An important step to take before you put your boat into storage for the winter is to give it a good and thorough cleaning. Otherwise, when you take it out again come spring, you may end up dealing with some foul odors that have built up over the past few months.
When you store our rolling living quarters with us, take the time to check and clean or replace the air-conditioner filters. By doing it now, you will not overlook them when the new season begins.
If you have an RV, you probably know that parking it can be a challenge at times. That is why we offer easy, drive-up access so you can reach your lot conveniently.
If you are thinking about shrink wrapping your boat while it is in storage, make sure you ventilate the hull properly. In even the driest conditions, moisture can become trapped beneath the wrap and cause rust and corrosion.
Did you know that exposed tires are susceptible to damage from ozone and UV rays? These elements can cause dry rot and deterioration-a process that can be easily halted by covering your tires before storing your vehicle.
If you have a smaller boat, you may want to consider rack storage, which provides a covered shed with trailer-like cradles for your boat. When you need to access your boat, we use a forklift to retrieve it for you.