Armando's Auto Repair

(on diversey ave)
Auto Repair in Chicago, IL
Auto Repair


5310 W Diversey Ave
Chicago, IL


The crew at Armando's Auto Repair is offering experienced auto repair services in Chicago, IL. We service all makes and models, and can even handle all of your major and minor collision needs. Our family and locally owned and operated shop offers you the personable care that those other chain shops cannot. When you visit Armando's Auto Repair, you become part of the family- and pay like it too!


Company name
Armando's Auto Repair
Auto Repair


  • What is the phone number for Armando's Auto Repair in Chicago IL?
    You can reach them at: 773-777-7989. It’s best to call Armando's Auto Repair during business hours.
  • What is the address for Armando's Auto Repair on diversey ave in Chicago?
    Armando's Auto Repair is located at this address: 5310 W Diversey Ave Chicago, IL 60639.