Having an abnormally low taxable income for the year can actually give rise to some interesting tax-planning strategies, including taking or increasing IRA distributions, deferring deductions, doing Roth IRA conversions, taking advantage of the zero capital gains tax rate, and capitalizing rather than expensing business purchases.
Expecting Your Taxable Income to Be Low This Year? You Can Take Advantage of It
Year-end tax planning tip: Are you paying outstanding medical or dental bills at year-end?
Machine learning algorithms don't yet understand things the way humans do - with sometimes disastrous consequences. Read on.
Opinion | Artificial Intelligence Hits the Barrier of Meaning
Something to watch out for. Sixty percent of respondents had left jobs, or considered leaving when they didn't like the direct supervisors.
6 Signs That Clearly Prove You Are Meant to Lead People (According to New Research)
Tax Accounting Humor Friday
Everyone should save for his or her eventual retirement. Tapping into your retirement nest egg before age 59 1/2 should be avoided unless there is a very good reason. Otherwise, you get stuck with substantial penalties, which may be avoided in some situations. Read more.
Thinking of Tapping Your Retirement Funds Early? What You Need To Know