Make sure you get your donations in for the end of the year. Remember receipts. Non-cash donations you will want pictures of items and lists and the receipt. On Cash receipts the words "no good or services received" and go fund me accounts usually are not deductible.
Please be advised. Their are letters being mailed that are scams. Please call or bring into office to verify letters.
Please call before coming in on Tuesdays. To make sure some one will be available.
Please remember to keep info for contributions.
If over $500. we will need to report on the Form 8283 keep the information on who got the donation, date and what it items you gave. If items over $500 per item need an appraisal. Want to keep copies, forms and dates.
Cash donated need dates canceled checks, credit card, and receipts. Remember that have to be charities with property forms stating " no goods or services received".
Back in the office again after a short break to get recharges. Open
Tues and Thurs 10 am to 4 pm. Evening and other hours by appointment only.
Getting close. We will be doing drop offs only after April 11th.
Remember to call to file for extensions we do need signatures on the forms.
We still can do your taxes with out the 1095 forms.