You will receive a customized weight loss program when you schedule your free consultation. We have five Different Dietary Plans to choose from including Full Liquid and Modified Liquid Fasting Programs in which our clients are losing Lose 4 to 8 Pounds per Week. We are medically supervised by a local physician and you will receive one-on-one counseling each week from one of our certified staff. We will monitor your progress & make the necessary adjustments that will allow you to best achieve your short & long term goals. Our primary goal is to help you reach your target weight quickly & safely. The focus of care is to allow you to maintain your weight loss permanently. We promote a healthy lifestyle & maintaining a healthy weight for a LIFETIME. We have a far-reaching service area including London, Somerset, Corbin, Hazard, Mt Vernon, Barbourville and Williamsburg. In addition to our weight loss program, we offer services including Lipovite, B-12 injection, skin care, facials, & more. Lipovite injections give you a boost in metabolism, reduce water retention and provide you with needed energy.