I'm excited to announce the Good Neighbor Relief Program! Our customers with auto policies in force between March 20 and May 31 will receive on average a 25% policy credit (no policyholder action needed). That’s 2 billion dollars in customer savings! Now more than ever – being a Good Neighbor means everything. ow.ly/yDV650zbaTZ
To help ensure everyone's safety during the outbreak of COVID-19, we ask that you let us serve you remotely via phone or email. You can also do many things from our mobile app or website, including managing your policies and accounts, paying your bill, filing/tracking a claim, and more. Our office is taking caution and will not be meeting customers in person until further notice. Thank you for helping us keep the community safe and healthy!
For any of my customers currently facing a financial burden, please reach out to my office and we’ll talk about ways we can help.
New Normal | State Farm® Commercial
Beware of scammers looking to get your information related to COVID-19. These tips from the FTC can help.
Coronavirus Scams: What the FTC is doing
LOL... Not khakis Have a great day everyone!
To help ensure everyone's safety during the outbreak of COVID-19, we ask that you let us serve you remotely via phone or email. You can also do many things from our mobile app or website, including managing your policies and accounts, paying your bill, filing/tracking a claim, and more. Our office is taking caution and will not be meeting customers in person until further notice. Thank you for helping us keep the community safe and healthy!
It was my honor. Thanks for all you do!
Austin I.S.D. Police Department
November 2 at 10:20 AM ·
We have officially kicked off our Austin ISD Police FEAST FOR ALL campaign! Our officers will fill bags with predetermined food items that will then be distributed to provide a family with a traditional Thanksgiving meal. We would like to give a big THANK YOU to Bob Jennings - State Farm Agent for providing us with 100 bags to use for this effort! It takes everyone to watch over the community and we appreciate all of our great partnerships! #FEASTFORALL #weareAISD #communitypolicing #policingwithapurpose
Thank you Austin ISD police department. It’s an honor to be able to help out. Good to know there are families in need that will have a nice Thanksgiving dinner!
Austin I.S.D. Police Department
November 2, 2020 at 10:20 AM ·
We have officially kicked off our Austin ISD Police FEAST FOR ALL campaign! Our officers will fill bags with predetermined food items that will then be distributed to provide a family with a traditional Thanksgiving meal. We would like to give a big THANK YOU to Bob Jennings - State Farm Agent for providing us with 100 bags to use for this effort! It takes everyone to watch over the community and we appreciate all of our great partnerships! #FEASTFORALL #weareAISD #communitypolicing #policingwithapurpose