All Pest Pros

From rodents to spiders to termites, you can trust All Pest Pros when you need quality pest control service in Santa Clarita and the surrounding areas. We employ state-licensed inspectors, and exterminators trained to get the job done quickly, so you can go back to your normal life ASAP. We also go above and beyond to offer services that other pest control companies do not, like attic cleanup and restoration following infestations, and wood damage repair, in cases where you have dealt with a termite problem. Contact us today, and you can get an industry-leading warranty on rat and termite control. Not only will our technicians provide an annual inspection, they offer on-the-spot treatment if rat or termite infestations re-occur. From traditional spraying to Integrated Pest Management, All Pest Pros has all the services you need to keep pests off your property for now and for good.

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All Pest Pros

US Postal Code:91390

Address: 33336 Agua Dulce Canyon Rd., Agua Dulce
Store Hours:
Mon-Fri: 7:00AM - 6:00PM
Sat: 7:00AM - 3:30PM
Sun: Closed

All Pest Pros

US Postal Code:94544

Address: 25370 Cypress Ave., Hayward
Store Hours:

All Pest Pros

US Postal Code:90703

Address: 16329 Piuma Ave, Cerritos
Store Hours:

All Pest Pros

US Postal Code:95834

Address: 4025 Vista Park Court, Sacramento
Store Hours:

All Pest Pros

US Postal Code:91390

Address: 33336 Agua Dulce Canyon Rd., Santa Clarita
Store Hours:

All Pest Pros

US Postal Code:92029

Address: 1502 Simpson Way, Escondido
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All Pest Pros updated their business hours.
Subterranean Termites Subterranean termites are the most common termites in Northern Texas. Their colonies live underground amounting to as much as two million in numbers. They are the ones that build tunnels or “mud tubes” so they can reach sources of food and give themselves protection from open air. Subterranean termites survive in mud, sand, and also in moist areas above ground. They usually swarm during spring where groups of reproductive termites head off to make new colonies. Needless to say, they are also the most destructive type of termites. Their hard-saw-toothed jaws work like scissors, biting off wood one piece at a time. They are completely capable of collapsing a home or building overtime.
Termites with Wings Swarmers, swarm castles, flying termites, alates, or swarm termites are winged termites that reproduce and create new colonies. Usually, they appear mid-March to June. Don’t get them confused with flying ants though. Swarmers have straight antennas that look like it’s made of beads. It’s got a broad waist and has two sets of wings with equal lengths.
Termite Facts Did you know? Termites have been around since the time of the dinosaurs! All termites are social insects and raise their young as a group. The total weight of all of the termites in the world is more than the weight of all the humans in the world. Termite colonies eat non-stop, 24 hours a day, seven days a week!