- At Animal Wellness Center of Bonita, our staff is committed to providing the best quality patient care available. Our team specializes in Dentistry & Oral Surgery, Parasite Prevention, and Pain Management. In addition our facility is equipped with Cold Laser, Pharmacy, and Nutritional Counseling to help treat every patients needs. Our facility is located in 10347 Bonita Beach Rd SE 118 Bonita Springs, FL 34135 and serves the surrounding neighborhoods of Naples and Cape Coral.
It's not uncommon for cats or dogs to have skin problems just like humans. From infections caused by parasites to chemicals in shampoos, your pet’s skin can have adverse reactions to many things. If you notice a change in your pet's skin, contact us.
How much time and how often does your dog need to exercise? Based on breed and age, every dog is different.
What Are My Dog's Exercise Needs? - DogTime
What are some tricks that you've used to train your pet?
Animal Wellness Center of Bonita updated their website address.
When was the last time your pet had its teeth examined? Maintaining good oral health is part of being a good owner and we can help you do that. Schedule a convenient appointment to have your pet's teeth examined.
As a pet owner, you know at some point you'll have to care for an aging pet. Make these tips part of your furry companion's routine to keep them healthy as long as possible.
What is one of your favorite outdoor activities to do that gets your pet moving?
Prioritizing your pet's health involves taking them to the vet for regular checkups. Routine exams can help keep your pet in tip-top shape or address any problems that may come up as soon as possible.
How Often to Take Your Kitten or Cat to the Vet
Join us for our dog and cat contest!
October is National Pet Wellness Month! What are you doing as a pet owner to make sure that your pet is as healthy as can be?
If you have any questions or concerns about cancer in pets, contact us.
November is Pet Cancer Awareness Month and all month long we're striving to teach the importance of recognizing the signs of cancer in your pets and seeing a veterinary professional to receive a diagnosis.
Did you just get a new furry friend and need some help with training? Try these helpful tips to get started with training and socialization.
This Step-by-Step Guide Can Help You Completely Train Your Dog
Providing a safe environment for your pet means eliminating any dangers in your home. Here is how you can pet-proof your home before bringing in a new pet.
Is your pet exhibiting odd behaviors? This could be due to anxiety or other factors. After bringing in your pet for an appointment, we can help to resolve what may be causing behavioral issues.
We waved goodbye to last year and to bad habits as well! What changes are you going to make to ensure your pet is as healthy as it can be in the new year?
Do you know the dietary choices that are best for your pet? Contact our office and we can help you come up with a plan that meets all the health needs of your pet.
Unless instructed by a veterinarian for special cases, you should not give your dog acetaminophen as it can be toxic for them.
Is Acetaminophen Safe for Dogs?
Happy New Year! 2021 is finally here. What are you most excited about in the new year?
2020 is almost over and we want to see some of your favorite memories with your pets. Share your favorite picture of your pet from this year!
How many of these facts did you know?
15 Things You Didn’t Know About Cats and Dogs | Vetsource
Your cat should be visiting the vet at least once a year. If it's been a while since your pet has had a check-up, visit our website to learn more about booking an appointment.
What questions do you have about your pet's oral health?
If your dog has pale gums, it could be a sign of an underlying issue.
What Do Pale Gums in Dogs Mean?
Today is the start of Pet Dental Health Month and we want to help you stay on top of your pet's oral health. Visit our website to schedule an appointment with our clinic to have your pet's teeth and gums checked.