Affordable Pest Control provides residential and commercial pest control services throughout the Spring Hill, Kansas and surrounding areas. We offer regular, quarterly pest elimination and protection service packages. Our treatment procedures include: A detailed interior and exterior inspection by a Pest Management Professional to determine the correct methods of treatment Application of residual material to cracks and crevices where pest frequently hide Removal of all exposed receptacle covers and injection of a dry or baited material to prevent insects from infesting inside the walls of the structure Placement of special baits in hard to get places Removal of all unwanted webs and nests from interior and exterior Application of non-toxic drying liquid around windows, doors and eves providing a long lasting pest barrier Application of weather resistant material around the base of the structure creating a residual barrier Placement of granular repellant in soil and shrubbery around the structure perimeter Notification of property owner of all applications performed The average time for each treatment will very. No preparation is required. Call B & E Pest Control today to schedule a service and rid your property of unwanted pests!