
Advocare helps families create and implement a plan of care to promote healthy aging or address illness of loved ones. A Geriatric Care Manager does this by ASSESSING the client, ADVISING the family, and consistently ADVOCATING for optimal health and well-being. Our Nurse Advocates accompany clients to key doctor visits, manage medications and monitor health status. They know the local resources – physicians, hospitals, rehab facilities, and other key providers. They are on call 24/7. Many times families are not certain where to start, that’s why they seek the counsel and guidance of experts. A comprehensive assessment helps to identify problem areas – then lays out a care plan to address them. No more struggling with all the disjointed pieces of elder care! With an integrated approach, care from multiple practitioners and professionals is organized, coordinated, and harmonized.

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Advocare locations in US


US Postal Code:33445

Address: 160 Congress Park Dr.,, Delray Beach
Store Hours:
Mon-Sun: 9:00AM - 5:00PM


US Postal Code:46012

Address: 5044 Stonespring Ct., Anderson
Store Hours:


US Postal Code:76120

Address: 8008 Meadowbrook, Fort Worth
Store Hours:

Latest Advocare news

It has now been one month since we hit full blown 'disaster mode' at Advocare! Thank you to our field staff who have been working tirelessly to ensure all our clients are safe 24/7. You make sure everyone has enough food and supplies, that all medication boxes are filled, and that all visits with physicians, both in-person and online are completed. You take call of life care activities to ensure our clients do not become isolated, lonely or physically impaired, along with facilitating communication with out of town family members. And let’s not forget your medical oversight that helps keep our vulnerable clients out of the hospital. You do whatever it takes to cover it all! Thank you also to the Advocare support staff who have been keeping it going from behind the scenes like clockwork. ADVOCARE IS THE "A" TEAM when it comes to handling a crisis!
Prevent falls with Advocare Home Safety Assessment and Active Aging Program!
Currently, more than 5.4 million people in the U.S. have Alzheimer’s Disease. This number is expected to triple in the next 30 years. Find out what we do to help prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s as well as support our beloved clients who currently experience the most common form of dementia.
“World Patient Safety Day calls for global solidarity and concerted action by all countries and international partners to improve patient safety. Furthermore, the Day brings together patients, families, caregivers, communities, health workers, health care leaders and policy-makers to show their commitment to patient safety.”
Understanding the Basics of Elder Services in South Florida | Advocare YOUTUBE.COM Understanding the Basics of Elder Services in South Florida | Advocare
A grandparent’s love will never grow old. Happy Grandparents Day from Advocare!
National Case Management Week is October 11th-17th! This week, we honor those in case management and transitional care professions across the nation. These professionals deserve extra recognition this year for stepping up, in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Thank you for making a difference!
Active Aging Week is dedicated to spotlighting the capabilities of senior adults who live active and full lives. This week and every week, we encourage adults over 50 to get out and stay active, reminding us that older adults can still live to the fullest in all aspects of life!
To all our clients who make us smile daily, we would like to wish you all a Happy World Smile Day!
Fitness is one of those things that are important from the day we can walk, up until we take our last step. What is the Active Aging Senior Fitness Program? Click on the link below or call us at (561) 266-3489 to learn more! #seniorliving #aging #health #stayactive #fun #seniorhealth CAREMANAGE.COM Aging Fitness Program Delray Beach | Elder Fitness | Mental Fitness
It is vital that seniors are encouraged to stay physically active. The ability to be physically self-sufficient maintains independence and promotes positive self-esteem. At Advocare, we believe that the more physically active our seniors are, the better their quality of life. They’re healthier and happier. We work hard to promote wellness among our clients by offering our Advocare Active Aging Program.
Being a caregiver with other responsibilities can lead to your loved one spending more time alone than you are comfortable with. It is much safer to let our care managers work alongside caregivers to ensure the health and well-being of everyone involved.
Our Nurse Advocates are ON CALL 24/7 to monitor the health status of your loved one. They know the local resources including physicians, hospitals, rehab, and other service providers to ensure your family member is getting the services they need.
We can accompany our clients to healthcare appointments, acting as an advocate to establish consistent care plans. Call us today to discuss your concerns.
There are so many thoughts and concerns running through the mind of an adult child with an elderly parent in need of care. We can put your mind at ease and help sort out all the details of your loved one’s needs.
With our free 30- minute phone consultations, there is nothing to lose and a lot of care and support to gain! Call us now at (561) 266-3489.
Did you know that today is National Pay Back Your Parents Day? We don’t know if that is ever truly possible, though! We appreciate all the loving and supportive parents out there, and as we grow older, we hope to be there for you like you have always been there for us.
Advocare Care Management offers medical care management, homecare management, life transition care management, and life planning services in the South Florida area. If you need the best care for your aging loved one in South Florida, call (561) 266-3489.
Each of our care managers lives and works locally to their client. You can rest assured knowing your loved one’s experienced and skilled care manager is just a phone call away.
If you need senior care services in South Florida but are not sure where to look, this video can help you get started. YOUTUBE.COM How do I Find Senior Care Services in Miami | Advocare
We all think of retirement as a time of rest and relaxation; well-earned, no doubt. But what about the psychological implications that can come along with such a major shift in your everyday lifestyle? CAREMANAGE.WPENGINE.COM Are You or Your Loved One Ready to Retire Psychologically?
When you are in another state and your aging loved one is living in South Florida, the dedicated team at Advocare can help you rest assured that your loved one’s care is in the best of hands. Contact the team at Advocare Care Management to discuss all the ways that we can help.
Super Bowl parties may not the safest idea this year, but you can still enjoy the best parts of Super Bowl Sunday in your own home. We thought you might like to try some of these delicious recipe ideas for perfect game day snacking. THEPIONEERWOMAN.COM Easy Recipes to Make for Super Bowl Sunday That Will Score Big
Have you wondered how a professional care manager could help your family? Our care managers have the expertise to find the best possible care for your loved one. We will assess the situation, advise you on the best long term care plan, and advocate for your loved one 24/7.
Happy Black History Month! It is so important that we take the time to recognize the great accomplishments of the African American community and the significant contributions African American individuals have made to society throughout history. We see you and appreciate you!
"My 90-year-old mother wanted to stay in Delray Beach after my father died, but with the closest family members in New England, I don’t know how we would have managed without Amy, Lauren, et al. The peace of mind, knowing that they were checking up on her and available for any emergency, was priceless. Recommend their services without hesitation."