Advanced Physicians is Joliet and Shorewood's complete Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation, Pain Management, and Chiropractic facility.
The Physical Therapists at Advanced Physicians have obtained a 5 year degree of Physical Therapy and most have continued for a minimum of 2 years to obtain their Doctorate degree. The Physical therapy academic program focuses on functional anatomy, physiology, bio-mechanics, and therapeutic exercise and modalities. Our Physical Therapists specialize in but not limited to muscle strength and conditioning, athletic training, movement system balance, post-surgical rehabilitation, taping techniques, and acute sports medicine injuries.
Our physical therapists offer complete and personalized therapy to get you back to normal activity as quickly and safely as possible. We offer a full range of physical therapy solutions. We have Physical therapy facilities in Aurora, Naperville, Crest Hill, Joliet, Plainfield, Homer Glen, and Willowbrook.