When you engage with our service, our first priority is to understand who you are and what your goals are. Once that is established, we tailor our service to best fit you as an individual. This process is called Reify. Reify is the ability to turn an abstract idea into something concrete. In order to tailor our service to you we need to first understand how you approach problem-solving. We find this by having you take an index.
The index does not measure personality or intelligence. It tells us how you approach solving a problem. This information is imperative because it teaches us the best way to work with you as an individual. Financial planning is already complex. Every person and every situation is unique. People learn and absorb information in different ways. If a financial planner explains a choice or subject and you don’t fully understand, that isn’t your fault. The financial planner failed to clarify the information you need to make an educated decision. Our value is to help you make informed financial decisions, not by checking off a box, but by building a service that is designed specifically for you.