Autoplan Insurance Inc.

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Car Insurance in Memphis, TN
Car Insurance


9:00AM - 5:30PM
9:00AM - 5:30PM
9:00AM - 5:30PM
9:00AM - 5:30PM
9:00AM - 5:30PM
9:00AM - 4:00PM


2925 S Perkins Rd
Memphis, TN


Autoplan is dedicated to getting you covered, regardless of your credit. There are no credit checks with Autoplan, and there are Low Down Payments. You can save up to 50% on your car insurance with Autoplan! We offer free quotes, multi-car discounts, home owner discounts, and you can still qualify if you have tickets, or a DUI on your record.


Here some recovered auto thefts, the GMC Sierra continues to be a hot item as well. Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol October 2 at 11:15 AM · Algunos autos recuperados por Robo...La GMC Sierra una de las mas robadas tambien en nuestra area. Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
Great Resource! Recalls Look-up by VIN - Vehicle Identification Number Print Share Owners may not always know their recalled vehicle still needs to be repaired. NHTSA's new search tool lets you enter a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) to quickly learn if a specific vehicle has not been repaired as part of a safety recall in the last 15 years. Auto Insurance Quote 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com https://vinrcl.safercar.gov/vin/ VINRCL.SAFERCAR.GOV Recalls Look-up by VIN (Vehicle Identification Number)
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If you have received the letter below from the TN DEPT OF REVENUE, and have not responded that may be a big chance your registration is suspended and the clerks office will not issue a renewal sticker... Insurance Quote 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com
A great deal, actually. Rain and wet roads cause more car accidents and injuries than snow, sleet or fog. A study based on data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration shows that most weather-related crashes happen on wet pavement (73 percent) and when it rains (46 percent). Free Auto Quote 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol September 23 at 1:39 PM · La lluvia y las carreteras mojadas causan más accidentes automovilísticos y lesiones que la nieve, el aguanieve o la niebla. Un estudio basado en datos de la Administración Nacional de Seguridad del Tráfico en las Carreteras muestra que la mayoría de los choques relacionados con el clima ocurren en pavimento mojado (73 por ciento) y cuando llueve (46 por ciento). Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
When the weather is foggy, remember to turn headlights on and to dim. Depth perception is not the same as in clear weather. Watch for other vehicles that may not have their headlights on. Watch out for children along the roadway waiting for their school bus. Also drive slower.‬ Free Auto Insurance Quote 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Tennessee Highway Patrol October 9 at 6:53 AM · ‪When the weather is foggy, remember to turn headlights on and to dim. Depth perception is not the same as in clear weather. Watch for other vehicles that may not have their headlights on. Watch out for children along the roadway waiting for their school bus. Also drive slower.‬
Life isn’t a game. Stay focused when you’re behind the wheel. Free Car Insurance Quote 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Tennessee Highway Safety Office October 8 at 8:42 AM · Life isn’t a game. Stay focused when you’re behind the wheel. #DistractedDriving | NHTSA
Link for checkpoints scheduled by the TN Highway Patrol, for the month of October. Free Insurance Quote 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com https://www.tn.gov/content/dam/tn/safety/documents/thp-checkpoints/OCTOBER2020_CHECKPOINTS.pdf Autoplan Insurance Espanol October 7 at 10:03 AM · Retenes! Programados para el mes de Octubre por el Departamento del Highway Patrol Tennessee. Link En el post. En ningún momento beber y conducir es la elección correcta. Entregue las llaves a un conductor sobrio. Nunca beba y conduzca. Durante el mes de octubre, los soldados tendrán licencia de conducir, cinturón de seguridad y puntos de control de sobriedad para aumentar la seguridad en las carreteras de TN. Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/ https://www.tn.gov/content/dam/tn/safety/documents/thp-checkpoints/OCTOBER2020_CHECKPOINTS.pdf
Some good news! Free Insurance Quote 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com WMCACTIONNEWS5.COM US traffic deaths fell 2% in 2019; 3rd straight yearly drop
Vandals! FOX13MEMPHIS.COM At least 12 cars broken into at Cordova hotel, police say
This is scary! teen driver safety week...87 % of teens surveyed admitted to regularly driving above the posted speed limit. Stop their speeding before the speeding stops them Autoplan Insurance Espanol October 23 at 11:23 AM · Semana de la seguridad del conductor adolescente ... El 87% de los adolescentes encuestados admitió conducir regularmente por encima del límite de velocidad establecido. Deja de acelerar antes de que el exceso de velocidad los detenga. Aqui un 2009 Mercury Milan Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
This is how we roll in Memphis! Got a ticket for no insurance? FREE QUOTES 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol October 22 at 11:26 AM · Asi se maneja en Memphis! Te dieron ticket por no aseguranza, podemos darte un estimado gratis! Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
National Teen Driver Safety Week is October 18 – 24. The Tennessee Highway Safety Office (@NTHSO) has launched the "Keep Them Safe" campaign. Learn more at: https://tntrafficsafety.org/microsites/teen/ Need an Insurance Quote 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Shelby County Sheriff's Office October 19 at 2:02 PM · National Teen Driver Safety Week is October 18 – 24. The Tennessee Highway Safety Office (@NTHSO) has launched the "Keep Them Safe" campaign. Learn more at: https://tntrafficsafety.org/microsites/teen/
This is a heck of a predicament! Insurance Quote 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol October 29 at 11:29 AM · Ahi veces que ya no sabe uno ni para donde darle! Lo que si deberiamos de traer antes de darle al carro es aseguranza de auto. Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
accidents can happen in a blink of an eye! be safe out there. Free Quote 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Jona Jona‎Cars Accident, Caught on Camera October 20 at 1:24 PM ·
If you have lost you DL and need an SR-22 give us a call, we can help. Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com In The Know Machines October 17 at 10:00 AM · This janitor from Florida created a hilariously efficient way to get around ☂️🤣
Drive safe out there! Memphis, TN – As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches and more drivers hit the roads, Memphis Police Department is partnering with the Tennessee Highway Safety Office (THSO) to remind motorists to “Click It or Ticket.” From November 16 - 29, participating agencies across the state will increase seat belt enforcement as part of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) nationwide mobilization. “During the ‘Click It or Ticket’ campaign, we’ll be working with our fellow law enforcement officers across local and state lines to ensure the seat belt safety message gets out to all drivers and passengers,” said Colonel Keith Watson with the Memphis Police Traffic Office “By far, buckling up is the simplest thing you can do to limit injury or save your life during a crash. We see the results of not wearing a seat belt all the time. We see the loss of life and devastating injuries that could’ve been prevented with the simple click of a seat belt. That’s why buckling up is more than just a good idea—it’s the law.” According to NHTSA, in 2018, there were 9,778 unbuckled passenger vehicle occupants killed in crashes in the United States. In that same year, 56 percent of passenger vehicle occupants killed at night (6 p.m.–5:59 a.m.) were not wearing their seat belts. That’s why one focus of the “Click It or Ticket” campaign is nighttime enforcement. Participating law enforcement agencies will be taking a no-excuses approach to seat belt law enforcement, writing citations day and night. In Memphis, Tennessee the maximum penalty for a seat belt violation is monetary fine with the possibility of a suspended driver’s license. For more information about seat belt safety or the THSO, visit www.tntrafficsafety.org. Autoplan Insurance Espanol Yesterday at 5:05 PM · Memphis, TN - A medida que se acerca la festividad del Día de Acción de Gracias y más conductores salen a las carreteras, el Departamento de Policía de Memphis se está asociando con la Oficina de Seguridad en las Carreteras de Tennessee (THSO) para recordar a los automovilistas que hagan "Click It or Ticket". Del 16 al 29 de noviembre, las agencias participantes en todo el estado aumentarán la aplicación del cinturón de seguridad como parte de la movilización nacional de la Administración Nacional de Seguridad del Tráfico en las Carreteras (NHTSA). “Durante la campaña 'Click It or Ticket', trabajaremos con nuestros compañeros agentes de la ley a través de las fronteras locales y estatales para garantizar que el mensaje de seguridad del cinturón de seguridad llegue a todos los conductores y pasajeros”, dijo el coronel Keith Watson del Memphis. Oficina de tráfico de la policía “De lejos, abrocharse el cinturón es lo más simple que puede hacer para limitar las lesiones o salvar su vida durante un accidente. Vemos los resultados de no usar el cinturón de seguridad todo el tiempo. Vemos la pérdida de vidas y lesiones devastadoras que podrían haberse evitado con un simple clic del cinturón de seguridad. Es por eso que abrocharse el cinturón es más que una buena idea: es la ley ". Según la NHTSA, en 2018, 9,778 ocupantes de vehículos de pasajeros sin abrochar murieron en accidentes en los Estados Unidos. En ese mismo año, el 56 por ciento de los ocupantes de vehículos de pasajeros que murieron durante la noche (6 p.m.-5: 59 a.m.) no usaban sus cinturones de seguridad. Es por eso que uno de los objetivos de la campaña "Click It or Ticket" es la aplicación nocturna. Las agencias policiales participantes adoptarán un enfoque sin excusas para la aplicación de la ley del cinturón de seguridad, escribiendo citaciones día y noche. En Memphis, Tennessee, la pena máxima por una violación del cinturón de seguridad es una multa monetaria con la posibilidad de una licencia de conducir suspendida. Para obtener más información sobre la seguridad del cinturón de seguridad o el THSO, visite www.tntrafficsafety.org. Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
Thousands have Died in Crashes Involving Cell Phone Use Many distractions exist while driving, but cell phones are a top distraction because so many drivers use them for long periods of time each day. Almost everyone has seen a driver distracted by a cell phone, but when you are the one distracted, you often don't realize that driver is you. New technology in vehicles is causing us to become more distracted behind the wheel than ever before. Fifty-three percent of drivers believe if manufacturers put "infotainment" dashboards and hands-free technology in vehicles, they must be safe. And, with some state laws focusing on handheld bans, many drivers honestly believe they are making the safe choice by using a hands-free device. But in fact, these technologies distract our brains even long after you've used them. Make no mistake: This multitasking technology is about convenience, not safety. LEARN MORE Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol November 9 at 7:31 PM · Miles han muerto en accidentes relacionados con el uso de teléfonos celulares Existen muchas distracciones mientras se conduce, pero los teléfonos celulares son una de las principales distracciones porque muchos conductores los usan durante largos períodos de tiempo todos los días. Casi todo el mundo ha visto a un conductor distraído por un teléfono celular, pero cuando usted es el que está distraído, a menudo no se da cuenta de que el conductor es usted. La nueva tecnología en los vehículos hace que nos distraigamos más al volante que nunca. El cincuenta y tres por ciento de los conductores cree que si los fabricantes colocan paneles de "infoentretenimiento" y tecnología de manos libres en los vehículos, deben estar seguros. Y, con algunas leyes estatales que se centran en prohibiciones de dispositivos de mano, muchos conductores creen honestamente que están tomando la decisión segura al usar un dispositivo de manos libres. Pero, de hecho, estas tecnologías distraen nuestro cerebro incluso mucho después de haberlas usado. No se equivoque: esta tecnología multitarea se trata de conveniencia, no de seguridad. APRENDE MÁS Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
Crash Data-Reveals in Memphis we have lost 84 people more already than we had lost in 2019.Be safe out there! Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Full Link below https://www.tn.gov/safety/stats/crashdata.html Autoplan Insurance Espanol November 5 at 12:28 PM · Muertes de tráfico en Tennessee - Informe del distrito YTD 2019 vs. YTD 2020 Abajo link completo https://www.tn.gov/content/dam/tn/safety/documents/district_11032020.pdf Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
So tempted! Driving in Memphis seems like an obstacle course. Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol November 4 at 1:58 PM · Aqui en Memphis! Casi dan ganas de acer demostraciones... Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
Our agencies have seen a lot of these letter from de TN Department of Revenue...If you got one of these Insurance must been submitted to the state and also payment for the no insurance fee, come into any one of our offices, we will be glad to help you. Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol September 24 at 3:43 PM · No te dieron la sticker de la placa? Estamos reciviendo mucha gente que esta llendo a renovar la sticker de las placas y los regresan, pidiendoles aseguranza. Mucha gente ni sabe que ah tenido su registracion suspendida por no mantener aseguranza activa en el auto, recuerde es la ley tenerla en el estado de Tennessee. Aqui les dejo una carta ejemplo di le llego una parecida es probable que este suspendida su registracion y NO PUEDA TRAMITAR SU STICKER.Si tiene alguna pregunta denos una llamadita y le alludamos con mucho gusto. Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/ CARTA TRADUCIDA! Cargo por incumplimiento de cobertura: $ 125 Vaya a www.DriveInsuredTN.com para pagar la tarifa y confirmar prueba de cobertura de seguro Estimado <nombre>, El Departamento de Ingresos de Tennessee está autorizado a suspender el registro de un vehículo por cualquiera de los motivos establecidos en TENN. CÓDIGO ANN. § 55-5-117 (a) (1) - (5) (2015). Si bien nuestros registros indican que el VIN mencionado anteriormente tiene un registro activo en Tennessee, no podemos verificar que la cobertura de seguro aceptable esté actualmente en vigor. El estado de su seguro: Se le han cobrado $ 125 en tarifas de incumplimiento de cobertura y se ha suspendido el registro de su vehículo. Se le enviaron por correo dos avisos por separado en fechas anteriores para notificarle sobre las tarifas de incumplimiento de cobertura asociadas con la falta de prueba de cobertura de seguro o una exención verificable. Consecuencias de la suspensión: esta carta sirve como aviso oficial de que no puede conducir su vehículo mientras se suspende su registro. Conducir un vehículo sin un registro actual es un delito menor de Clase C (T.C.A.§ 55-3-102). La ley de Tennessee requiere el registro de todos los vehículos que operan en las calles o autopistas del estado (T.C.A.§ 55-4-101). Cómo restablecer el registro de su vehículo: para restablecer el registro de su vehículo, debe comprar un seguro de responsabilidad civil para su vehículo, proporcionar evidencia de la cobertura del seguro y pagar todas las tarifas de falla de cobertura asociadas con la suspensión de su vehículo. Visite www.DriveInsuredTN.com para proporcionar un comprobante de seguro y pague las tarifas asociadas para restablecer su registro. Se necesitará el VIN y PIN anteriores para completar la información. Cómo impugnar esta suspensión: puede solicitar una audiencia para impugnar esta suspensión bajo la Ley de Procedimientos Administrativos Uniformes presentando una solicitud por escrito para una audiencia dentro de los 10 días posteriores a la fecha de esta carta. El alcance de la audiencia se limita a si la División de Servicios de Vehículos del Departamento de Ingresos emprendió esta acción de acuerdo con el registro y la ley. Si solicita una audiencia, asegúrese de incluir un número de teléfono y / o una dirección de correo electrónico donde pueda ser localizado. Las solicitudes para una audiencia administrativa deben presentarse por escrito al Departamento de Ingresos de Tennessee a la siguiente dirección: Oficina de Audiencias, Edificio de la Oficina de Estado de Andrew Jackson, Piso 11, 500 Deaderick Street, Nashville, TN 37242. Para obtener más información, visítenos en www.DrivelnsuredTN.com, envíenos un correo electrónico a lnsurance.Verification@tn.gov o hable con un representante de servicio al cliente al 615-741-3101, opción 2. Aqui esta el link para pagar la multa, necesitara el numero de PIN https://verifyinsurance.revenue.tn.gov/#/referen
Got a ticket for no insurance? we can help. Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol November 2 at 1:48 PM · Te paro el policia, y te dio ticket por no aseguranza? te podemos alludar. Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
SHELBY COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE INCREASES SEAT BELT ENFORCEMENT DURING NATIONAL “CLICK IT OR TICKET” MOBILIZATION Don't get caught without Insurance! Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Shelby County, TN – As the winter holiday season approaches and families hit the road for vacation, the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office is partnering with the Tennessee Highway Safety Office (THSO) to remind motorists to “Click It or Ticket.” From November 16 - 24, participating agencies across the state will increase seat belt enforcement as part of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) nationwide mobilization. Shelby County Sheriff's Office Yesterday at 4:39 PM · SHELBY COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE INCREASES SEAT BELT ENFORCEMENT DURING NATIONAL “CLICK IT OR TICKET” MOBILIZATION Shelby County, TN – As the winter holiday season approaches and families hit the road for vacation, the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office is partnering with the Tennessee Highway Safety Office (THSO) to remind motorists to “Click It or Ticket.” From November 16 - 24, participating agencies across the state will increase seat belt enforcement as part of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) nationwide mobilization. “During the ‘Click It or Ticket’ campaign, we’ll be working with our fellow law enforcement officers across local and state lines to ensure the seat belt safety message gets out to all drivers and passengers,” said Sheriff Floyd Bonner, Jr. “By far, buckling up is the simplest thing you can do to limit injury or save your life during a crash. We see the results of not wearing a seat belt all the time. We see the loss of life and devastating injuries that could’ve been prevented with the simple click of a seat belt. That’s why buckling up is more than just a good idea—it’s the law.” One of the safest choices drivers and passengers can make is to buckle up. Many Americans understand the lifesaving value of the seat belt – the national use rate was at 90.7% in 2019. Seat belt use in passenger vehicles saved an estimated 14,955 lives in 2017. In 2019, 9,466 unbuckled passenger vehicle occupants were killed in crashes in the United States. While that was a decrease from 2018, an early study for 2020 suggests that during the COVID-19 public health emergency, driving patterns and behaviors changed significantly. Of those drivers who remained on the roads, there was more risky behavior, including people not wearing seat belts. Participating law enforcement agencies will be taking a no-excuses approach to seat belt law enforcement, writing citations day and night. For more information about seat belt safety or the THSO, visit www.tntrafficsafety.org. You can also watch the campaign video from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration-www.nhtsa.gov/campaign/click-it-or-ticket . Ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday, the Tennessee Highway Safety Office will host “Talking Traffic Safety” via Facebook Live to share recent data and safety tips for the public. Join us LIVE on the Tennessee Highway Safety Office’s Facebook page (facebook.com/tnhso) on Wed., Nov. 18 @ 9:00 am CST for a panel discussion of all things driver safety. Send us your questions at info@tntrafficsafety.org.
Here a 2020 GMC SIERRA 25K total loss! If you have a loan on a vehicle keep it insured, without insurance you could end up with huge debt and no car. Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol November 13 at 12:26 PM · Aqui una 2020 GMC SIERRA K1500...perdida total por choque. Si tienes un prestamo en tu carro/camioneta no dejes de pagar tu aseguranza.Puedes acabar con una deudota y sin auto. Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
The holidays are to be celebrated with friends and family. If you drink, don’t drive. Impaired driving is a selfish choice. When you choose to drive impaired, it endangers everyone. Pick a designated sober driver or take a sober ride. Together we can reduce traffic fatalities in Tennessee. Together we can save lives. https://www.tn.gov/safety/stats/dashboards/seasonal.html Autoplan Insurance Espanol November 12 at 10:32 AM · Retenes Programados para Noviembre 2020 en el estado de Tennessee por el Departamento de State Troopers.Link abajo. Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/ https://www.tn.gov/content/dam/tn/safety/documents/thp-checkpoints/NOVEMBER2020_CHECKPOINTS.pdf
Happens everyday! Texting and driving. Not paying attention and went straight of the road around a curve. Took out a light pole (5,000$ to replace it). Was doing 80 and wasn’t wearing a seat belt. Had a open femur break and a few stiches in my ear. I always thought it was not big deal to text and drive. Been doing it since I was 16 and this happened when I was 27. The picture of the x ray was 3 months after my surgery and I broke the screws that held my rod in place. Had to have a second surgery with a bigger rod. Needles to say don’t text and drive.even if you think you got it under control because this could happen to you. And power lines on the ground look like fireworks Thomas A McCalla‎Cars Accident, Caught on Camera October 25 at 5:25 PM · Texting and driving. Not paying attention and went straight of the road around a curve. Took out a light pole (5,000$ to replace it). Was doing 80 and wasn’t wearing a seat belt. Had a open femur break and a few stiches in my ear. I always thought it was not big deal to text and drive. Been doing it since I was 16 and this happened when I was 27. The picture of the x ray was 3 months after my surgery and I broke the screws that held my rod in place. Had to have a second surgery with a bigger rod. Needles to say don’t text and drive.even if you think you got it under control because this could happen to you. And power lines on the ground look like fireworks
Enough Said! Free Insurance Quote 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol 11 hrs · Quiere cazar un gran venado, Quitele la covertura amplia asu camioneta ... síganme para más consejos de cazeria. Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
Be Safe Out There! Free Auto Insurance Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol November 19 at 1:18 PM · En esta temporada de fiestas, elija su transporte sabiamente o ELLOS lo elegiran por usted. Llegue vivo y nunca beba y conduzca. Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
‪In 2019 an improperly / unrestrained driver was 56 times more likely to die in a crash than a properly restrained driver. Buckle your seatbelt and drive safely. ‬ Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Tennessee Highway Patrol November 17 at 1:54 PM · ‪In 2019 an improperly / unrestrained driver was 56 times more likely to die in a crash than a properly restrained driver. Buckle your seatbelt and drive safely. ‬
🦃 Happy Thanksgiving 🦃 No matter where you're traveling in Tennessee, THP will be there day and night to make sure your holiday travel plans go right. We will have an increased presence on roadways over the weekend and we want to remind you how you can help us keep Tennessee roads safe. ⤵️ Free Auto Quote 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Tennessee Highway Patrol November 25 at 9:45 AM · 🦃 Happy Thanksgiving 🦃 No matter where you're traveling in Tennessee, THP will be there day and night to make sure your holiday travel plans go right. We will have an increased presence on roadways over the weekend and we want to remind you how you can help us keep Tennessee roads safe. ⤵️
Y'all stay safe out there! Impaired driving is prevalent over Thanksgiving due in part to cultural phenomena like “Blackout Wednesday” that highlight and even encourage the heavy consumption of alcohol and drugs throughout this holiday weekend. Impaired-driving-related crashes spike during the Thanksgiving holiday season. According to NHTSA, from 2013 to 2017, more than 800 people died in alcohol-impaired-driving crashes during the Thanksgiving holiday period, making it one of the deadliest holidays on our roadways. Autoplan Insurance Espanol November 24 at 11:37 AM · La conducción en estado de ebriedad prevalece sobre el Día de Acción de Gracias debido en parte a fenómenos culturales como el “Miércoles de apagón” que resaltan e incluso fomentan el consumo excesivo de alcohol y drogas durante este fin de semana festivo. Los accidentes relacionados con la conducción en estado de ebriedad aumentan durante la temporada navideña y de Acción de Gracias. Según la NHTSA, de 2013 a 2017, más de 800 personas murieron en choques por conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol durante el período de vacaciones de Acción de Gracias, lo que lo convierte en uno de los días festivos más mortíferos en nuestras carreteras. Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
Careful when doing your Christmas shopping! always be aware of your surroundings. WREG.COM Carjackings increase in major cities across the US in 2020 Autoplan Insurance Espanol December 4 at 9:58 AM · Con cuidado, ahora con las compras Navideñas Los robos de vehículos aumentan en las principales ciudades de EE. UU. En 2020 Ahora estamos aprendiendo que más personas también son víctimas de un aumento en un tipo específico de delito: los robos armado de vehículos. En algunos lugares, los números casi se han triplicado.
Autoplan Insurance Espanol December 4 at 9:58 AM · Con cuidado, ahora con las compras Navideñas Los robos de vehículos aumentan en las principales ciudades de EE. UU. En 2020 Ahora estamos aprendiendo que más personas también son víctimas de un aumento en un tipo específico de delito: los robos armado de vehículos. En algunos lugares, los números casi se han triplicado.
NASHVILLE – The Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security’s (TDOSHS) Driver Services Division announces a new online service for customers with suspended or revoked driver licenses. Reinstatement customers can now submit compliance documents online in e-Services. For many, this will allow the reinstatement process, from suspended or revoked to reinstated, to take place completely online without visiting a Driver Services Center in person. We would be more than happy, to write your SR-22 policy and virtually submit it to the state. Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com TN.GOV Driver Services Adds New Feature for Reinstatement Customers Tennessee Highway Patrol December 2 at 5:14 PM · Tennessee Department of Safety adds new online feature for those suspended or revoked licenses. Compliance documents can now be submitted to the Department online in e-Services. For many, this means the entire reinstatement process can be completed online without visiting a Driver Services Center. Read more: https://www.tn.gov/safety/news/2020/12/2/driver-services-adds-new-feature-for-reinstatement-customers.html
Tennessee Highway Patrol December 2 at 5:14 PM · Tennessee Department of Safety adds new online feature for those suspended or revoked licenses. Compliance documents can now be submitted to the Department online in e-Services. For many, this means the entire reinstatement process can be completed online without visiting a Driver Services Center. Read more: https://www.tn.gov/safety/news/2020/12/2/driver-services-adds-new-feature-for-reinstatement-customers.html
Law enforcement agencies and insurance companies have been warning drivers for nearly a decade that allowing cars to warm up, unattended, idling outside, as drivers wait inside, is an invitation for thieves to take the vehicles. If your car is stolen while you let it warm up, whether it would be covered by your insurance, depends on the company and your policy. Free Insurance Quote 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com FOX13MEMPHIS.COM Letting car idle in cold weather could be illegal
TENNESSEE HIGHWAY PATROL CHECKPOINT ENFORCEMENT For December 2020 Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol November 30 at 12:31 PM · Retenes Programados para Diciembre 2020 en el estado de Tennessee por el Departamento de State Troopers.Link abajo. Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/ https://www.tn.gov/content/dam/tn/safety/documents/thp-checkpoints/DECEMBER2020_CHECKPOINTS.pdf
Police are investigating after criminals smashed out the windows at a Memphis firehouse overnight. According to police, officers were called to Firehouse 23 in the 3400 block of Jackson overnight after someone smashed the windows of every car in the parking lot. Nothing was taken from any of the vehicles. WREG.COM Source: More than 100 vehicles broken into overnight; fire station among targets
Keep in mind for those las minute shopping trips! Shelby County Sheriff's Office December 1 at 3:19 PM · Holiday Safety Tips #2
On average, there are between 175 and 200 fatalities and over 10,000 injuries every year caused by deer accidents. (Culture of Safety) The primary reason for this is that people don’t know how to react in these situations. In every potential animal-vehicle collision, the drivers’ first instinct is to swerve and avoid injuring or even killing the animal, especially if they think the animal could belong to endangered animal species. However, deer facts show that the best thing to do is slow down as much as possible and hit the deer, because swerving could cause a collision with another car and kill you or confuse the deer that wants to run away. Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol December 7 at 11:35 AM · En promedio, hay entre 175 y 200 muertes y más de 10,000 lesiones cada año causadas por accidentes de ciervos. (Cultura de seguridad) La razón principal de esto es que la gente no sabe cómo reaccionar en estas situaciones. En cada posible colisión entre animales y vehículos, el primer instinto de los conductores es desviarse y evitar herir o incluso matar al animal, especialmente si creen que el animal podría pertenecer a una especie animal en peligro de extinción. Sin embargo, los datos sobre los ciervos muestran que lo mejor que se puede hacer es reducir la velocidad tanto como sea posible y golpear al ciervo, ya que un viraje podría provocar una colisión con otro automóvil y matarlo o confundir al ciervo que quiere huir. Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
Car insurance may help cover tree damage if you have comprehensive coverage on your auto insurance policy. Comprehensive coverage helps pay to repair or replace your vehicle if it's damaged or destroyed by falling objects, like a tree. Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol 17 hrs · El seguro de automóvil puede ayudar a cubrir los daños causados por árboles si tiene una cobertura amplia en su póliza de seguro de automóvil. La cobertura Comprehensive/Comprensiva ayuda a pagar la reparación o el reemplazo de su vehículo si se daña o se destruye por la caída de objetos, como un árbol. Aqui un 2012 Nissan Sentra Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
Remember to drive with caution if you are traveling for the holidays. Here a 2018 Yukon Denali total loss. Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol December 16 at 11:39 AM · Muchos estaran viajando durante estas fechas festivas, maneje con cuidado y asegure su carro/camioneta. Aqui una 2018 Denali perdida total Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
Thieves could leave you walking! be safe out there. Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Memphis Police Department est.1827 December 21 at 11:20 AM · Just a friendly reminder.
You just never know! Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com I love Earth December 16 at 8:11 AM · Send this clip to the Insurance company 😂🤣 See more at facebook.com
1 in 5 teen drivers involved in fatal crashes had been drinking alcohol. Driving impaired isn’t just dangerous, it’s illegal at any age. Tennessee Highway Safety Office October 21 at 11:39 AM · 1 in 5 teen drivers involved in fatal crashes had been drinking alcohol. Driving impaired isn’t just dangerous, it’s illegal at any age. #DriveSmart #TeenDriverSafetyWeek
So sad WREG.COM Drunk driver crashes into Illinois patrol car, killing K-9, authorities say
Car theft is up even through this pandemic, here a local favorite 2015 Chrysler 300 Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol Yesterday at 2:38 PM · Andan bravos los ladrones de carros, aqui uno de sus favoritos 2015 Chrysler 300 Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
Checkpoints Scheduled for TN January 2021.Stay Safe out there! Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol December 31, 2020 at 11:17 AM · Link para Checkpoints, programados para Enero 2021 por el Departamento de State Troopers Tennessee. Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/ https://www.tn.gov/content/dam/tn/safety/documents/thp-checkpoints/JANUARY2021_CHECKPOINTS.pdf
Good to know Shelby County Sheriff's Office December 30, 2020 at 4:45 PM · SCSO will be taking over patrol duties in two areas of Shelby County which will be de-annexed from the City of Memphis beginning Thursday, December 31 at 11:59:59 pm – South Cordova/Rocky Point, in the eastern part of Shelby County, and Southwind/Windyke, in the southeast corner of Shelby County. Shelby County Sheriff’s Office deputies will begin regular patrol of these areas. (See details below.)
Lock your vehicles! it takes seconds for thieves to steal your property. Free Insurance Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Burglary Motor Vehicles Cordova Report #2101001573ME MEMPHIS, TN – On January 5, 2021, between 1:00 am to 4:00 am, suspects occupying a four door silver/gray sedan, possibly a Chevrolet Malibu, were responsible for multiple vehicle burglaries in the Cordova area. Suspect #1 ismMale 18-21 years old wearing a light-colored Puma hoodie, black gloves, and a face mask. Suspect #2 is Male 18-21 years old wearing a light-colored hoodie, black gloves, and a face mask. Suspect #3 the driver is Unknown. Memphis Police Department est.1827 January 6 at 9:56 PM · Burglary Motor Vehicles Cordova Report #2101001573ME MEMPHIS, TN – On January 5, 2021, between 1:00 am to 4:00 am, suspects occupying a four door silver/gray sedan, possibly a Chevrolet Malibu, were responsible for multiple vehicle burglaries in the Cordova area. Suspect #1 ismMale 18-21 years old wearing a light-colored Puma hoodie, black gloves, and a face mask. Suspect #2 is Male 18-21 years old wearing a light-colored hoodie, black gloves, and a face mask. Suspect #3 the driver is Unknown. Additional photos and video can be found in the comment section. Cases associated with these suspects: #2101001592ME #2101001767ME #2101001807ME #2101001794ME #2101001508ME #2101001638ME #2101001546ME #2101001654ME #2101001651ME #2101001552ME #2101001588ME #2101001606ME #2101001573ME #2101001505ME #2101001549ME #2101001583ME #2101001551ME #2101001507ME #2101001792ME #2101001579ME #2101001550ME Anyone with information about this incident should call Crime Stoppers at 528-CASH. You will be given a secret ID number and your identification will remain completely anonymous. You can also submit your tip at http://www.crimestopmem.org where you will be able to review wanted fugitives and safely send investigators any helpful information on the suspect or suspects responsible for this crime. You can submit anonymous tips from our free and secure mobile app by searching your app store for “P3 Tips”. If an arrest is made, you could be eligible to receive a cash reward of up to $1000 from Crime Stoppers of Memphis and Shelby County, Inc.” About the Memphis Police Department The Memphis Police Department is a premier law enforcement agency that serves and protects the citizens of Memphis, Tennessee. Our purpose is to create and maintain public safety in the city of Memphis. We do so with focused attention on preventing and reducing crime, enforcing the law, and apprehending criminals.
General Cell Phone Statistics The National Safety Council reports that cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year. Nearly 390,000 injuries occur each year from accidents caused by texting while driving. 1 out of every 4 car accidents in the United States is caused by texting and driving. Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol January 6 at 12:57 PM · Estadísticas generales de teléfonos móviles Aqui un 2015 Ford Escape. El Consejo Nacional de Seguridad informa que el uso de teléfonos celulares mientras se conduce conduce a 1.6 millones de choques cada año. Casi 390,000 lesiones ocurren cada año por accidentes causados por enviar mensajes de texto mientras se conduce. 1 de cada 4 accidentes automovilísticos en los Estados Unidos es causado por enviar mensajes de texto y conducir. Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
For those experiencing problems when calling Nashville, due to the Explosion that happened on Christmas morning, they are having issues with their incoming calls. Here are some alternate phone numbers. The Tennessee Highway Patrol is experiencing downed phone lines. If you need to contact THP Dispatch Centers in Nashville or Lawrencburg District’s please call any of the following lines. ‬ ‪THP Lines:‬ ‪615-521-9485‬ ‪615-708-1844‬ ‪615-708-2221‬ ‪615-804-0378 ‬ Tennessee Highway Patrol December 28, 2020 at 8:25 AM · ‪The Tennessee Highway Patrol is experiencing downed phone lines. If you need to contact THP Dispatch Centers in Nashville or Lawrencburg District’s please call any of the following lines. ‬ ‪THP Lines:‬ ‪615-521-9485‬ ‪615-708-1844‬ ‪615-708-2221‬ ‪615-804-0378 ‬
Checkpoints Scheduled for TN January 2021.Stay Safe out there! Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol December 31, 2020 at 11:17 AM · Link para Checkpoints, programados para Enero 2021 por el Departamento de State Troopers Tennessee. Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/ https://www.tn.gov/content/dam/tn/safety/documents/thp-checkpoints/JANUARY2021_CHECKPOINTS.pdf
Good to know Shelby County Sheriff's Office December 30, 2020 at 4:45 PM · SCSO will be taking over patrol duties in two areas of Shelby County which will be de-annexed from the City of Memphis beginning Thursday, December 31 at 11:59:59 pm – South Cordova/Rocky Point, in the eastern part of Shelby County, and Southwind/Windyke, in the southeast corner of Shelby County. Shelby County Sheriff’s Office deputies will begin regular patrol of these areas. (See details below.)
People seem to drive even drunker than normal on New Year’s Eve as well. In any state, it’s illegal to drive with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08 (approx. 4 drinks)or higher, but 71% of New Year’s traffic fatalities involved drivers with a BAC of .015(approx. 7 drinks). It’s not all bad news: Due to publicity and peer pressure, drunk-driving fatalities in the United States have fallen by 18% since 1982. There is still much room for improvement, though. DUI accidents still account for 29 percent of all traffic fatalities in the U.S. In 2017, more than 10,000 people were killed in alcohol-related car crashes. That amounts to one person dying in a drunken driving accident every 49-50 minutes. Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol December 30, 2020 at 4:01 PM · De pensar antes de salir a celebrar la entrada del 2021 La gente también parece conducir incluso más borracha de lo normal en Nochevieja. En cualquier estado, es ilegal conducir con una concentración de alcohol en sangre (BAC) de .08(algunas 4 bebidas) o más, pero el 71% de las muertes por accidentes de tránsito de Año Nuevo involucraron a conductores con un BAC de .015. (7 bebidas o mas) No todas son malas noticias: debido a la publicidad y la presión de los compañeros, las muertes por conductores ebrios en los Estados Unidos se han reducido en un 18% desde 1982. Todavía hay Sin embargo, hay mucho margen de mejora. Los accidentes de DUI aún representan el 29 por ciento de todas las muertes de tránsito en los EE. UU. En 2017, más de 10,000 personas murieron en accidentes automovilísticos relacionados con el alcohol. Eso equivale a una persona que muere en un accidente por conducir ebrio cada 49-50 minutos. Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
Police warn people with arachnophobia to take extra precautions after woman crashes car because of spider The police department shared a photo of the crash alongside the warning, which shows a mangled car driven off the road.In a Facebook post, police from Cairo, New York, said the unidentified woman “panicked and crashed” after spotting the spider in the front seat. Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol January 14 at 11:39 AM · La policía advierte a las personas con aracnofobia que tomen precauciones adicionales después de que una mujer choca su automóvil debido a una araña En una publicación de Facebook, la policía de El Cairo, Nueva York, dijo que la mujer no identificada "entró en pánico y se estrelló" después de ver a la araña en el Asiento delantero. El departamento de policía compartió una foto del accidente junto con la advertencia, que muestra un automóvil destrozado que se salió de la carretera. Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
Always wear your seatbelt, sometimes you can't see how icy the road is slow and careful. Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com WREG News Channel 3 January 12 at 9:46 AM · A car skidded and flipped on a frost-covered road near Lincoln, NE Monday (1/11). Nebraska State Patrol said both people inside the car weren't injured because they wore seat belts. NSP said, "When there's any kind of frozen precipitation on the ground, use extra caution..."
We have claims, like this! Autoplan Insurance Espanol January 12 at 1:16 PM · Ahi reclamos asi!
What do thieves do with stolen car? Sometimes a vehicle is worth more in pieces than it is as a whole, and thieves can turn a stolen car into cash quickly by parting it out at a chop shop. ... The car's engine, transmission and frame are often scrapped because they're marked with the car's vehicle identification number (VIN). Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol January 12 at 12:22 PM · ¿Qué hacen los ladrones con el coche robado? aqui dos de las mas robadas localmente, chevy silverado y avalanche. A veces, un vehículo vale más en pedazos que en su conjunto, y los ladrones pueden convertir un automóvil robado en efectivo rápidamente dividiéndolo en una tienda de desguace. ... El motor, la transmisión y el bastidor del automóvil a menudo se desechan porque están marcados con el número de identificación del vehículo (VIN) del automóvil. Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
Careful out there Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com
Drive with caution ⚠️ it will be a messy weather day in the Southz Panola County Sheriff's Office January 10 at 6:23 PM · In case of inclement weather...
This loss may also not be covered by your insurance, if car left unattended with keys in ignition. Stay safe out there. Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Shelby County Sheriff's Office 21 hrs · TIP - Don’t leave your car unattended while warming up your engine in cold weather or leave your car unlocked anytime you are not in it. There has been a noticeable increase in thefts from motor vehicles because someone left their car unlocked. It’s also tempting to leave your car idling to warm up the engine during cold weather, but don’t make it easy for a car thief. There have been multiple car thefts and items stolen from unlocked cars in Shelby County this season. It only takes seconds for a thief to steal items from your unlocked car, or to drive away with your car if you leave it warming up for them. Also, if your car is inside an enclosed garage while idling, the carbon monoxide build-up can be deadly. Keep any eye out for your neighbors, too. If you see something suspicious, call Law Enforcement.
For more than two decades, speeding has been involved in approximately one-third of all motor vehicle fatalities. In 2017, speeding was a contributing factor in 26% of all traffic fatalities. Paul Walker had taken a break from filming the seventh sequel of Fast & Furious and was on his way to a charity event when the accident happened. Police found the Porche crumpled and ablaze – the two bodies burnt beyond recognition. The widow of Rodger Rodas, who was driving Walker, would later sue the automakers. Yet, investigations found neither mechanical failure nor driver intoxication was present at the time of the accident. The sole cause was a need for speed – Rodas’s vehicle had been traveling over 93 mph. Autoplan Insurance Espanol January 19 at 11:37 AM · Durante más de dos décadas, el exceso de velocidad ha estado involucrado en aproximadamente un tercio de todas las muertes de vehículos motorizados. En 2017, el exceso de velocidad fue un factor que contribuyó al 26% de todas las muertes por accidentes de tránsito. Paul Walker se había tomado un descanso de la filmación de la séptima secuela de Fast & Furious y se dirigía a un evento de caridad cuando ocurrió el accidente. La policía encontró el Porche arrugado y en llamas, los dos cuerpos quemados más allá del reconocimiento. La viuda de Rodger Rodas, que conducía a Walker, demandaría más tarde a los fabricantes de automóviles. Sin embargo, las investigaciones encontraron que no había fallas mecánicas ni intoxicación del conductor en el momento del accidente. La única causa fue la necesidad de velocidad: el vehículo de Rodas había viajado a más de 93 mph. Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
Who else is tired of being run of the road by crazy drivers, taking over the roads and playing like a Fast and Furious movie. Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol January 18 at 11:03 AM · Levante la mano si casi ah tenido un accidente por estos niñitos que andan jugando a ser furiosos en nuestras carretereas de Memphis. Parece ser la nueva moda correr a alta velocidad, cerrar carreteras y poner en peligro a los demas. Aqui uno de esos juguetitos chocado 2019 Dodge Charger Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
Police warn people with arachnophobia to take extra precautions after woman crashes car because of spider The police department shared a photo of the crash alongside the warning, which shows a mangled car driven off the road.In a Facebook post, police from Cairo, New York, said the unidentified woman “panicked and crashed” after spotting the spider in the front seat. Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol January 14 at 11:39 AM · La policía advierte a las personas con aracnofobia que tomen precauciones adicionales después de que una mujer choca su automóvil debido a una araña En una publicación de Facebook, la policía de El Cairo, Nueva York, dijo que la mujer no identificada "entró en pánico y se estrelló" después de ver a la araña en el Asiento delantero. El departamento de policía compartió una foto del accidente junto con la advertencia, que muestra un automóvil destrozado que se salió de la carretera. Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
Always wear your seatbelt, sometimes you can't see how icy the road is slow and careful. Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com WREG News Channel 3 January 12 at 9:46 AM · A car skidded and flipped on a frost-covered road near Lincoln, NE Monday (1/11). Nebraska State Patrol said both people inside the car weren't injured because they wore seat belts. NSP said, "When there's any kind of frozen precipitation on the ground, use extra caution..."
We have claims, like this! Autoplan Insurance Espanol January 12 at 1:16 PM · Ahi reclamos asi!
Even through this pandemic our crash numbers keep going up! Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com myTDOT January 26 at 8:54 AM · IT’S NOT OK. Buckle up and slow down. #myTDOT Tennessee Highway Patrol Tennessee Department of Safety
WREG.COM Car break-ins continue across Memphis; drivers demand answers
Year to date, not good enough! Be Safe out there. Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol January 25 at 11:54 AM · FATALIDADES POR ACCIDENTES AUTOMOVILISTICOS TENNESSE EN LO QUE LLEVA EL 2021 Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/ https://tntrafficsafety.org/
In 2019, distracted driving was a reported factor in 8.5% of fatal motor vehicle crashes. (NHTSA) What is distracted driving? The exact definition of distracted driving is fairly straightforward: if you engage in an activity that takes your eyes off the road, you are driving distracted. From drinking coffee to checking on the kids in the rearview mirror, distracted driving is all too common, but it is incredibly dangerous. Like texting and driving, this behavior results in loss of the mental focus required to drive safely — even if you look away momentarily. Car crashes due to distracted driving number in the thousands — as the data shows — and thousands of lives are lost each year despite the fact that this negligence is entirely preventable. Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol January 22 at 12:01 PM · En 2019, la conducción distraída fue un factor reportado en el 8.5% de los choques fatales de vehículos motorizados. (NHTSA) ¿Qué es conducir distraído? La definición exacta de conducción distraída es bastante sencilla: si realiza una actividad que aparta la vista de la carretera, está conduciendo distraído. Desde tomar café hasta ver a los niños en el espejo retrovisor, conducir distraído es demasiado común, pero es increíblemente peligroso. Al igual que enviar mensajes de texto y conducir, este comportamiento da como resultado la pérdida de la concentración mental necesaria para conducir con seguridad, incluso si aparta la vista momentáneamente. Los accidentes automovilísticos debido a la conducción distraída se cuentan por miles, como muestran los datos, y miles de vidas se pierden cada año a pesar del hecho de que esta negligencia es completamente prevenible. Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
This loss may also not be covered by your insurance, if car left unattended with keys in ignition. Stay safe out there. Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Shelby County Sheriff's Office January 21 at 10:31 AM · TIP - Don’t leave your car unattended while warming up your engine in cold weather or leave your car unlocked anytime you are not in it. There has been a noticeable increase in thefts from motor vehicles because someone left their car unlocked. It’s also tempting to leave your car idling to warm up the engine during cold weather, but don’t make it easy for a car thief. There have been multiple car thefts and items stolen from unlocked cars in Shelby County this season. It only takes seconds for a thief to steal items from your unlocked car, or to drive away with your car if you leave it warming up for them. Also, if your car is inside an enclosed garage while idling, the carbon monoxide build-up can be deadly. Keep any eye out for your neighbors, too. If you see something suspicious, call Law Enforcement.
For more than two decades, speeding has been involved in approximately one-third of all motor vehicle fatalities. In 2017, speeding was a contributing factor in 26% of all traffic fatalities. Paul Walker had taken a break from filming the seventh sequel of Fast & Furious and was on his way to a charity event when the accident happened. Police found the Porche crumpled and ablaze – the two bodies burnt beyond recognition. The widow of Rodger Rodas, who was driving Walker, would later sue the automakers. Yet, investigations found neither mechanical failure nor driver intoxication was present at the time of the accident. The sole cause was a need for speed – Rodas’s vehicle had been traveling over 93 mph. Autoplan Insurance Espanol January 19 at 11:37 AM · Durante más de dos décadas, el exceso de velocidad ha estado involucrado en aproximadamente un tercio de todas las muertes de vehículos motorizados. En 2017, el exceso de velocidad fue un factor que contribuyó al 26% de todas las muertes por accidentes de tránsito. Paul Walker se había tomado un descanso de la filmación de la séptima secuela de Fast & Furious y se dirigía a un evento de caridad cuando ocurrió el accidente. La policía encontró el Porche arrugado y en llamas, los dos cuerpos quemados más allá del reconocimiento. La viuda de Rodger Rodas, que conducía a Walker, demandaría más tarde a los fabricantes de automóviles. Sin embargo, las investigaciones encontraron que no había fallas mecánicas ni intoxicación del conductor en el momento del accidente. La única causa fue la necesidad de velocidad: el vehículo de Rodas había viajado a más de 93 mph. Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
Wow! Be safe out there, when pumping gas always know your surroundings. WREG.COM Woman fights off would-be carjacker at Southeast Memphis gas station Autoplan Insurance Espanol January 29 at 9:54 AM · Esta Mujer, saco al ladron a tirones de su carro! ahi que tener cuidado cuando hechemos gasolina. Mujer lucha contra un posible ladrón de autos en la gasolinera del sureste de Memphis MEMPHIS, Tenn. - Dos posibles ladrones de autos están huyendo después de que intentaron robar el auto de una mujer en una gasolinera del sureste de Memphis. Sucedió en Sam's Club en 7475 Wincester Road el 22 de enero. Las autoridades dijeron que la mujer estaba cargando gasolina cuando los dos sospechosos se detuvieron junto a la bomba detrás de ella. Uno de los hombres se subió al automóvil de la víctima por el lado del pasajero y luego saltó al asiento del conductor. Al darse cuenta de lo que estaba sucediendo, la mujer se defendió, sacando al hombre de su coche. Fue entonces cuando el aspirante a ladrón de autos regresó al Mercedes que lo esperaba y despegó. Ambos sospechosos siguen prófugos.
1 in 5 Stolen Vehicles Is Recovered, but 30% Come Back Damaged. Nearly one in five vehicles is recovered after it's stolen. Unfortunately, returned cars don't always come back in one piece. Recovered 2017 Chevy Silverado Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol January 28 at 10:50 AM · 2017 Chevy Silverado...recuperada de robo 1 de cada 5 vehículos robados se recupera, pero el 30% regresa dañado. Casi uno de cada cinco vehículos se recupera después de ser robado. Desafortunadamente, los autos devueltos no siempre vuelven de una pieza. Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
Even through this pandemic our crash numbers keep going up! Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com myTDOT January 26 at 8:54 AM · IT’S NOT OK. Buckle up and slow down. #myTDOT Tennessee Highway Patrol Tennessee Department of Safety
WREG.COM Car break-ins continue across Memphis; drivers demand answers
Year to date, not good enough! Be Safe out there. Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol January 25 at 11:54 AM · FATALIDADES POR ACCIDENTES AUTOMOVILISTICOS TENNESSE EN LO QUE LLEVA EL 2021 Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/ https://tntrafficsafety.org/
‪Please drive safely each and every time you are behind the wheel. Make the right decision to never drive while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, buckle your seat belt and don’t drive distracted. Here are THP’s February checkpoints. ‬ TN.GOV Checkpoint Enforcement Tennessee Highway Patrol 15 hrs · ‪Please drive safely each and every time you are behind the wheel. Make the right decision to never drive while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, buckle your seat belt and don’t drive distracted. Here are THP’s February checkpoints. ‬ ‪https://www.tn.gov/safety/tnhp/checkpoints.html‬
It’s a plague of its own! Car theft WREG.COM Memphis Police Department releases PSA to address rash of car break-ins, car thefts
In the Memphis area, car accidents can occur anywhere. Some of the most dangerous intersections in the city are: * Poplar Avenue and Ridgeway Road * Winchester Road and Riverdale Road * Shelby Drive and Lamar Avenue * Sycamore View Road and Summer Avenue * Winchester Road and Kirby Parkway In a recent study, two Memphis intersections were named among the nation’s most dangerous following a study of 18-wheelers and commercial truckers who were on cell phones while driving: * Compress Drive and S. Lauderdale Street * E. Holmes Road and Lamar Avenue Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol February 4 at 9:45 AM · En el área de Memphis, los accidentes automovilísticos pueden ocurrir en cualquier lugar. Algunas de las intersecciones más peligrosas de la ciudad son: * Poplar Avenue y Ridgeway Road * Winchester Road y Riverdale Road * Shelby Drive y Lamar Avenue * Sycamore View Road y Summer Avenue * Winchester Road y Kirby Parkway En un estudio reciente, dos intersecciones de Memphis fueron nombradas entre las más peligrosas del país después de un estudio de camioneros comerciales y de 18 ruedas que usaban teléfonos celulares mientras conducían: * Compress Drive y S. Lauderdale Street * E. Holmes Road y Lamar Avenue Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
Wow! Be safe out there, when pumping gas always know your surroundings. WREG.COM Woman fights off would-be carjacker at Southeast Memphis gas station Autoplan Insurance Espanol January 29 at 9:54 AM · Esta Mujer, saco al ladron a tirones de su carro! ahi que tener cuidado cuando hechemos gasolina. Mujer lucha contra un posible ladrón de autos en la gasolinera del sureste de Memphis MEMPHIS, Tenn. - Dos posibles ladrones de autos están huyendo después de que intentaron robar el auto de una mujer en una gasolinera del sureste de Memphis. Sucedió en Sam's Club en 7475 Wincester Road el 22 de enero. Las autoridades dijeron que la mujer estaba cargando gasolina cuando los dos sospechosos se detuvieron junto a la bomba detrás de ella. Uno de los hombres se subió al automóvil de la víctima por el lado del pasajero y luego saltó al asiento del conductor. Al darse cuenta de lo que estaba sucediendo, la mujer se defendió, sacando al hombre de su coche. Fue entonces cuando el aspirante a ladrón de autos regresó al Mercedes que lo esperaba y despegó. Ambos sospechosos siguen prófugos.
1 in 5 Stolen Vehicles Is Recovered, but 30% Come Back Damaged. Nearly one in five vehicles is recovered after it's stolen. Unfortunately, returned cars don't always come back in one piece. Recovered 2017 Chevy Silverado Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol January 28 at 10:50 AM · 2017 Chevy Silverado...recuperada de robo 1 de cada 5 vehículos robados se recupera, pero el 30% regresa dañado. Casi uno de cada cinco vehículos se recupera después de ser robado. Desafortunadamente, los autos devueltos no siempre vuelven de una pieza. Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
This is not the time to be uninsured! Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com GET READY! A second round of winter weather, including snow, is expected to hit the Mid-South late this weekend. Here's what you need to know: Below-freezing temperatures moving in; snowstorm expected this weekend LOOKING AHEAD: We are below freezing for afternoon highs this weekend through most of next week. Single-digit wind chills expected as well. Practice heat safety! A snowstorm is expected Sunday evening through Monday. Now is the time to prepare. Autoplan Insurance Espanol February 12 at 10:01 AM · ¡PREPARARSE! Se espera que una segunda ronda de clima invernal, incluida la nieve, llegue al Medio Sur a fines de este fin de semana. Esto es lo que necesita saber: Temperaturas bajo cero entrando; se espera tormenta de nieve este fin de semana MIRANDO HACIA ADELANTE: Estamos bajo cero para los máximos de la tarde de este fin de semana durante la mayor parte de la próxima semana. También se esperan escalofríos de un solo dígito. ¡Practique la seguridad contra el calor! Se espera una tormenta de nieve desde el domingo por la noche hasta el lunes. Ahora es el momento de prepararse. Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol February 11 at 12:09 PM · Cuando te para el policia, Licencia, registracion y su aseguranza porfabor! Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
Samuel James Moore February 9 at 3:48 PM · Borrowed, but so true!
Cold weather is here. For emergencies place the following items in your vehicle: blankets, water, windshield scraper, flashlight with fresh batteries, jumper cables & a first aid kit. Have plenty of fuel & properly inflated tires. If you need THP assistance, dial *THP (*847). Be safe out there! Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol February 10 at 9:53 AM · El clima frío está aquí. Para emergencias, coloque los siguientes artículos en su vehículo: mantas, agua, raspador de parabrisas, linterna con baterías nuevas, cables de puente y un botiquín de primeros auxilios. Tenga suficiente combustible y neumáticos debidamente inflados. Si necesita ayuda de THP, marque * THP (* 847). Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
Scary! FOX13MEMPHIS.COM Must see: Truck plunges off overpass ramp, lands upright on highway below
‪Please drive safely each and every time you are behind the wheel. Make the right decision to never drive while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, buckle your seat belt and don’t drive distracted. Here are THP’s February checkpoints. ‬ TN.GOV Checkpoint Enforcement Tennessee Highway Patrol February 8 at 8:43 AM · ‪Please drive safely each and every time you are behind the wheel. Make the right decision to never drive while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, buckle your seat belt and don’t drive distracted. Here are THP’s February checkpoints. ‬ ‪https://www.tn.gov/safety/tnhp/checkpoints.html‬
Be safe out there! WREG News Channel 3 February 17 at 3:07 PM · Traffic Update: TDOT is reporting a multivehicle crash on Eastbound I-40 near White Station Rd.
This is not the time to be uninsured! Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com GET READY! A second round of winter weather, including snow, is expected to hit the Mid-South late this weekend. Here's what you need to know: Below-freezing temperatures moving in; snowstorm expected this weekend LOOKING AHEAD: We are below freezing for afternoon highs this weekend through most of next week. Single-digit wind chills expected as well. Practice heat safety! A snowstorm is expected Sunday evening through Monday. Now is the time to prepare. Autoplan Insurance Espanol February 12 at 10:01 AM · ¡PREPARARSE! Se espera que una segunda ronda de clima invernal, incluida la nieve, llegue al Medio Sur a fines de este fin de semana. Esto es lo que necesita saber: Temperaturas bajo cero entrando; se espera tormenta de nieve este fin de semana MIRANDO HACIA ADELANTE: Estamos bajo cero para los máximos de la tarde de este fin de semana durante la mayor parte de la próxima semana. También se esperan escalofríos de un solo dígito. ¡Practique la seguridad contra el calor! Se espera una tormenta de nieve desde el domingo por la noche hasta el lunes. Ahora es el momento de prepararse. Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol February 11 at 12:09 PM · Cuando te para el policia, Licencia, registracion y su aseguranza porfabor! Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
Samuel James Moore February 9 at 3:48 PM · Borrowed, but so true!
Cold weather is here. For emergencies place the following items in your vehicle: blankets, water, windshield scraper, flashlight with fresh batteries, jumper cables & a first aid kit. Have plenty of fuel & properly inflated tires. If you need THP assistance, dial *THP (*847). Be safe out there! Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol February 10 at 9:53 AM · El clima frío está aquí. Para emergencias, coloque los siguientes artículos en su vehículo: mantas, agua, raspador de parabrisas, linterna con baterías nuevas, cables de puente y un botiquín de primeros auxilios. Tenga suficiente combustible y neumáticos debidamente inflados. Si necesita ayuda de THP, marque * THP (* 847). Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
Scary! FOX13MEMPHIS.COM Must see: Truck plunges off overpass ramp, lands upright on highway below
A T-bone accident occurs when the front of one vehicle strikes the side of another, forming the shape of a “T” at the point of impact. They can happen at intersections when one driver disregards a stop sign or red light and drives through the intersection at the same time another vehicle traverses the intersection. Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol 21 hrs · Un accidente de T-bone ocurre cuando la parte delantera de un vehículo golpea el costado de otro, formando la forma de una "T" en el punto de impacto. Pueden ocurrir en las intersecciones cuando un conductor ignora una señal de alto o un semáforo en rojo y atraviesa la intersección al mismo tiempo que otro vehículo atraviesa la intersección. Aqui un 2018 Ford Focus Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
Now that the Ice and Snow are gone, HERE COME THE POTHOLES! Free Insurance Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol February 23 at 11:22 AM · Ahora que se fue la nieve, viene este dolor de cabeza! Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
Be safe out there! WREG News Channel 3 February 17 at 3:07 PM · Traffic Update: TDOT is reporting a multivehicle crash on Eastbound I-40 near White Station Rd.
This is not the time to be uninsured! Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com GET READY! A second round of winter weather, including snow, is expected to hit the Mid-South late this weekend. Here's what you need to know: Below-freezing temperatures moving in; snowstorm expected this weekend LOOKING AHEAD: We are below freezing for afternoon highs this weekend through most of next week. Single-digit wind chills expected as well. Practice heat safety! A snowstorm is expected Sunday evening through Monday. Now is the time to prepare. Autoplan Insurance Espanol February 12 at 10:01 AM · ¡PREPARARSE! Se espera que una segunda ronda de clima invernal, incluida la nieve, llegue al Medio Sur a fines de este fin de semana. Esto es lo que necesita saber: Temperaturas bajo cero entrando; se espera tormenta de nieve este fin de semana MIRANDO HACIA ADELANTE: Estamos bajo cero para los máximos de la tarde de este fin de semana durante la mayor parte de la próxima semana. También se esperan escalofríos de un solo dígito. ¡Practique la seguridad contra el calor! Se espera una tormenta de nieve desde el domingo por la noche hasta el lunes. Ahora es el momento de prepararse. Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol February 11 at 12:09 PM · Cuando te para el policia, Licencia, registracion y su aseguranza porfabor! Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
Samuel James Moore February 9 at 3:48 PM · Borrowed, but so true!
From 2015 to 2017, research shows the Volunteer State had the highest rate of distracted driving fatalities at 1.49 fatalities per 10 billion vehicle miles, nearly five times the national average. This is serious, keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road. Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol March 1 at 11:59 AM · Tennessee encabeza la lista a nivel nacional por muertes por conducir distraído.Aqui un 2017 Jeep Liberty. De 2015 a 2017, la investigación muestra que el estado voluntario tuvo la tasa más alta de muertes por conducción distraída con 1.49 muertes por cada 10 mil millones de millas de vehículos, casi cinco veces el promedio nacional. Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
A T-bone accident occurs when the front of one vehicle strikes the side of another, forming the shape of a “T” at the point of impact. They can happen at intersections when one driver disregards a stop sign or red light and drives through the intersection at the same time another vehicle traverses the intersection. Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol February 25 at 12:59 PM · Un accidente de T-bone ocurre cuando la parte delantera de un vehículo golpea el costado de otro, formando la forma de una "T" en el punto de impacto. Pueden ocurrir en las intersecciones cuando un conductor ignora una señal de alto o un semáforo en rojo y atraviesa la intersección al mismo tiempo que otro vehículo atraviesa la intersección. Aqui un 2018 Ford Focus Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
Now that the Ice and Snow are gone, HERE COME THE POTHOLES! Free Insurance Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol February 23 at 11:22 AM · Ahora que se fue la nieve, viene este dolor de cabeza! Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
Be safe out there! WREG News Channel 3 February 17 at 3:07 PM · Traffic Update: TDOT is reporting a multivehicle crash on Eastbound I-40 near White Station Rd.
This is not the time to be uninsured! Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com GET READY! A second round of winter weather, including snow, is expected to hit the Mid-South late this weekend. Here's what you need to know: Below-freezing temperatures moving in; snowstorm expected this weekend LOOKING AHEAD: We are below freezing for afternoon highs this weekend through most of next week. Single-digit wind chills expected as well. Practice heat safety! A snowstorm is expected Sunday evening through Monday. Now is the time to prepare. Autoplan Insurance Espanol February 12 at 10:01 AM · ¡PREPARARSE! Se espera que una segunda ronda de clima invernal, incluida la nieve, llegue al Medio Sur a fines de este fin de semana. Esto es lo que necesita saber: Temperaturas bajo cero entrando; se espera tormenta de nieve este fin de semana MIRANDO HACIA ADELANTE: Estamos bajo cero para los máximos de la tarde de este fin de semana durante la mayor parte de la próxima semana. También se esperan escalofríos de un solo dígito. ¡Practique la seguridad contra el calor! Se espera una tormenta de nieve desde el domingo por la noche hasta el lunes. Ahora es el momento de prepararse. Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
Unlicensed Driver Crashes in Tennessee these are just the ones with property damage! 1/1/2018 - 12/31/2020 Below is the link where you can see every other loss for that time frame. https://gis.safety.tn.gov/Maps/Public/UnlicensedDriverCrashes/?&mobileBreakPoint=300
We need these around these part! Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com
From 2015 to 2017, research shows the Volunteer State had the highest rate of distracted driving fatalities at 1.49 fatalities per 10 billion vehicle miles, nearly five times the national average. This is serious, keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road. Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol March 1 at 11:59 AM · Tennessee encabeza la lista a nivel nacional por muertes por conducir distraído.Aqui un 2017 Jeep Liberty. De 2015 a 2017, la investigación muestra que el estado voluntario tuvo la tasa más alta de muertes por conducción distraída con 1.49 muertes por cada 10 mil millones de millas de vehículos, casi cinco veces el promedio nacional. Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
A T-bone accident occurs when the front of one vehicle strikes the side of another, forming the shape of a “T” at the point of impact. They can happen at intersections when one driver disregards a stop sign or red light and drives through the intersection at the same time another vehicle traverses the intersection. Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol February 25 at 12:59 PM · Un accidente de T-bone ocurre cuando la parte delantera de un vehículo golpea el costado de otro, formando la forma de una "T" en el punto de impacto. Pueden ocurrir en las intersecciones cuando un conductor ignora una señal de alto o un semáforo en rojo y atraviesa la intersección al mismo tiempo que otro vehículo atraviesa la intersección. Aqui un 2018 Ford Focus Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
You don't see that everyday! KIRO7.COM Wisconsin motorist uses camping chair for seat, troopers say
Comprehensive claims—which include damage to your car from vandalism. Here a 2019 Nissan Altima Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol March 11 at 10:49 AM · 2019 Nissan... Vandalismo La Novia si que estaba enojada! Cobertura Comprehensive: Reclamaciones integrales, que incluyen daños a su automóvil por vandalismo Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
Incredible so far in 2021, there have been 23 interstate shootings in the Memphis area. WREG News Channel 3 March 9 at 11:43 AM · As of Tuesday, there have been 23 interstate shootings in the Memphis area. WREG's Jerrita Patterson was able to obtain a list of all the reported shootings to date from police. https://wreg.com/news/i-240-between-getwell-perkins-closed-after-overnight-shooting/
One is to many, be safe out there! Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol March 10 at 10:41 AM · Este año Tennessee ya lleva 203 muertes por accidentes automovilísticos. Con cuidado! Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
Unlicensed Driver Crashes in Tennessee these are just the ones with property damage! 1/1/2018 - 12/31/2020 Below is the link where you can see every other loss for that time frame. https://gis.safety.tn.gov/Maps/Public/UnlicensedDriverCrashes/?&mobileBreakPoint=300
Great Job THP, ZERO ACCIDENTS ON I-24 Tennessee Highway Patrol March 18 at 2:39 PM · Operation Impact I-24 was a tremendous success. THP along with multiple agencies joined together to promote traffic safety. During the 24 hour period officers issued multiple citations for traffic violations. But the biggest and most important stat of all was ZERO FATAL CRASHES. Thank you to all that participated.
Distracted driving it is a BIG problem! Law enforcement agencies across Middle Tennessee issued 369 speeding citations and 46 distracted driving citations during #OperationImpact24 on March 12. Thank you for keeping our roads safe! | Tennessee Highway Patrol Tennessee Highway Safety Office March 17 at 5:58 PM · Law enforcement agencies across Middle Tennessee issued 369 speeding citations and 46 distracted driving citations during #OperationImpact24 on March 12. Thank you for keeping our roads safe! | Tennessee Highway Patrol
Chop Shops are a big business! Do you have insurance on your new car? FREE-QUOTES getautoplan.com 901-360-8000 A preliminary analysis by the National Insurance Crime Bureau shows there were 873,080 auto thefts in 2020, or almost 2,400 a day. That's a 9.2 percent increase over 2019 when there were 799,644 thefts and an increase of more than 73,000 thefts — or about 200 more a day on average. Autoplan Insurance Espanol March 16 at 12:01 PM · Tiene aseguranza? Una de las mas robadas en el area! 2020 Chevrolet Silverado. Un análisis preliminar realizado por la Oficina Nacional de Delitos de Seguros muestra que hubo 873,080 robos de automóviles en 2020, o casi 2,400 por día. Eso es un aumento del 9.2 por ciento con respecto a 2019 cuando hubo 799,644 robos y un aumento de más de 73,000 robos, o alrededor de 200 más por día en promedio. Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
You don't see that everyday! KIRO7.COM Wisconsin motorist uses camping chair for seat, troopers say
Comprehensive claims—which include damage to your car from vandalism. Here a 2019 Nissan Altima Free Quotes 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Autoplan Insurance Espanol March 11 at 10:49 AM · 2019 Nissan... Vandalismo La Novia si que estaba enojada! Cobertura Comprehensive: Reclamaciones integrales, que incluyen daños a su automóvil por vandalismo Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/
Incredible so far in 2021, there have been 23 interstate shootings in the Memphis area. WREG News Channel 3 March 9 at 11:43 AM · As of Tuesday, there have been 23 interstate shootings in the Memphis area. WREG's Jerrita Patterson was able to obtain a list of all the reported shootings to date from police. https://wreg.com/news/i-240-between-getwell-perkins-closed-after-overnight-shooting/
Don’t get caught without insurance! FROBABIES March 21 at 3:17 PM · Byron Gets Pulled Over 👮‍♀️ By The PO PO 😳🚔 @thebaxterboys #frobabies
FOX13 Memphis March 23 at 7:45 PM · Memphis Police is cracking down on street racing and distracted driving after a spring car invasion event over the weekend led to arrests and a number of cars confiscated. fox13.tv/39672NV
Perkins and Cottonwood area. Car hits a kid and drives on like nothing happened! FOX13MEMPHIS.COM Parkway Village homeowner’s Ring camera captures driver hit boy, speed off
Great Job THP, ZERO ACCIDENTS ON I-24 Tennessee Highway Patrol March 18 at 2:39 PM · Operation Impact I-24 was a tremendous success. THP along with multiple agencies joined together to promote traffic safety. During the 24 hour period officers issued multiple citations for traffic violations. But the biggest and most important stat of all was ZERO FATAL CRASHES. Thank you to all that participated.
Distracted driving it is a BIG problem! Law enforcement agencies across Middle Tennessee issued 369 speeding citations and 46 distracted driving citations during #OperationImpact24 on March 12. Thank you for keeping our roads safe! | Tennessee Highway Patrol Tennessee Highway Safety Office March 17 at 5:58 PM · Law enforcement agencies across Middle Tennessee issued 369 speeding citations and 46 distracted driving citations during #OperationImpact24 on March 12. Thank you for keeping our roads safe! | Tennessee Highway Patrol
Chop Shops are a big business! Do you have insurance on your new car? FREE-QUOTES getautoplan.com 901-360-8000 A preliminary analysis by the National Insurance Crime Bureau shows there were 873,080 auto thefts in 2020, or almost 2,400 a day. That's a 9.2 percent increase over 2019 when there were 799,644 thefts and an increase of more than 73,000 thefts — or about 200 more a day on average. Autoplan Insurance Espanol March 16 at 12:01 PM · Tiene aseguranza? Una de las mas robadas en el area! 2020 Chevrolet Silverado. Un análisis preliminar realizado por la Oficina Nacional de Delitos de Seguros muestra que hubo 873,080 robos de automóviles en 2020, o casi 2,400 por día. Eso es un aumento del 9.2 por ciento con respecto a 2019 cuando hubo 799,644 robos y un aumento de más de 73,000 robos, o alrededor de 200 más por día en promedio. Vandalismo, Robo, Choques, Actos de Dios...Asegura tu Auto/Camioneta. Aseguranza Llamale ala Maria 901-360-8000 getautoplan.com Regala un LIKE a nuestra pagina en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/autoplanespanol/


Company name
Autoplan Insurance Inc.
Car Insurance


  • What is the phone number for Autoplan Insurance Inc. in Memphis TN?
    You can reach them at: 901-360-8000. It’s best to call Autoplan Insurance Inc. during business hours.
  • What is the address for Autoplan Insurance Inc. on perkins in Memphis?
    Autoplan Insurance Inc. is located at this address: 2925 S Perkins Rd Memphis, TN 38118.
  • What are Autoplan Insurance Inc.(Memphis, TN) store hours?
    Autoplan Insurance Inc. store hours are as follows: Mon-Fri: 9:00AM - 5:30PM, Sat: 9:00AM - 4:00PM, Sun: Closed.