What sets us apart is finding leaks like this. This is 4 one hundredths of a gallon a minute. That is 2.4 gallons in an hour. But I found it on the water service.
Bubbles are my favorite part of this job. People are always surprised they can have a leak without seeing water.
Not a drop of moisture on the surface until I dug for it.
American Leak Detection of Southern Arizona updated their business hours.
It’s not always super wet and saturated around a pipe when there is a leak. Sometimes our desert soil just soaks up the water and it just goes down, until you uncover it of course.
A leak I found yesterday that was flooding two apartments. We feel bad for our customers that have leaks but it’s very satisfying to find them.
Love bubbles
A leak found in a wash, there was no moisture on the service until I dug it up.
Cold water copper leak above the slab.
Galvanized leaks are usually pretty big, but sometimes they are tiny. This one is 3 gallons an hour.