πŸ“ž 817-381-5520 #Irs #Audit #cpa #helpingothers #levies #leins #appeals
New business owner tend to fight the insecurities of being the new kid on the block. Don't let that stop you from sitting at any table... Surround yourself with people in your industry, your level of expertise and up... but don't shy away from giving back to your community. Seasoned business owners, be sure to build up those just breaking ground. Keep the table round. "If they don't give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair." - Shirley Chisholm #quote #businessowner #newbusinessowner
Do you write off mileage as a business expense? You may want to know, the Cents-Per-Mile Rate for Business Miles Decreased... Again for 2021! Not what you want to hear I'm sure... but we can help you navigate these changes and more...
Q & A for Individual Taxes πŸ‘‰πŸ» How much can I contribute to an IRA for 2021? πŸ‘‰πŸ» I have a 401(k) plan through my job. How much can I contribute to it? πŸ‘‰πŸ» I sometimes hire a babysitter and a cleaning person. πŸ‘‰πŸ» Do I have to withhold and pay FICA tax on the amounts I pay them? πŸ‘‰πŸ» How much do I have to earn in 2021 before I can stop paying Social Security on my salary? In this blog we answer these questions and MORE at #blogpost #ICYMI #learn #accounting #taxes
Are blogs a thing of the past? 🀨 No!! They are a easy way for us to share important and often confusing information with our clients. Allowing you to learn more about various topics surrounding all things Accounting. Be sure to check our blog posts each week!! πŸ‘‰πŸ» πŸ‘ˆπŸ» #Accounting #blog #newpost #client #learn
Did you catch this blog post? "The Power of the Tax Credit for Buying an Electric Vehicle" πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ» The tax code provides a credit to purchasers of qualifying plug-in electric drive motor vehicles including passenger vehicles and light trucks. Read and Learn more at: #Blog #TaxCredit #ElectricVehicle #learnmore
Facing problems with the IRS? We can help you get the most favorable outcome with several situations... We have studied and gained years of experience to help you navigate the process. Give us a call πŸ“ž 817-381-5520 #Irs #Audit #cpa #helpingothers #levies #leins #appeals
New business owner tend to fight the insecurities of being the new kid on the block. Don't let that stop you from sitting at any table... Surround yourself with people in your industry, your level of expertise and up... but don't shy away from giving back to your community. Seasoned business owners, be sure to build up those just breaking ground. Keep the table round. "If they don't give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair." - Shirley Chisholm #quote #businessowner #newbusinessowner
Do you write off mileage as a business expense? You may want to know, the Cents-Per-Mile Rate for Business Miles Decreased... Again for 2021! Not what you want to hear I'm sure... but we can help you navigate these changes and more...


Company name
Adam Traywick, LLC - Certified Public Accountant
Accountants & Bookkeeping


  • What is the phone number for Adam Traywick, LLC - Certified Public Accountant in Fort Worth TX?
    You can reach them at: 817-381-5520. It’s best to call Adam Traywick, LLC - Certified Public Accountant during business hours.
  • What is the address for Adam Traywick, LLC - Certified Public Accountant on broadway in Fort Worth?
    Adam Traywick, LLC - Certified Public Accountant is located at this address: 2205 W Broadway Fort Worth, TX 76102.
  • What are Adam Traywick, LLC - Certified Public Accountant(Fort Worth, TX) store hours?
    Adam Traywick, LLC - Certified Public Accountant store hours are as follows: Mon-Fri: 9:00AM - 5:00PM, Sat-Sun: Closed.