Crimes in Texas are classified as either misdemeanors or felony charges. When a person is charged with a felony, he or she is sent to prison for more than one year. Another separating factor between misdemeanors and felonies is what happens to released felons. Those who are released from jail with a misdemeanor can assimilate back into society easily. Some felons, however, do not. The label of felon means you may have difficulty applying for certain jobs or programs. Any person, who has been charged with a felony-level offense, should seek an experienced criminal defense attorney, Felony cases can be difficult.
Attorney for Felony Charges in Houston | Harris County, Texas
DUI/DWI cases have been on the rise during the coronavirus pandemic. Being faced with a conviction can seem stressful and overwhelming. Nevertheless, it is important to retain legal counsel as soon as possible. An experienced criminal defense attorney can help you determine how the current restrictions may affect your DUI/DWI case.
To be convicted of a DWI, you must first meet the legal definition of intoxicated, which is defined under section 49.01 of the Texas Penal Code. If you were recently arrested for a DWI offense in Harris County, you probably have many questions that Brian Benken has the answers to. The Benken Law Firm defends clients of DWI crimes in all areas of Harris County such as Hunter Creek Village, River Oaks, Montrose, Downtown and many others.
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DWI Defense Attorney in Harris County, TX | Benken Law
The Benken Law Firm takes pride in providing clients with a full-service approach to fighting serious criminal charges and has been practicing criminal law for over 30 years in Harris County and all surrounding counties in Texas. The sooner you retain legal representation, the better your chance of a more favorable outcome in court. Brian Benken will listen to your story and develop a defense that is catered to your case. Gain an attorney who is here for you. Call Brian Benken at (713) 223 - 4051 for a free consultation.
Benken Law updated their business hours.