n 1947, Paul Berlin opened the doors to his CPA practice for the first time. Back then, life in general and the business world in particular moved at a more relaxed pace. Fast forward to the 21st century. The business world, now driven by technology, spins faster, competition is fierce, profits harder to achieve and tax regulation is almost beyond comprehension. There is a constant, however; the commitment to excellence we at Berlin Ramos make to our clients. We believe we serve clients best when we develop a clear understanding of their business and the factors that affect it. To that end we offer specialized services to achieve financial objectives. Our team approach to account management is most productive. Each account is managed by a partner with staff support. All of the firm?s resources are available for support. With this approach we are able to help our clients improve business operations, respond quickly to immediate concerns and provide strategic planning for the long term. Our strength comes not only from our dedication to service and excellence, but to a tradition of continuing training and education. Through research and seminars we keep current with new tax legislation, accounting procedures and technology. Berlin Ramos ? an experienced staff with a long history of providing client satisfaction. We welcome the opportunity to discuss your financial objectives and the path to them.