Nice little lab clean-out. All hazard classes represented!
Trench cleaning at the Navy base.
Last day of May! Aegis had a couple unique jobs this month, most notably using the bucket truck to pressure wash the exterior of a historic building in time for a Mothers Day celebration. Like most things Aegis is not a pressure washing company but has the diversity to help our customers with pretty much anything! Good job guys and happy Belated Mothers Day!
Big clean outs at the cement facilities.....Aegis removed 36 Totes of Oils, Greases and glycols to make room for more! Just because it is not RCRA hazardous does not mean it is not waste!
Merry Christmas!
As we close out another year, Aegis had a few large industrial service projects that ranged from cleaning 500,000 gallon fuel oil tanks, to cleaning a huge dust collector at one of the utility plants. This latest project had 24 men on site, working 24/6 for 3 weeks! On the lighting side, we have added a great new sales resource, Dave Smith, as well as continued to grow our service line in Central PA.
Thank you to everyone who has helped 2018 be a great year. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Aegis Lab Packers showed their skill turning what a competitor proposed as a 4 day job into a 2 day project.
When you spend more time packing than looking chemicals up you can do jobs in half the time....
Aegis crews don't just pack chemicals! This week we did our annual cleaning of a local utility companies water intake. Little cold but cool job!
Aegis crew working debris off water intake at local utility company. Just another example of the unique skill sets Aegis delivers!