ATLANTA's #1 ENT Doctors - Best Atlanta ENT Doctors - Atlanta Institute for ENT is a premier Atlanta ENT center led by the top ear, nose and throat doctors and specialists.
Balloon Sinuplasty—minimally invasive procedure to open blocked sinus passages
General ENT—obstructive sleep apnea, snoring, acid reflux, TMJ, voice changes, swallowing disorders Nasal and Sinus—endoscopic sinus surgery, nasal obstruction
Pediatric ENT—tonsillectomy Procedures, asthma, airway disorders, pediatric sleep apnea
Facial Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery—facelift, rhinoplasty, lip enhancement
Allergies—testing and treatment
Audiology—hearing loss and ear ringing, dizziness and balance disorders, ear infections and earaches
Head and Neck Cancer—thyroid and parathyroid disease, thyroid tumors, throat cancer