#DidYouKnow that most of the money you receive from workers compensation will not be taxable? #fact
Have you ever been in a situation where you suffered an injury at work and were afraid to report the incident? #survey
Have we helped defend your legal rights recently? Consider leaving us a review on our Facebook or Google page so others in the #LosAngeles area can find our experienced legal counsel.
Personal injuries involve everything from slip & falls to dog bites. These are the most common personal injuries of 2020: https://bit.ly/37xhavN
For the latest news and updates in the fields of personal injury law and workers compensation, be sure to follow our blog. https://bit.ly/2QJLdds
Employees shouldn't be afraid to report an injury. Our team of expert attorneys at Barsoum Law help ensure justice is served for each of our clients. Call now to schedule a free consultation: (877) 299-1555. http://youtu.be/iGodA0mm2S
#QuickTip: Be sure to file your workers compensation paperwork promptly. Reporting your injury is not the same as filing the proper paperwork.
#QuickTip: Be sure to file your workers compensation paperwork promptly. Reporting your injury is not the same as filing the proper paperwork.
We thank and commend the native Americans that were here before us all #Indigenouspeopleday #nativeamericans #honor
You can schedule your free consultation with one of our knowledgeable attorneys at any time. Just visit our website and send us a quick message-- we'll be in touch ASAP. https://bit.ly/37ikUl2
We want to hear from you!
#WorkersCompensation got you confused? Ask us your questions and we will do our best to provide you with answers and resources.
Nuestro objetivo es elevar a las personas trabajadoras que hacen que nuestra sociedad funcione. Representamos a personas trabajadoras de todos los ámbitos de la vida y de muchas industrias diferentes. #Abogado #LosAngeles #CompensaciónDeTrabajadores
Some of the earliest welding recorded dates back to the Bronze age where small gold circular boxes were discovered. They were made by forge-welding two pieces of metal together and hammering them to make one component part. This was some 2000 years BC.
#TuesdaySafetyTips #SafetyTipOfTheDay #SafetyTips #WorkSafety #JobSafety
Give us a call at: (877) 299-1555 or message us to set up a free, no-obligation consultation with Mr. Barsoum today!
#workerscompensation #workerscomp #workers #lawfirm #insuranceclaim #injuredworker #lawyer #constructionworker #construction #hurtatwork #slipandfall #workcomplawyer #attorneyatlaw #workcompattorney #minimumwageworkers #minimumwage #losangeles #la #hurtonthejob #accident #accidentes #trabajador #trabajadores #latinos
"Justice delayed is justice denied." -William E. Gladstone
Lien: A right or claim for payment against a workers' compensation case. A lien claimant, such as a
medical provider, can file a form with the local Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board to request payment
of money owed in a workers’ compensation case.
#WorkCompWednesday #WorkCompGlossary #WCWWorkComp
Give us a call at: (877) 299-1555 or message us to set up a free, no-obligation consultation with Mr. Barsoum today!
#workerscompensation #workerscomp #workers #lawfirm #insuranceclaim #injuredworker #lawyer #constructionworker #construction #hurtatwork #slipandfall #workcomplawyer #attorneyatlaw #workcompattorney #minimumwageworkers #minimumwage #losangeles #la #hurtonthejob #accident #accidentes #trabajador #trabajadores #latinos
Whether you’re operating machinery or working with hazardous materials, proper clothing is one of the key workplace safety tips. Proper footwear is just as important, as it prevents you from falling or slipping on wet surfaces. Ask your employer what protective gear they require you to wear, and what, if any, they provide.
#TuesdaySafetyTips #SafetyTipOfTheDay #SafetyTips #WorkSafety #JobSafety
Give us a call at: (877) 299-1555 or message us to set up a free, no-obligation consultation with Mr. Barsoum today!
#workerscompensation #workerscomp #workers #lawfirm #insuranceclaim #injuredworker #lawyer #constructionworker #construction #hurtatwork #slipandfall #workcomplawyer #attorneyatlaw #workcompattorney #minimumwageworkers #minimumwage #losangeles #la #hurtonthejob #accident #accidentes #trabajador #trabajadores #latinos
After being in a car accident, you might experience what is commonly referred to as a whiplash headache. This is just one reason why you should always get checked out by a professional. https://bit.ly/2YJ5VNc
What Is A Whiplash Headache?
No matter your background, you can always change and become the best version of yourself.
#MondayMotivation #Mondays #MotivationalMonday
Give us a call at: (877) 299-1555 or message us to set up a free, no-obligation consultation with Mr. Barsoum today!
#workerscompensation #workerscomp #workers #lawfirm #insuranceclaim #injuredworker #lawyer #constructionworker #construction #hurtatwork #slipandfall #workcomplawyer #attorneyatlaw #workcompattorney #minimumwageworkers #minimumwage #losangeles #la #hurtonthejob #accident #accidentes #trabajador #trabajadores #latinos
Be sure to file your workers' compensation paperwork as quickly as possible. Reporting your injury is not the same as filing the proper paperwork. #tip
After suffering an injury at work, make sure you do the things listed in this article: https://on.ny.gov/2KltQQf
The benefits you receive from workers compensation are typically not taxable, but double-check with your tax professional.
For quality, friendly, and professional legal assistance, look no further than Barsoum Law. Call us today at (877) 299-1555!
If #2020 taught us anything, it was that we value our relationships and our experiences with others. May this #NewYear #2021 bring us closer to those loved ones and have new experiences with them. We wish you all a #HappyNewYear
"It is the spirit and not the form of law that keeps justice alive." --Earl Warren
Get in touch with us to request a FREE consultation via our contact form today! https://bit.ly/37ikUl2
Car accidents tend to occur within 25 miles of the driver's home. #fact
If you have suffered from a personal injury, how has it affected your day-to-day activities? #survey
You've just been in a car accident - now what? Find out here: https://bit.ly/2jjtf0R
Our team at Barsoum Law provides legal counsel for personal injury and workers' compensation cases. We tackle each case with aggression! Give us a call at (877) 299-1555! http://youtu.be/us-fiMuPwe8
"The power of the lawyer is in the uncertainty of the law." - Jeremy Bentham