Big John's Transmission

(on plum suite)
Auto Repair in Fort Worth, TX
Auto Repair


5930 Plum St , Suite 124
Fort Worth, TX


30 years in the transmission industry, 40 total years of automotive experience! Bench rebuilds to complete rebuilds with installation ! High performance and racing transmissions as well as antique transmission restoration .Minor services and other light truck and auto repairs!
Call or come by for a free computer scan for codes or a free estimate !!


Company name
Big John's Transmission
Auto Repair


  • What is the phone number for Big John's Transmission in Fort Worth TX?
    You can reach them at: 817-281-9230. It’s best to call Big John's Transmission during business hours.
  • What is the address for Big John's Transmission on plum suite in Fort Worth?
    Big John's Transmission is located at this address: 5930 Plum St , Suite 124 Fort Worth, TX 76148.