Auntie Zaza's FIber Works - Yarn Shop offers specialty yarns, needles, accessories and fiber arts education in knitting, crochet, felting and more! Our unique yarn shop, located in South Boston's historic Easton, MA offers a homey, relaxed atmosphere. Fine Yarns include and are not limited to Berroco, Debbie Bliss, Noro, Juniper Moon Farms, Ella Rae. Knitting needles and crochet hooks include Knitter's Pride, Dreamz and Nova. Knitting classes and crochet lessons are lead by knitting masters and crochet experts. Our fiber education programs are designed to meet the learning needs of fiber artist at all levels. Do you want to learn to knit or crochet? Are you an experienced knitter and wanting to bring your skills to the next level. Auntie Zaza's Fiber Works - yarn shop has experienced knitting educators and crochet teachers that will work with you in a small classroom setting to meet you individual needs. Call today to sign up! Come visit your local yarn shop in Easton, MA. Stop by to sit and knit and make some new friends.