Ancient Treasures Alpaca Ranch, "ATAR", welcomes you to the wonderful world of alpaca breeding. These animals are a joy to care for, and becoming a breeder can open the door to a healthy prosperous lifestyle. We appreciate the opportunity to share with you what we've learned about alpaca breeding, the animals on our ranch, and the good they have brought into our lives. We have been in business for 14 years and are here to answer questions for those who are long-time alpaca breeders as well for those who are just beginning to discover the joys of raising alpacas. Visit our website to see the alpacas we currently have at the ranch, or stop by in person! In addition to the ranch, we have a yarn shop that carries handmade, one-of-a-kind hats, scarves, mittens, and socks. We also carry raw fleece from our own alpacas, roving and yarn in natural colors (white, beige, fawn, brown, dark brown and gray), as well as a selection of handspun yarns made by our local spinners.