My next Advanced Fetal Monitoring Course will be on October 17th! I’ll put the link in my bio. Join me for a great session! Sign up link will be in my bio 🤗. #CEU #AWHONN #registerednurse
SAT, OCT 17 AT 11:00 AM EDT
AWHONN Advanced FHM Course
Breastfeeding Support Group of Enterprise
August 25 at 1:48 AM ·
Cereal and blueberries for the win!
In the hospital we encourage moms to breastfeed every 2-3 hours to nourish the baby and bring in a good future milk supply.
It’s math: 8-12 feeds in 24 hours (ideal) = nursing every 2-3 hours 📚📈
It’s a quick and easy way to get the message across that this baby needs to eat, and often.
Unfortunately, new parents seem think breastfeeding is going to be like the first picture (cereal)...all the feeds perfectly spaced out and all the same size. Every 2-3 hours. Easy. And the baby will sleep like an angel in between....
THIS IS NOT REALITY. In reality, your sweet newborn baby will have good feeds, short feeds, sleepy feeds, crappy feeds, and everything in between!
The visual of the blueberries is amazing because it shows how realistically feedings are at all different times and different lengths (bigger blueberries ☺️). And did you count the berries?!? More than enough!
Yes, we want you to nurse every 2-3 hours, but the baby calls the shots. Less watching the clock ⏰ and more watching for feeding cues 👶🏻 😃 Check it out! What are the chances that you become SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)positive while pregnant during the pandemic?
Birth: People, Places, and Perspectives – ICEA
The question: “What are the chances of me getting infected with COVID-19 while I’m pregnant?” is a question that is brought up weekly in my virtual childbirth classes. So, I looked into it and you can read about it! Check out my latest blog. The link is in my bio! #pregnancy #covid19 #pandemic #pregnancyeducation
So let’s answer a few questions about newborns...
Why Is Your Baby Hungry All The Time? | Healthy Mom & Baby
Toby got his immunizations today...Here is one thing that can ease his pain.
Parent's Skin-to-Skin Hug Does Ease a Baby's Pain, Brain Study Suggests
Are you willing to birth boogie?
High Risk Doula Workshop- Understanding Preeclampsia and Postpartum Hemorrhage
And these are the recommendations...
World Health Organization (WHO) is sharing a COVID-19 Update.
January 24 at 8:09 AM ·
Women with COVID-19 can breastfeed.
They should:
🤱🏼Wash hands with soap and water or use alcohol-based hand rub frequently
🤱🏻Wear a medical mask during any contact with the baby
🤱🏾Sneeze or cough into a tissue
🤱Routinely clean and disinfect surfaces touched
Looking for an AWHONN Advanced FHM course in January via ZOOM? Look no further and sign up here: We are scheduling a session for Saturday, January 30, 2021 from 10am- 6:30 pm EST.
Delaying bathing does several things: 1) Helps maintain infants’ temperature, 2) Facilities better breastfeeding practices, 3) Increases the micro biome.
(ICEA) International Childbirth Education Association
November 25, 2020 at 5:05 PM ·
Recent research has shown that delaying the first bath after birth can have significant impact on the newborn transition and early breastfeeding. Because of this, we encourage parents and care providers to look at delaying the first bath as an option.
While you may be given the option for an elective induction at 39 weeks, unless there is a medical indication, here are reasons to go the full 40...
Go The Full 40 | Healthy Mom & Baby
Hey, new parents with babies, here's something to do...
TUE, DEC 8, 2020
Infant Massage December 2020