Advanced Physical Therapy

At Advanced Physical Therapy, we offer physical therapy services that heal your conditions and improve your well-being. We always cater to your busy schedule and treatment needs. There are many types of therapy techniques that treat and heal injuries. From massage therapy to balance therapy, we provide the ideal treatment to ensure your recovery is swift and successful. If you've been injured at work, we help you recover. Workers' compensation injuries shouldn't leave you stranded in your home. Our physical therapists offer services that return you to full function again. At Advanced Physical Therapy, we are dedicated to helping you find the best pathways back to health. In fact, due to our extensive education, accreditation, and commitment to you, we always provide the most up-to-date and innovative therapeutic treatments. We believe that education is the key to staying healthy and active. Contact us in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to schedule an appointment with our trained and friendly physical therapists.

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Advanced Physical Therapy locations in US

Advanced Physical Therapy

US Postal Code:19152

Address: 2127 Rhawn St, Philadelphia
Store Hours:
Mon: 8:30AM - 8:00PM
Tue: 8:30AM - 1:00PM
Wed: 8:30AM - 8:00PM
Thu: 8:30AM - 1:00PM
Fri: 8:30AM - 5:00PM

Advanced Physical Therapy

US Postal Code:58504

Address: 1000 Tacoma Ave., Bismarck
Store Hours:
Mon: 7:00AM - 6:00PM
Tue-Fri: 7:00AM - 7:00PM
Sat-Sun: Closed

Advanced Physical Therapy

US Postal Code:19152

Address: 2127 Rhawn St, Philadelphia
Store Hours:

Advanced Physical Therapy

US Postal Code:11768

Address: 694 Fort Salonga Rd. (25A), Northport
Store Hours:

Advanced Physical Therapy

US Postal Code:67062

Address: 701 South Main St., Hesston
Store Hours:

Advanced Physical Therapy

US Postal Code:37211

Address: 392 Harding Place Suite 103, Nashville
Store Hours:

Advanced Physical Therapy

US Postal Code:37130

Address: 1023 N Highland Ave, Murfreesboro
Store Hours:

Advanced Physical Therapy

US Postal Code:67114

Address: 2311 South Kansas Ave, Newton
Store Hours:

Advanced Physical Therapy

US Postal Code:67062

Address: 701 South Main St., Hesston
Store Hours:

Latest Advanced Physical Therapy news

What is your favorite thing about your physical therapy sessions? Is there anything you would want to change to make them even better?
When it comes to your (or your loved one’s) autism, there are a number of popular therapies that have been fairly successful. Two of the most noteworthy at this time are occupational and physical therapy. Tell us about your experience!
From massage therapy to sports injury, we offer a complete range of treatments to meet the needs of our patients. Contact us today.
“What you do today can determine all of your tomorrow.” – Ralph Marston
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"With hard work and effort, you can achieve anything." - Antoine Griezmann
If you’re one of the many people out there who believe reducing and even eliminating pain altogether is nothing more than a fantasy, then you’ve probably not tried physical therapy (PT)! What therapeutic exercises and manual therapy techniques have you tried lately?
Did you know that you can use physical therapy (PT) to avoid surgery? Indeed, as is often the case, using PT to eliminate pain and even hasten musculoskeletal healing means you may not need surgery. Tell us about your experience!
Let’s face it, aging is not fun, the sore joints and aching muscles that are par for the course are something we all have to get used to. Or do we? Not if physical therapy (PT) has something to say about it! How seriously do you take graceful aging?
In Philadelphia, PA, customers can trust the experienced and talented team at Advanced Physical Therapy to help ease their pain. Don't suffer in silence, learn more about us here & call (215) 742-8099 today:
When it comes to a work-related back injury, we all share a common need for better faster outcomes, do we not? This article is spot-on. Check it out! The lesson here: do not put off your physical therapy. What are your thoughts?
This article is a bit of good news for those who are recovering from post-ICU COVID recovery. Essentially, as this University at Buffalo article tells us, it is possible to use physical therapy as a means of speeding up overall healing time.