Bikrams beginning yoga class is a demanding series of 26 postures (asanas) and two breathing exercises (pranayamas), which is suitable for all ages and levels of ability. Each posture stretches and strengthens specific muscles, ligaments and joints needed for the next posture. The Bikram method stimulates the organs, glands and nerves, moving fresh oxygenated blood to 100 percent of the body, restoring all systems to a healthy working order.
Bikram scientifically designed this 90 minute program to deliver total health through the balancing and strengthening of every system in the body in order to prevent illness, injury and limit the effects of aging. In addition, the series of postures combine skills of concentration, patience, determination and self-control, which lead to increased mental clarity and reduced stress.
A regular practice of Bikram Yoga also improves body posture and spine alignment. It relieves back pains and headaches; strengthens muscles; reduces symptoms of chronic diseases; gives better self confidence; improves body image; improves flexibility, balance and strength; gives a general feeling of wellness and peace.