Anthony Salerno - Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC

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Financial and Investment Services in Osterville, MA
Financial and Investment Services


8:00AM - 5:00PM
8:00AM - 5:00PM
8:00AM - 5:00PM
8:00AM - 5:00PM
8:00AM - 5:00PM


1284 Main St
Osterville, MA


Serving you in these unprecedented times

During the current period of market pressure, we’re watching the markets closely and are committed to helping you navigate the cycles of volatility.
We believe it is important to stay focused on your financial goals and to make sound decisions based on current information, your long-term asset allocation and your risk tolerance. If you have concerns or questions about your portfolio or goals, let’s talk. Together we can determine what, if any actions, you can take. We’re available to connect with you as is most convenient during this time, including by phone or online.


Anthony Salerno - Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC Photo Anthony Salerno - Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC Photo


Estate Planning Webinar target ages 55-70 AMERIPRISEADVISORS.COM Event: Plan to Give More
Investors are optimistic about a potential stimulus deal, but remain concerned about a drawn out election following the first presidential debate. CNBC.COM Market rally gains steam amid stimulus hopes and upbeat economic data, Dow jumps 450 points
Staying focused amidst uncertainty can help you reach your future financial goals.
Even in the most challenging of times, we can work together to help you navigate uncertainty. YOUTUBE.COM Navigating uncertainty in today’s markets
Medicare open enrollment begins Oct. 15. If you turn 65 this year, here are some things you need to know to avoid incurring penalties. MONEY.COM A Comprehensive Guide to Medicare Plans, Costs, Eligibility and Open Enrollment
Curious about how elections influence market behavior? The U.S. Election Guide from #AmeripriseResearch explores historical market responses during election cycles, uncertainty and market volatility, and the role that the makeup of Congress plays. IMAGES.CONTENT.WMPSMKTG.COM
Separating rhetoric from potential policy can be challenging for investors. #AmeripriseResearch has published a straightforward summary to help clarify the investment landscape and possible election impacts across policies, broad asset classes and sectors. IMAGES.CONTENT.WMPSMKTG.COM
Work toward your financial goals with personalized advice you can trust, and online tools to track your progress.
October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month. This month and every month, it’s important to be alert and aware of threats to your investments and personal information. AMERIPRISE.COM 5 types of fraud to watch out for
Is maxing out your 401(k) enough? For high earners, only saving up to the annual IRS contribution limit may not be enough to meet spending needs in retirement. FORBES.COM Here’s What Maxing Out Your 401(k) Could Get You In Retirement
Working toward your long-term financial goals starts with making the next right move.
In a new Ameriprise videocast, experts share insights on drivers of the economy and capital markets, including COVID-19 developments, corporate profit trends, monetary policy actions and federal policy proposal. AMERIPRISE.COM Videocast: Election impacts for investors
Together, we can track your progress and update your strategies as circumstances change. Let's work to keep you moving toward your goals, in any market conditions.
Last week, U.S. stocks reached their highest gains in months. What will the start of third-quarter earnings season bring? Ameriprise Chief Market Strategist David Joy shares his insights. NEWSROOM.AMERIPRISE.COM Investors Focus on Third Quarter Earnings Season | Ameriprise Newsroom
Stock market losses can lead to emotional investing decisions. But I am here to help you navigate all market conditions. If you’re concerned, let’s talk about the options you have to stay on track toward your goals. MONEY.USNEWS.COM How to Recover After Loss in the Stock Market
Learn more about economic, tax and stock themes leading up to the election and the potential implications for investors.
Regularly rebalancing your long-term investments can help keep your risk tolerance and asset allocation aligned and keep you on track to your goals.
Trends in COVID-19 infection rates, consumer/business activities and fiscal stimulus are critical drivers of the economy and markets near term. AMERIPRISEADVISORS.COM A pragmatic, pre-election view of the market
What will the increasing infection rates and the upcoming election bring to the U.S. markets? Ameriprise Chief Market Strategist David Joy shares his perspective. NEWSROOM.AMERIPRISE.COM Stocks Delivered Another Week of Gains Despite Mixed Data and Virus Concerns | Ameriprise Newsroom
National Retirement Security Week is a great time to begin planning for your retirement or to update your existing plans. What are you looking forward to in retirement?
Don’t forget to set your clocks back this weekend. What will you do with your extra hour?
Investors are still watching and waiting for any movement on a new stimulus package, according to Ameriprise Chief Market Strategist David Joy. NEWSROOM.AMERIPRISE.COM Markets React to Rising Virus Cases and Stimulus Uncertainty | Ameriprise Newsroom
Without a final outcome, the election implications for investors remain unclear. Ameriprise Chief Market Strategist David Joy shares his perspective for this uncertain period. NEWSROOM.AMERIPRISE.COM The Country and Investors Await Election Results | Ameriprise Newsroom
Does your portfolio align with your financial goals? Here’s what to look for in your employer’s savings plan. AMERIPRISEADVISORS.COM 401k in-service withdrawals
Why worry about tomorrow when you can plan for it? Personal financial advice can help.
Annuities can be more useful than some investors realize. I am available to help consider how annuities could fit into your portfolio. AMERIPRISEADVISORS.COM 5 annuity myths debunked
The timing of election results and the impacts to the markets remains unclear, according to Ameriprise Chief Market Strategist David Joy. NEWSROOM.AMERIPRISE.COM
As capital markets react to the election and pandemic, I believe it’s important for investors to remain pragmatic. Ameriprise experts share insights on economic drivers, the stock market, policy implications and year-end tax considerations. Watch on my homepage. AMERIPRISEADVISORS.COM 2020 U.S. election impacts
Reduce your expenses, focus on your total portfolio, and other tips for boosting retirement income in the era of low interest rates. KIPLINGER.COM Boost Your Retirement Income in 3 Steps | Kiplinger
In a new Ameriprise videocast, experts share insights on economic drivers, the stock market, policy implications and year-end tax considerations. AMERIPRISE.COM Video: Insights for election and COVID-19 conditions
This Veteran’s Day, we express our gratitude to all the men and women who’ve served in the U.S. Armed Forces. Thank you for your service.
With the presidential race called, investors turn their attention to the runoff Senate elections in Georgia. NEWSROOM.AMERIPRISE.COM Investors Focus on Two Runoff Elections in Georgia | Ameriprise Newsroom
Working toward your long-term financial goals starts with making the next right move.
Investors are looking past the presidential election and toward a future with a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine, according to Ameriprise Chief Market Strategist David Joy. NEWSROOM.AMERIPRISE.COM Markets Overcome Two Significant Hurdles | Ameriprise Newsroom
Happy Thanksgiving! While 2020 has been a challenging year, it’s also shown us how much we still have to be grateful for. What are you thankful for?
Happy Thanksgiving! While 2020 has been a challenging year, it’s also shown us how much we still have to be grateful for. What are you thankful for?
Markets are being buffeted by opposing forces, which are likely to be resolved in the relative near-term, according to Ameriprise Chief Market Strategist David Joy. NEWSROOM.AMERIPRISE.COM Markets Facing Three Significant Headwinds | Ameriprise Newsroom
Watch an Ameriprise expert summary of stock market and election implications for the current investment environment, including: COVID-19 trends and potential fiscal relief, U.S. and China trade, the outlook for stocks in 2021 and investment focus areas.
A new U.S. president will have many existing concerns including the pandemic. Here are potential market impacts of these and other factors. AMERIPRISEADVISORS.COM What's next for investors?
How will you give back this holiday season?
If you’ve changed jobs recently, I can help you decide how to manage retirement savings from your previous employer. AMERIPRISEADVISORS.COM Options for your retirement assets after a job change
The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed above 30,000 for the first-time last week. Ameriprise Chief Market Strategist David Joy weighs in on investor’s NEWSROOM.AMERIPRISE.COM Investors Look to the Future with Optimism | Ameriprise Newsroom
Running out of money in retirement is a scary prospect – but can be avoided. Here are a few things you can do to help your savings last as long as possible. USATODAY.COM More than 40% of Social Security beneficiaries worry they'll outlive their savings. How to avoid that fate
View an Ameriprise expert summary of recent record U.S. stock performance, near-term market conditions and three major portfolio themes to consider heading into 2021.
Despite a poor November jobs report, markets ended on a high note last week with anticipation of an upcoming stimulus package. NEWSROOM.AMERIPRISE.COM When Bad News Becomes Good News | Ameriprise Newsroom
Retirement planning is even more important during the last five years before you retire. If you’re approaching that five-year countdown, let’s talk. AMERIPRISEADVISORS.COM Strategic moves 5, 2 and 1 year from retirement
Investors have been reminded of a few critical takeaways in 2020, including the value of diversification, the risk reduction value of bonds, and given enough time, stock prices tend to rise. What investment lessons did you learn this year? #AmeripriseResearch
Negotiations over additional economic stimulus and government funding in the U.S. continue without resolution. Ameriprise Chief Market Strategist David Joy weighs in on investor’s response. NEWSROOM.AMERIPRISE.COM Investors Await News on Three Negotiations | Ameriprise Newsroom
Based on stabilizing market and economic conditions and favorable monetary and fiscal policies, combined with broadly available vaccines, #AmeripriseResearch believes the opportunity for outsized growth next year is real. IMAGES.CONTENT.WMPSMKTG.COM
What are your financial goals for 2021? Together, we can work towards achieving your priorities for this year and beyond.
Best wishes for a peaceful holiday season.
Happy New Year! So long, 2020.
While money is an important piece, setting your goals and finding your purpose are key steps toward feeling confident and happy in retirement. KIPLINGER.COM Money Can’t Buy Happiness: 4 Secrets to a Happy Retirement | Kiplinger
What are your financial goals for 2021? Together, we can work towards achieving your priorities for this year and beyond.
Best wishes for a peaceful holiday season.
Being organized can save you time and money. What are you doing to get better organized this month?
With the latest COVID-19 relief bill, Congress extended numerous tax breaks for individual taxpayers. I can consult with you and your tax professional to evaluate your situation. CNBC.COM The Covid relief bill will keep these tax breaks around even longer
How will the latest stimulus package and pace of vaccine distribution impact the markets? Ameriprise Chief Market Strategist David Joy shares his insights. NEWSROOM.AMERIPRISE.COM 2021 Economic Growth Depends on the Pace of Vaccine Distribution | Ameriprise Newsroom
Vaccine availability and acceptance may influence outcomes, but economic and market conditions should benefit from increasing business and consumer confidence throughout 2021. #AmeripriseResearch
Happy New Year! So long, 2020.
2020 brought many ups and downs. Have your financial goals changed? Let's review and update them to keep you on track in 2021.
Did you know that if investors missed the 10 best days in the past 20 years their S&P 500 returns would have been cut in half? Let’s connect to discuss investing over the long term.
Stocks have continued to climb since the November elections – but will it last? Ameriprise Chief Market Strategist David Joy explains. NEWSROOM.AMERIPRISE.COM What Could Knock This Rally Off Its Tracks? | Ameriprise Newsroom
A new year brings new opportunities. While you check progress toward your current goals consider setting new ones, too.
Being organized can save you time and money. What are you doing to get better organized this month?
A new president brings plans for additional stimulus and an increase in administered vaccines. Ameriprise Chief Market Strategist David Joy weighs in on investor response. NEWSROOM.AMERIPRISE.COM New President; Same Market | Ameriprise Newsroom
Inflation is likely to ramp-up over the next few months due to weak year-over-year comparisons and a rebound in demand that has been limited by virus conditions. Inflation pressures should start to subside in the second half of the year. #AmeripriseResearch
Today and every day, we respectfully honor the legacy of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
What are your wellness goals for the new year?
In retirement, structure and community are things you may be surprised to miss. Here are some tips on finding a sense of purpose and connection in this new phase of life. MARKETWATCH.COM You should have a purpose in retirement, too
Even the most successful professionals benefit from professional financial advice. Let’s talk.
Markets have reached record highs amid the pandemic, economic dynamics and a leadership transition in Washington. Watch experts discuss the economy, stock valuations, fiscal stimulus and corporate profits. AMERIPRISE.COM Research & Insights | Ameriprise Financial
A new president brings plans for additional stimulus and an increase in administered vaccines. Ameriprise Chief Market Strategist David Joy weighs in on investor response. NEWSROOM.AMERIPRISE.COM New President; Same Market | Ameriprise Newsroom
Inflation is likely to ramp-up over the next few months due to weak year-over-year comparisons and a rebound in demand that has been limited by virus conditions. Inflation pressures should start to subside in the second half of the year. #AmeripriseResearch
Get the personalized advice you need to envision and build a confident financial future.
Required minimum distributions from retirement accounts were waived for 2020 but resume in 2021. Let’s connect on the best RMD strategy for your situation. MONEY.USNEWS.COM Start Planning for Your 2021 RMDs Now
Even the most successful professionals benefit from professional financial advice. Let’s talk.
Markets have reached record highs amid the pandemic, economic dynamics and a leadership transition in Washington. Watch experts discuss the economy, stock valuations, fiscal stimulus and corporate profits. AMERIPRISE.COM Research & Insights | Ameriprise Financial
Recent market activity reflects new dynamics. Chief Market Strategist David Joy sums up prices, Q4 earnings and a potential stimulus package. NEWSROOM.AMERIPRISE.COM The Market Moving Power of Social Media and Commission Free Trading | Ameriprise Newsroom
From family to taxes, there are numerous factors to consider when planning where to live in retirement. What’s at the top of your location wish list? MONEY.USNEWS.COM The Most Tax-Friendly States to Retire
It’s appropriate that National Time Management Month is the shortest month of the year. This February, let’s find time to talk.
Get the personalized advice you need to envision and build a confident financial future.
Required minimum distributions from retirement accounts were waived for 2020 but resume in 2021. Let’s connect on the best RMD strategy for your situation. MONEY.USNEWS.COM Start Planning for Your 2021 RMDs Now
ATTENTION SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS : February is Small Business Retirement Focus month. It is not too late to establish some plans for tax year 2020. This is also a good time to establish a plan for 2021. Small business retirement plans can reduce tax liability and provide a useful benefit to retain key employees. I am available to review your business objectives and suggest a plan that fits your business. I can also review your existing business retirement plan for cost, performance and efficiency. Please feel free to email me at with any questions or interest. Ameriprise Financial, Inc. and its affiliates do not offer tax or legal advice. Consumers should consult with their tax advisor or attorney regarding their specific situation. 3438800ACMR0221
July 1, 2023 will be a big day for college students and their parents. It’s the day many new financial aid rules go into effect that may reduce college aid for some families. I'm here to help you evaluate your options. KIPLINGER.COM FAFSA Application Changes Are Coming – What They Mean for Middle- and High-Income Families | Kiplinger
U.S. stocks roared to a record high as COVID-19 infections slow and investor anxiety drops. Chief Market Strategist David Joy discusses key drivers. NEWSROOM.AMERIPRISE.COM U.S. Equities Bounce Higher on Rising Prospect of Stimulus | Ameriprise Newsroom
Recent market activity reflects new dynamics. Chief Market Strategist David Joy sums up prices, Q4 earnings and a potential stimulus package. NEWSROOM.AMERIPRISE.COM The Market Moving Power of Social Media and Commission Free Trading | Ameriprise Newsroom
From family to taxes, there are numerous factors to consider when planning where to live in retirement. What’s at the top of your location wish list? MONEY.USNEWS.COM The Most Tax-Friendly States to Retire
Does working from home because of the pandemic mean you can get a tax deduction? It depends on your employment status. KIPLINGER.COM Working from Home: Can You Claim the Home Office Deduction on Your 2020 Tax Return? | Kiplinger
Global stock funds received record inflows last week. Chief Market Strategist David Joy discusses fiscal stimulus and elevated valuation risks. NEWSROOM.AMERIPRISE.COM Investors Can’t Ignore the Market’s Excess | Ameriprise Newsroom
Kindness and helping others are more important than ever. How do you plan to observe #randomactsofkindness day?
Wishing you a lovely Valentine’s Day!
ATTENTION SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS : February is Small Business Retirement Focus month. It is not too late to establish some plans for tax year 2020. This is also a good time to establish a plan for 2021. Small business retirement plans can reduce tax liability and provide a useful benefit to retain key employees. I am available to review your business objectives and suggest a plan that fits your business. I can also review your existing business retirement plan for cost, performance and efficiency. Please feel free to email me at with any questions or interest. Ameriprise Financial, Inc. and its affiliates do not offer tax or legal advice. Consumers should consult with their tax advisor or attorney regarding their specific situation. 3438800ACMR0221
Many Americans aren’t saving enough for retirement. Consider these three strategies to maximize your savings plan. USATODAY.COM Balance is key: 3 ways to get your retirement savings back on track
Does working from home because of the pandemic mean you can get a tax deduction? It depends on your employment status. KIPLINGER.COM Working from Home: Can You Claim the Home Office Deduction on Your 2020 Tax Return? | Kiplinger
Global stock funds received record inflows last week. Chief Market Strategist David Joy discusses fiscal stimulus and elevated valuation risks. NEWSROOM.AMERIPRISE.COM Investors Can’t Ignore the Market’s Excess | Ameriprise Newsroom
Kindness and helping others are more important than ever. How do you plan to observe #randomactsofkindness day?
Wishing you a lovely Valentine’s Day!
Bond yields increased for the fourth straight week. Chief Market Strategist David Joy discusses implications for stock prices. NEWSROOM.AMERIPRISE.COM Investors Keeping a Watchful Eye on Rising Bond Yields | Ameriprise Newsroom
Productive financial conversations with family start with a thoughtful plan. When you’re ready to start the conversation, let’s talk about your estate planning goals and the legacy you hope to leave. MONEY.USNEWS.COM Discussing Your Estate Plan With Your Children Is Critical. Here's How to Start
Are you considering tax-efficient opportunities to grow and protect your retirement assets?
As the 10-year Treasury note yield has increased, so have expectations for GDP and inflation. Chief Market Strategist David Joy sums up key factors. NEWSROOM.AMERIPRISE.COM Should Investors Be Preparing for Inflation? | Ameriprise Newsroom
Corporate profit growth is expected to outperform this year. Global Market Strategist Anthony Saglimbene sums up market opportunities and risks. AMERIPRISEADVISORS.COM The bull and bear case for stocks
Ameriprise is proud to be included in the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (GEI) for the second consecutive year! I am excited to be part of a distinguished list of public companies that share a dedication to supporting women in the workplace. #BloombergGEI
Housing market conditions remain bright. Despite higher mortgage costs, and an all-time low supply, high demand is expected to continue. The recent 1.9 months’ supply of existing homes for sale was an all-time low, according to the NAR. #AmeripriseResearch
Bond yields increased for the fourth straight week. Chief Market Strategist David Joy discusses implications for stock prices. NEWSROOM.AMERIPRISE.COM Investors Keeping a Watchful Eye on Rising Bond Yields | Ameriprise Newsroom
Productive financial conversations with family start with a thoughtful plan. When you’re ready to start the conversation, let’s talk about your estate planning goals and the legacy you hope to leave. MONEY.USNEWS.COM Discussing Your Estate Plan With Your Children Is Critical. Here's How to Start
Are you considering tax-efficient opportunities to grow and protect your retirement assets?
Financial advice is not one-size-fits-all – especially across different ages and stages of life. In this article, Marcy Keckler, Ameriprise Vice President of Financial Advice Strategy, and other experts share recommendations for each generation. GOBANKINGRATES.COM The Top Money Moves To Make for Each Generation
Bond market volatility remains elevated. Chief Market Strategist David Joy summarizes investors’ concerns behind stock market reactions. NEWSROOM.AMERIPRISE.COM Markets Try to Digest Rising Bond Yields, Inflation, Fed Policy and More Stimulus | Ameriprise Newsroom
Women face unique financial realities. No matter your situation, I’m committed to helping you feel confident about your financial future. #IWD2021 AMERIPRISEADVISORS.COM 4 financial considerations for women
Ameriprise is proud to be included in the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (GEI) for the second consecutive year! I am excited to be part of a distinguished list of public companies that share a dedication to supporting women in the workplace. #BloombergGEI
Housing market conditions remain bright. Despite higher mortgage costs, and an all-time low supply, high demand is expected to continue. The recent 1.9 months’ supply of existing homes for sale was an all-time low, according to the NAR. #AmeripriseResearch
From health care to hobbies, spending habits can change in retirement. Together, we can review your portfolio and determine how much you need to save for a fulfilling retirement. KIPLINGER.COM 10 Things You'll Spend More on in Retirement | Kiplinger
Stock market declines are a natural—and often unnerving—part of investing, but there are ways you can stay invested with some protections. Let’s talk about ways to add confidence to your retirement planning.
Yield on the U.S. 10-year Treasury note reached its highest level since January 2020. Chief Market Strategist David Joy explains what stocks expect. NEWSROOM.AMERIPRISE.COM Stocks Take the Rise in Bond Yields in Stride | Ameriprise Newsroom
The new stimulus package is intended to help alleviate the financial impacts of the pandemic. If you have questions, I am here to help. AMERIPRISEADVISORS.COM Pandemic relief recap
Together, we can work to envision your ideal financial future – and build it.
Bond-yield adjustments continue while expectations are rising for revenue and earnings growth. Chief Market Strategist David Joy sums up conditions. NEWSROOM.AMERIPRISE.COM On the Cusp of An Economic Boom: What Does it Mean for Investors? | Ameriprise Newsroom
Spring has sprung! What are you hoping to accomplish this season?
From health care to hobbies, spending habits can change in retirement. Together, we can review your portfolio and determine how much you need to save for a fulfilling retirement. KIPLINGER.COM 10 Things You'll Spend More on in Retirement | Kiplinger
Stock market declines are a natural—and often unnerving—part of investing, but there are ways you can stay invested with some protections. Let’s talk about ways to add confidence to your retirement planning.
Yield on the U.S. 10-year Treasury note reached its highest level since January 2020. Chief Market Strategist David Joy explains what stocks expect. NEWSROOM.AMERIPRISE.COM Stocks Take the Rise in Bond Yields in Stride | Ameriprise Newsroom


Company name
Anthony Salerno - Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC
Financial and Investment Services


  • What is the phone number for Anthony Salerno - Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC in Osterville MA?
    You can reach them at: 508-957-9014. It’s best to call Anthony Salerno - Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC during business hours.
  • What is the address for Anthony Salerno - Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC on main in Osterville?
    Anthony Salerno - Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC is located at this address: 1284 Main St Osterville, MA 02655.
  • What are Anthony Salerno - Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC(Osterville, MA) store hours?
    Anthony Salerno - Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC store hours are as follows: Mon-Fri: 8:00AM - 5:00PM, Sat-Sun: Closed.