This is an excellent, objective article about paying for financial advice. Some people don't need an advisor, others are best suited for a robo-advisor, and others need a professional. I also like the linked article on choosing a financial advisor.
How Much Does a Financial Advisor Cost? - NerdWallet
Kathleen Hunsicker, Lower Gwynedd Board of Supervisors
December 16, 2017 at 5:25 PM ·
As seen this week in Penllyn by the Wissahickon Creek. Pretty cool!
Bob Kelly FOX 29 is with Ben Coursey and 5 others.
January 31, 2018 at 8:43 AM ·
The Pope is on our side!! Philadelphia Eagles Pope Francis FC
Start small, retire strong! Get advice from Alvin Clay to start growing your portfolio.
Why does the U.S. have to print so much money? It's because millions of bills end up overseas from foreign trades!
Where did you learn your most important lessons about saving? Share with us in the comments below!