Ajaco Towing, Inc.

(on edwards)
Auto Repair in Parsippany, NJ
Auto Repair


1029 Edwards Rd
Parsippany, NJ


Ajaco Towing & Recovery is the #1 towing and vehicle recovery company in the Tri-State area with over 20 years of experience in the business. With 2 locations in Parsippany and Harrison, we can handle all aspects of the towing, vehicle recovery, bank repossession, storage, fleet/large truck repairs, and short/long vehicle transport. We tow for local and state police departments, local highways, and Garden State parkway, and we handle all insurance MVA Claims and private property impounds (that are of no expense of the property owner). WE ARE AVAILABLE 24/7. We provide AAA and police towing services throughout the Tri-State area. Give us a call today!

We have a second convenient location at 505 Manor Ave. Harrison, NJ 07029


Company name
Ajaco Towing, Inc.
Auto Repair


  • What is the phone number for Ajaco Towing, Inc. in Parsippany NJ?
    You can reach them at: 973-882-5576. It’s best to call Ajaco Towing, Inc. during business hours.
  • What is the address for Ajaco Towing, Inc. on edwards in Parsippany?
    Ajaco Towing, Inc. is located at this address: 1029 Edwards Rd Parsippany, NJ 07054.