Alabama Bariatric & Wellness Weight Loss Clinic is located in Northport, AL and serves Tuscaloosa, AL and other surrounding areas. We offer our clients attainable weight loss goals while providing healthy maintenance strategies to keep the weight off. We are dedicated to offering each one of our clients an individualized, effective diet approach to weight loss and health maintenance. All of our patients are exclusively evaluated in order to determine the most efficient way to structure a diet regimen that best serves their weight loss goals while introducing and preserving healthy habits. Dietary nutrition is all important in losing weight while still being healthy.
We specialize in providing our patients with a staff of well-trained, esteemed doctors, dietitians, and nurses whom provide valuable education and support for those who are entering our complete program. It is well worth, as a potential patient, your time to make sure you are getting the desired results in a healthy manner to manage your weight forever.