Benchmark Consulting International

(on riverside ave)
Business Consulting and Services in Jacksonville, FL
Business Consulting and Services
Financial Services


601 Riverside Ave
Jacksonville, FL


BenchMark measures and compares precise collective knowledge from successful companies to plot the route to best practices in all operational processes. We help our clients through consulting, benchmarking and research to make continuing success a little easier to maintain. BenchMark has a unique proprietary best practices knowledge base incorporating strategies, organizational structures, policies, business processes, technology support and information about the effect on the business success in the financial services industry. Additionally, the knowledge base consists of operational performance ratios for a wide range of financial services consumer and commercial lending segments. The data comes from more than 40 markets around the globe. The detail levels and comprehensiveness of assembled best practices and performance values are unparalleled. BenchMark has worked with 36 of the top 50 (in asset size) commercial banks, all major vehicle captive finance corporations, several of the largest consumer finance corporations and many national and regional banks throughout the United States. Outside the US, BenchMark has served more than 60 financial services groups in 35 different countries. The company is a wholly owned subsidiary of FIS (www.FISglobal.com), with more than 14,000 customers in 90 countries, providing application software, information processing management, outsourcing services and professional IT consulting to the financial services and mortgage industries. BenchMark has offices in North Carolina, Munich, London, China and the Middle East.


Company name
Benchmark Consulting International
Business Consulting and Services


  • What is the phone number for Benchmark Consulting International in Jacksonville FL?
    You can reach them at: 817-550-7766. It’s best to call Benchmark Consulting International during business hours.
  • What is the address for Benchmark Consulting International on riverside ave in Jacksonville?
    Benchmark Consulting International is located at this address: 601 Riverside Ave Jacksonville, FL 32204.