Atlantic Supply's Montgomery, AL location serves Alabama and the surrounding states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia and Northern Florida’s panhandle. Atlantic Supply is a stocking distributor for all of your materials testing and drilling needs. We specialize in concrete, soil, asphalt, and aggregate testing equipment; plus general lab supplies and field safety supplies. We are a full service supply company offering sales and in-house calibration and repair services for Pressure Meters, Speedy Moisture Testers, Roll-A-Meters and scales, as well as our on-site calibration services for you materials testing lab. The Montgomery store also does calibration and repairs for all CPN, Troxler and Instrotek nuclear density gauges in-house. We are a stocking distributor for Transtech's Non-nuclear PQI380 and SDG200 asphalt and soil density gauges. We stock products for water well drilling, environmental drilling, geotechnical drilling, Geoprobe®’s direct push tooling and accessories, directional drilling and foundation drilling. Our warehouse is fully-stocked with Melfred Borzall’s HDD tooling, HDPE pipe and tracer wire. We stock drill bits, bentonite drilling mud and additives, Moyno pump and related repair parts, drill rods and casing, water swivels, split spoons, augers, subs, manholes, plugs, bailers, flush-threaded PVC and open-end PVC, prepacks and much more.