Arnolds Mission Cafe

(on 39th avenue)
Cafes in Gainesville, FL


11200 NW 39th Avenue
Gainesville, FL


Guess what?! We’re hiring a Creative and Communications Coordinator! 🔗 If you are interested in this position, follow the link for more information! https://greenhousechurch.org/wp-content/uploads/Creative-Communications-Coordinator.pdf
💚 Join us this Sunday for a special time of communion! If you’re joining us online, we encourage you to gather your elements at home so you can participate! There’s still time to register for the service as well! Link to register is below! https://greenhousechurch.org/sundayregistration/
🥳We want to connect with us! Follow this link to join a microchurch, serve team, and to register for a service. https://greenhousegnv.typeform.com/to/TWFTEo15
The world is full of so many loud voices that may cause us to believe God isn’t there when there’s silence. We have good news for you: he’s always there, his love for you never fails, and he’s always working. He’s the God of the big moves just like he is the God of the small ones. 📆 We can’t wait to see you Sunday at 9 a.m., 11:15 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Follow the link to register! https://greenhousechurch.org/sundayregistration/
We’re still thinking about this incredible word from Sunday! Sometimes we all need the reminder that God is still writing our story. Don’t forget that if you’re still breathing, he’s still moving!
Today's mission update is from one of our own Greenhouse Missionaries, Hannah! Hannah is getting ready to return to Thailand to help strengthen and plant churches throughout the Buddhist World! Tune in to learn more about exciting open doors for the gospel to spread throughout Thailand, and commit to pray for Hannah as she prepares to return to Thailand by January. Do you want to be part of Hannah's sending team? You can support her financially by going to greenhousechurch.org/give and then click on Hannah's name under the missionary drop down menu. If you'd like to join Hannah's prayer team you can email her at hhooper@greenhousechurch.org
We all have insecurities when it comes to our mission from God. But take it from Pastor Robbie, and Gideon... YOU are a mighty warrior. Find out more in this week's Monday Morning Devo! #morningdevo #prayer #abide
We’re still thinking about these moments from last night! If you missed it, you can find the recap on our YouTube and website.
It’s the fact that we’re this loved for us. Need a reminder that you’re loved? Join us this Sunday to be encouraged in just how much. 🔗 Link to register below: https://greenhousechurch.org/sundayregistration/
Join us tonight as we have critical conversations with law enforcement and faith leaders. 🔗 Use the following link to register. https://www.kindridgiving.com/App/Form/ae154776-45ef-4142-9330-7dfc4e62fd03
What would happen if you lived as though you were created for such a time as this?
Four Words: Count It All Joy
So excited that Doe Jones will be joining us for the Big Give this Sunday! We can’t wait for her to lead us in worship as we prepare our hearts to give. Follow the link to register! https://greenhousechurch.org/sundayregistration/
The Big Give is coming. Partner with us in the fight to end human trafficking. Rescue is possible. See you this Sunday!
We can’t wait to continue this series with you! You can register with the following link: https://greenhousechurch.org/sundayregistration/
Those he calls, he equips. We are praying that you would be encouraged in knowing you are not in this alone.
ICYMI - What does biblical justice look like two weeks before an election?? Greenhouse Church was live. October 21 at 12:00 PM ·
Some of the things Jesus called us to do are non-negotiable- perhaps one of the most difficult being "loving your enemies.” In our newest Greenhouse Movement podcast, Mike Patz talks with Joel Searby about what it really means to love our enemies biblically in today’s world. This episode will challenge the polarized thoughts the world has about who you might think your enemy truly is. Be ready to think, then love. You can find this podcast anywhere podcasts are found or on the Mike Patz website!
Join us this Sunday as we dive into what this means! Services are at 9 a.m., 11:15 a.m., and 7:30 p.m. (college). 🔗 Use this link to register!
🥳 Today Priscilla is sharing some super exciting news! Tune in to today’s missions update to hear about how Greenhouse is working towards serving kids in the foster care and adoption system and how you can get involved!
Anyone else need a trial survivor guide?
Is your orthodoxy seen in your orthopraxy? 👀 Watch our one minute sermon to figure it out.
The more you pray... Learn what this means as @angelicasuareztrujillo leads us in a powerful time of prayer tonight at 7 p.m.
Anyone else feel like they need to vent this week? Check out some thoughts from our senior pastor, @michaelpatz. You can find the full blog in the link below. “My hope is that we would stand out as the one group with enough vision – and courage – to advance both righteousness and justice. Even if it costs us. Even if other lane-dwellers unfollow us. When our politicians do right, let’s have the humility to be their greatest allies. But when they do evil, let’s have the guts to be their greatest critics.” https://www.mikepatz.com/im-venting-after-the-election/
As you may know, our hearts long to serve our community well. COVID-19 may have made it a little more difficult this year, but it certainly didn’t stop us! Check out this missions update to hear about our amazing fall festivals!
As you may know, we truly long to serve our community well. COVID-19 may have created barriers in doing that, but they certainly haven’t stopped our amazing local missions team! Check out this week’s missions update to see how they’ve creatively adapted to host our annual fall festivals and all the cool things that happened while they did!
We hope this encourages you to know that the Lord can handle your doubts. There is no need to pretend and no need to hide in your relationship with the Lord. He sees you and he loves you.
Swipe to read more about our heart for prayer tonight, which will be in person (🙌) and online. In a world that is so at odds, we want to show unity in Christ. Join us as we unite through prayer tonight at 7 p.m. Make sure to invite a friend and register with the link below: https://greenhousechurch.org/prayer/
Reminder!: When different people come together, things get better. Check out our weekend refresh video for more!
How encouraging is it that the God of the Universe gave his life to have a forever relationship with you? 🏆 You can fail and fall but your worth will never change. P.s. Have a hard time believing this truth? Reach out to us! We would love to pray with you.
Many of us have wondered what it looks like to be a faithful disciple during this difficult season. We hope you know that you are not alone in your questions and thoughts. Join us as we learn how to apply the truths of God’s eternal wisdom to the real world, together 💚 Invite a friend and be sure to register for our 9 a.m., 11:15 a.m., or 7 p.m. service! Link to register is below! https://www.kindridgiving.com/App/Form/dd6e713c-8a2f-4909-b505-d32f152065a2
A friendly Saturday reminder to listen more than you speak and register for service tomorrow! We can’t wait to see you there.
We’d like to enter the Thanksgiving week by encouraging you all to practice focusing on what God has done, rather than on what he hasn’t. Let’s enter his gates with Thanksgiving!
Let’s “do anger right.”
Thanks to your generosity, we were able to financially partner with the SOCK ministry to provide resources to reach the homeless community in downtown Gainesville. Tune is as Tiffany shares our goal is to provide every senior at Parklands Nursing Home with a christmas gift this year. COVID-19 has made this year at Parklands incredibly hard and we would love to personally bless every resident. We have 115 residents that could use some holiday love. Please consider adopting at least one senior, or more, by donating $10 per person. If you would like more information, please contact Tiffany at tkuhne@greenhousechurch.org
Tonight! Join us virtually as our missions team shares more about how your professional calling could equip you to go on mission or even help send others to the mission field. You can find the link to register in our bio. We hope to see you there!
Thanksgiving may be over, but the need for gratefulness will never be! Check out this Saturday Refresher as Pastor Mike reminds us how dangerous enttitlement can be and how necessary gratefulness is. 👇 Let us know what you're thankful for in the comments below!
Have you questioned God’s goodness this year? If you have, we can assure you that you’re not alone! We are grateful for this reminder from Sunday’s sermon. 2020 may have been a difficult year, but we still serve a good God. 💚 If you’ve been struggling with this and would like to receive prayer, we’d love to pray with you! You can fill out the prayer request form on our website and someone from our team will follow-up with you.
💚 Happy Thanksgiving Greenhouse Family! Today’s Gratitude Post challenges us to not just talk about being like Jesus, but to live as he did! We pray that today would be filled with an abundance of joy, peace, thanksgiving, and delicious food! We are so grateful for you and pray the Lord would bless you and your family.
Day 3 of the Gratitude Challenge is here! Let's all take time today to practice using godly wisdom to bring peace.
Let’s dwell on this unchanging fact: God is good. When we don’t see it or feel it, let’s have the faith to believe it. Tune in as Pastor Matt reminds us that when we approach God like we approach people, we have problems with understanding his goodness. His track record shows that we can count on him. He has never failed and he won’t start now.
Day two of our Gratitude Challenge is here! Let’s all take the time to draw near to God today. Don’t forget how much he cares for you, delights in who you are, and cherishes intimacy with you. 👇 Let us know how it goes in the comments below!
Enter His gates with thanksgiving! Pastor Franco reminds us of the importance of gratitude in our relationship with Jesus.
Today our Youth Director Brooke Bauzon shares on stepping into the world of those we disciple to accelerate the discipleship process!
Will you allow the Lord to take you where he wants to use you? Join us tomorow as we learn to do this together! Link to register is below. https://greenhousechurch.org/sundayregistration/
Real salvation may not come from our actions, but it leads to our actions🙌
"As a disciple-maker, you must create a culture of transparency." Tune in to Pastor Matt as he illustrates the need for transparency in disciple-making!
"This is not just a holiday. This is not just a fairytale." Check out this 2016 Christmas throwback from Pastor Mike!
Enter His gates with thanksgiving! Pastor Franco reminds us of the importance of gratitude in our relationship with Jesus.
Today our Youth Director Brooke Bauzon shares on stepping into the world of those we disciple to accelerate the discipleship process!
Will you allow the Lord to take you where he wants to use you? Join us tomorow as we learn to do this together! Link to register is below. https://greenhousechurch.org/sundayregistration/
Have we framed accountability wrong? Tune in to Mike Lane as he takes us through the role of accountability within discipleship and how to do it well!
Sometimes we can only see the underside of the tapestry... open God's word today to help you get to the other side and see his beautiful design for your situation, your family, your relationships, your job, your life! See Pastor Robbie's sermon here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FU204OL7Jw
Real salvation may not come from our actions, but it leads to our actions🙌
"As a disciple-maker, you must create a culture of transparency." Tune in to Pastor Matt as he illustrates the need for transparency in disciple-making!
Checkout Pastor Mike Patz's new blog post "Christmas Hope" at the link below! https://www.mikepatz.com/christmas-hope
Grace Marketplace exists to end homelessness. This year alone they have helped 286 of their homeless community find housing and helped countless more with essential resources. Every day they have new people come to their facility who have not found housing yet and are in need of some essentials during this cold season. One way you can help is to provide coats & blankets. Please deliver ALL DONATIONS to Grace Marketplace at 3055 NE 28th Drive Gainesville FL 32609. You can drop off your donation on Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday from 10am-6pm.
It's almost Christmas! 🎁 Join us December 23rd and 24th, in-person and online, as we share the joy of our Saviour's birth together! Reserve your seats at greenhousechurch.org/christmas-2020/ THU, DEC 24 AT 4:00 PM EST Christmas Eve at the Hub
THU, DEC 24 AT 4:00 PM EST Christmas Eve at the Hub
👇🏾 COMMENT DOWN BELOW! What are your favourite Christmas dinners?! Also, if you haven't reserved your seat for Christmas Eve service today, click this link to register! https://www.kindridgiving.com/App/Form/7e6a3e9d-fd8d-4454-b96b-d06af86bcdd6
ANOTHER 👏🏼 NEW 👏🏼 BLOG 👏🏼 Check out Mike Patz's latest blog post "25 Christmas Ideas" https://www.mikepatz.com/25-christmas-ideas
Join Erik Stephen as he walks us through a few of the 12 Kingdom Prayers by Live Dead!
🙏🏻 Join us in starting off 2021 with 30 days of prayer as we seek God to do the extraordinary. Check greenhousechurch.org/prayer2021 for more information!
What a great word by Pastor Robbie this week! In case you missed it, check the link below to watch the full message on our Youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/c/GreenhouseChurchGainesville
While we're making 2021 resolutions, let's not forget about discipleship.
Join us in 30-Days of Prayer from January 4th-February 3rd. We earnestly desire for God to move in the hearts and lives of our church, families, neighbours, city, and around the world through us in 2021! Check greenhousechurch.org/prayer2021 for more information.
Join Erik Stephen as he walks us through a few of the 12 Kingdom Prayers by Live Dead!
There are 10 billion reasons to divide, but here is One very compelling reason to unite—that is the image of God.
👏🏼Take 👏🏼 Jesus 👏🏼 seriously. If you missed the full message, check it out on our YouTube channel! youtube.com/c/GreenhouseChurchGainesville
🙏🏻 Join us in starting off 2021 with 30 days of prayer as we seek God to do the extraordinary. Check greenhousechurch.org/prayer2021 for more information!
What a great word by Pastor Robbie this week! In case you missed it, check the link below to watch the full message on our Youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/c/GreenhouseChurchGainesville
While we're making 2021 resolutions, let's not forget about discipleship.
✊🏾 Today we celebrate the life of Rev Dr Martin Luther King. May we aim to emulate his efforts toward justice and equity for people of colour in 2021.
There are 10 billion reasons to divide, but here is One very compelling reason to unite—that is the image of God.
👏🏼Take 👏🏼 Jesus 👏🏼 seriously. If you missed the full message, check it out on our YouTube channel! youtube.com/c/GreenhouseChurchGainesville
🙏🏻 Join us in starting off 2021 with 30 days of prayer as we seek God to do the extraordinary. Check greenhousechurch.org/prayer2021 for more information!
What a great word by Pastor Robbie this week! In case you missed it, check the link below to watch the full message on our Youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/c/GreenhouseChurchGainesville
While we're making 2021 resolutions, let's not forget about discipleship.
Is unity always the answer? It's not when it's apart from God. Unity among people alone is not enough; we must also be unified with God. If we don't, we run the risk of constructing figurative Towers of Babel in our lives. What a challenging and insightful message we heard yesterday. If you missed it, check our YouTube channel at the link below. youtube.com/GreenhouseChurchGainesville
✊🏾 Today we celebrate the life of Rev Dr Martin Luther King. May we aim to emulate his efforts toward justice and equity for people of colour in 2021.
There are 10 billion reasons to divide, but here is One very compelling reason to unite—that is the image of God.
👏🏼Take 👏🏼 Jesus 👏🏼 seriously. If you missed the full message, check it out on our YouTube channel! youtube.com/c/GreenhouseChurchGainesville
🙏🏻 Join us in starting off 2021 with 30 days of prayer as we seek God to do the extraordinary. Check greenhousechurch.org/prayer2021 for more information!
What a great word by Pastor Robbie this week! In case you missed it, check the link below to watch the full message on our Youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/c/GreenhouseChurchGainesville
"I look for that day when we will praise the Lamb that was slain. We will praise the One who won the victory for us. Our differences will be laid aside and we will gaze at the One who is altogether lovely and altogether worthy and altogether wonderful." Pastor Joel brought the WORD on Sunday. If you missed it, check our YouTube channel (link below) for the full message 🔥 https://www.youtube.com/GreenhouseChurchGainesville
"Not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some," Hebrews 10:25 We are the church when we gather. Join us online or in-person tomorrow at 9am, 11:15am, and 7:30pm.
👏🏼NEW 👏🏼BLOG 👏🏼POST! Check out Pastor Mike Patz's new blog post on Unity. https://www.mikepatz.com/are-we-sure-unity-is-the-answer/
🚨 ADJUSTED SERVICE TIMES! We have adjusted service times for the Super Bowl tomorrow! We'll see you at 9am, 11:15am, and 4:30pm, online and in-person!
Greenhouse Celebrates Black History Month: In 1906, William J. Seymour lead the Azuza Street revival, which is considered to be one of the most influential moments in the formation of the Pentecostal movement. 1500 people packed into a dilapidated building on 312 Azusa Street, from mid-morning to midnight, seeking the Lord in prayer and worship for three years. Born to emancipated slaves in Louisiana, Seymour obtained training in ministry despite the evils of segregation and Jim Crow laws. His revival was well known for holding racially integrated worship, allowing women in church leadership, and placing an emphasis on the work of the Holy Spirit.
Let us live in such a way that the concern of every member of the Body becomes our personal concern. The ability for us to put aside our differences and unite comes as we gaze upon the unity displayed on the cross—the ultimate expression of humility for the sake of unity. It's a fool's errand to attempt to unite with others if we have not first united with God.
This month we celebrate our Black leaders of the past, the present, and the future. Thank you, Will Jones, for your efforts in correcting the consequences of evil policies that once plagued the church. May we all be inspired to pour into the next generation of Black missionaries who will change the world ✊🏾
Harriet Tubman was a hero of our faith, a veteran, an abolitionist, and a political activist. Born into slavery, Tubman was struck in the head while attempting to help a runaway slave, resulting in seizures and "sleeping spells". After her injury, she began having visions and speaking with God regularly. She reports her communication with the Spirit was direct and pragmatic—as if God was a "guardian uncle whispering instructions exclusively to her about what to do and not do, where to go and not go.” By the direction of God, Harriet Tubman freed over 50 slaves through the Underground Railroad. She then served in the Union Army and became the first woman to lead an armed assault during the Civil War. During that assault, named the Combahee River Raid, Tubman freed another 700 slaves.
Some action steps from last Sunday! Let's be hearers AND doers of the word.
Thank you Dr. Eric Mason for visiting us last year & teaching us the importance of history. Church history is Black History.
👩🏿‍🎓 Get smart. What a challenging and powerful message from Pastor Mike last Sunday. Did you miss it? Check our YouTube channel for the full message! youtube.com/GreenhouseChurchGainesville
Join us!
Ending a fast is difficult! Not just physically but mentally and spiritually too. God seeking doesn't end when the fast ends. Let's be intentional in making time and space to be in His presence during our "post-fast" life.
We celebrate Black History of the past and the history made by our brothers and sisters TODAY. Check out this 2018 teaching where @jayethomasmusic spoke to us about "True Worship".
🤬 If your mouth is out of control, your religion is useless. Remember to take Sunday's message and apply it on the other 6 days of the week! If you missed it, or need a refresher, the full sermon is on our YouTube channel, link in below! youtube.com/GreenhouseChurchGainesville
Today we covered our very own Hannah as she prepares to live on mission in Thailand! We are so proud and excited for what God has in store for her and His kingdom around the world. Please pray for Hannah's safety as she prepares to fly out next week and let her be an inspiration to others in our church who are called to "Go"
Don’t make observations without speaking transformation. SPEAK the truth, power, and authority of the Bible. When you see injustice, speak justice. When you see unrighteousness, speak righteousness. When you see sickness, speak healing. When you see foolishness, speak wisdom. What would happen if we spoke out of faith, rather than skepticism? The answer is: We would move mountains.
Let’s be the Holy Ground that the world needs! Join us online or in-person at 9am, 11:15am, and 7:30pm!
Harriet Tubman was a hero of our faith, a veteran, an abolitionist, and a political activist. Born into slavery, Tubman was struck in the head while attempting to help a runaway slave, resulting in seizures and "sleeping spells". After her injury, she began having visions and speaking with God regularly. She reports her communication with the Spirit was direct and pragmatic—as if God was a "guardian uncle whispering instructions exclusively to her about what to do and not do, where to go and not go.” By the direction of God, Harriet Tubman freed over 50 slaves through the Underground Railroad. She then served in the Union Army and became the first woman to lead an armed assault during the Civil War. During that assault, named the Combahee River Raid, Tubman freed another 700 slaves.
The most dangerous wars are the wars you don't acknowledge.
🥳 One of our favourite things about our staff is that we get to play AND pray together! Did anyone else know Ms. Julie's a secret coin inspector?!
There are three ways to destroy your relationships, but there's one way to recover them. PASSION, LUST, and PRIDE, will kill every relationship you have but HUMILITY can save them. How do we practice humility? We apply James 4:7-10.
We can't wait to gather together tomorrow! We're online and in-person at 9 am, 11:15 am, and 7:30 pm! See you there!
📝 Forget to take notes on Sunday? We got you covered. Here are the key points from Sunday's message!
Our staff spent some time planning around our 2021 objectives today. First, in the most polarized moment of our generation, we will be the most united group where anyone can belong. Then, we will create a Green, multiplying culture of discipleship that anyone can join. Will you join us?
"We have plans, but God has a will." It always SO GOOD to hear from Pastor Mike Lane! If you missed it, check out our YouTube Channel for the full message!
Have you ever wondered how your studies and career can play a part in the Great Commission? This semester we're going through a series exploring God's missional purpose for our lives. We'll hear from professionals all over the world as we go through teachings and workshops to equip us in our callings. Join us for our first teaching, this Thursday, March 4th at 6:00 pm to hear how your career is meant to impact the nations. Register online at ghmissions.typeform.com/to/tnaQRVSC We'll see you there!
💚 We can't wait to see you tomorrow! Online and in-person, 9am, 11:15am, and 7:30pm!
This week's message was powerful! Need a refresher? Check out these key points! If you missed it, watch the full sermon on our YouTube channel! Link in bio
Richard Allen is widely considered the "Father of the Black Church". Born into slavery, Allen was permitted to buy his freedom at age 20. Four years later, he became an ordained minister in the Methodist Church. After suffering continued racism at the hands of the white Methodists and enduring the system of segregated congregations, Allen founded the African Methodist Episcopal Church. The AME started as a local congregation and then united with other churches from surrounding cities to create the first black denomination in the United States.
Today Pastor Mike Patz will be talking through 'if a follower of Jesus should be rich.' Join us as we dive deep into this question. Join an Online Microchurch: www.tinyurl.com/OnlineMCs Click on this link for Kids activities, videos and more! https://greenhousechurch.org/kids-chu... WHAT IS DISCIPLESHIP? You may be wondering what’s next on your journey. We dare you to change the world by becoming a disciple! Disciples are people who are living in worship, missions, and community. They’re people who live in the green. Only God can make things grow, but we try to provide an environment where he can work his wonders. Let us guide you to your next steps in your walk with Christ:
Today Pastor Mike Patz will be talking through 'if a follower of Jesus should be rich.' Join us as we dive deep into this question. Join an Online Microchurch: www.tinyurl.com/OnlineMCs Click on this link for Kids activities, videos and more! https://greenhousechurch.org/kids-chu... WHAT IS DISCIPLESHIP? You may be wondering what’s next on your journey. We dare you to change the world by becoming a disciple! Disciples are people who are living in worship, missions, and community. They’re people who live in the green. Only God can make things grow, but we try to provide an environment where he can work his wonders. Let us guide you to your next steps in your walk with Christ:
We are so excited to continue our James series tomorrow at 9am, 11:15am, and 7:30pm!
"If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that." When you plan, do it with God. Make your decision with God. Include God. Seek God. Think through the Word of God. Run it by the people of God and listen to the voice of God. Then watch as your plans unravel in a good way, and watch as the Lord does what only He can do best. Trust his will.
Our safety doesn't come from trusting in our own ability, it comes from trusting in our good shepherd.
Can't wait for church tomorrow?! Well, we'll see you one hour sooner!
Need a refresher on last week's message? Check out these sermon notes of Pastor Mike's message on money!
We weren't meant to do life without community. Need help finding a microchurch? DM us or check out greenhousechurch.org/microchurches
You are (probably) rich... We typically compare ourselves with the top 1% to justify our lifestyle, while conveniently avoiding billions of people that are living in poverty. The Bible's definition of the "rich" may surprise us—hopefully enough that we consider the warnings issued to us in scripture.
Sunday was special. We asked the question, "Should a follower of Jesus be rich?" and broke down what it looks like to follow Jesus while also living in a wealthy country. If you missed it, check out the full message on our YouTube channel! youtube.com/GreenhouseChurchGainesville
Today, as the world celebrates International Women's Day, we join in and celebrate the amazing women on our Staff! These incredible faces you'll see in the following slides represent strength and dignity, faithfulness and tenacity, leadership, and countless beautiful testimonies of the love of Jesus. We thank God for these women!
"Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming." Lord, help us be patient. Help us remember that you will return and make all things perfect.
Easter is just a few weeks! Join us in prayer and sign-up to serve on our website! greenhousechurch.org/easter2021
🔥 Can you take the heat? This Sunday, we talked about patience; patience in our current suffering and patiently waiting for the return of Jesus. If you missed it, here's a quick summary of Pastor Mike's message!
Today our staff prayed for Easter. We prayed for the proclamation of the Gospel, salvations, outreach, volunteers, hospitality, supernatural encounters, our pastors, and our staff. Please help us cover Easter weekend in prayer by following our prayer plan on our website, greenhousechurch.org/easter2021
Are you signed up to serve? Grab a serve card this Sunday or sign-up on our website: greenhousechurch.org/easter2021
Have you started your week with a Maranatha mindset? Let's remember to be patient and endure without grumbling and complaining.
If you have to swear to God, something's wrong. When we swear, it's because we struggle with telling the truth.
Our staff believes we will see healing this Sunday . Today, in hopeful expectation, we prayed that people will be healed. We know the Lord is working. Please join us in praying for miracles this weekend.


Company name
Arnolds Mission Cafe


  • What is the phone number for Arnolds Mission Cafe in Gainesville FL?
    You can reach them at: 352-376-6992. It’s best to call Arnolds Mission Cafe during business hours.
  • What is the address for Arnolds Mission Cafe on 39th avenue in Gainesville?
    Arnolds Mission Cafe is located at this address: 11200 NW 39th Avenue Gainesville, FL 32606.