Bobby Lawrence Karate of Draper

(on )
Martial Arts in Draper, UT
Martial Arts


3:30PM - 9:00PM
3:30PM - 9:00PM
3:30PM - 9:00PM
3:30PM - 9:00PM
3:30PM - 5:30PM
8:30AM - 10:30AM


715 E 12300 S
Draper, UT


Bobby Lawrence Karate of Draper has been in business for over 10 years helping students and families to achieve greater levels of success in all aspects of their lives. Our students experience a life changing journey as they progress towards black belt. They get in the best shape of their lives and by setting and getting goals they increase their self confidence which leads to more success. All of the instructors at Bobby Lawrence Karate are fully dedicated to helping students become the best they can be. They undergo constant training to make sure they can deliver the best instruction to every student.

In addition to the valuable life skills that students learn, they of course learn real world practical self defense. It's real world applicable because they learn that they don't always have to fight their way out of a situation. Our students learn and practice practical, realistic ways of deescalating situations to come to a peaceful resolution.

In 2012, Bobby Lawrence Karate moved into a newer, bigger, state-of-the-art facility so that students have access to not just the best instruction around, but also the best facility. The flooring is the highest quality and safest in the world. We pride ourselves on keeping the floors and bathrooms clean.

It's because of the curriculum, the facility, and of course the staff that Bobby Lawrence Karate is the premier martial arts training facility in Utah. Come in and see how we are empowering lives through the martial arts!


Bobby Lawrence Karate of Draper Photo Bobby Lawrence Karate of Draper Photo Bobby Lawrence Karate of Draper Photo Bobby Lawrence Karate of Draper Photo Bobby Lawrence Karate of Draper Photo Bobby Lawrence Karate of Draper Photo Bobby Lawrence Karate of Draper Photo Bobby Lawrence Karate of Draper Photo Bobby Lawrence Karate of Draper Photo Bobby Lawrence Karate of Draper Photo


  • Children Program
  • Teen Program
  • Adult Program
  • Birthday Party Lesson
  • Juniors
  • Kid Champs program
  • Little Ninjas program
  • group martial arts lesson
  • Self Defense Lessons
  • Dodge Ball
  • Star Wars
  • Freeze Tag
  • Training


Come. Train. Learn. Grow. This stuff is kind of complicated. Don’t reinvent the wheel. Learn from someone with years of experience. Guaranteed, that will make your experience better. Music credit to
We're so excited that it's belt testing month! In case you didn't see it in your email inbox, here is the link to register for the upcoming belt test. The test will be on Tuesday, September 29th at Eastmont Middle School (10100 S. 1300 E.) in the auditorium. The tests will be at the following times: Little Ninjas (ages 3-4) 5:30 Kid Champs (ages 5-7) 6:00 Juniors (ages 8-12) 6:45 The Teen/Adult test will be on Wednesday, the 30th at the studio at 7:45. If you have any questions (like if you need a family discount code) please don't hesitate to email at and we'll get right back with you. SPARKPAGES.IO Rank Promotion for September 2020 Remember that today is the last day of our big glove sale! They are all 20% off through the rest of the day. Just click on the link above and select the size and style you would like. Remember, not everyone needs gloves. You only need proper training equipment if: 1. You are a person 2. You have hands 3. You want to get better at martial arts. If you fit into the above categories, make sure to get the equipment you need to protect your hands and progress in your training!
Parents!! Don't forget that next week our Spiderman Summer Camp is starting up! Your kids will have the time of their lives at this special event! They'll get to train on challenging, agility-developing obstacle courses, Learn how to flip and trick like their favorite friendly neighborhood hero, play tons of wall crawler themed games, and tons more!! The camp will run August 3-7 10:00-2:00 each day. This camp is available to EVERYONE, not just our current students! So if you know someone who would like to come along with you and have a blast, pass this along. We'd love to have them. Signing up is easy! Just click on the link below and you'll be all set. If this is your second camp, or if you have more than one child participating, email at and you'll get the promo code for $50 off!
Gordon Baker-Bone 12 July at 18:35 · 2020 just gave bears nunchucks. We are no longer safe anywhere.
Eric Page October 13 at 1:39 PM · Over the last several months, I've been working on writing a children's book on the life skills that martial arts training teaches! After all that time, I'm excited to announce that it is available for purchase. The main purpose of this book is to drive home the important skills that will set kids up to succeed in life; skills like focus, self discipline, perseverance and more! My hope is that it benefits children and martial arts facilities - the children so that they internalize those skills more fully, and martial arts gyms as a way of adding value to what they offer! Here is a short snippet of the book. Enjoy! If you think this might benefit someone you know, please share, tag, and pass it along. It would mean the world to me! If you'd like to purchase, it's available on Amazon (link below).
The Amazing and Learny Martial Arts Journey December 9, 2020 at 8:18 PM · Too many kids (and people in general) have a negative view of failure. if you ask most people if they value natural talent or hard work more, they will tell you they value hard work. But that's not what our actions say. Often we are focus on the uncommon prodigy who comes on the scene and seems to effortlessly rise to the top. We all wish we could be that person. We get feelings of jealousy and envy over "those people." The truth is that "those people" hardly ever exist. The ones who seem to make everything look easy are the result of countless behind-the-scenes failures that got them to where they are. Failure is not the enemy. Giving up early is what stops us from achieving. Check out the story of R.U. Darby who gave up on his mining expedition just three feet from a gold vein. Failure doesn't destroy us. It gives us course correction. We often think that there should be a straight line between where we are and where we want to be. But the course of our lives is a lot more like the way a heat seeking missile works. The missile doesn't fly in a straight line towards its target. Instead, it gets constant negative feedback as its sensors tell it where NOT to go. Fail early. Fail often. Teach this principle to your kids. Live it yourself!
Eric Page December 7, 2020 at 2:19 PM · Has this been one of the worst or one of the best years of your life?
Martial artists need quality equipment to continue making progress. This is the week to buy it because just about everything is on sale 10% - 20% off! Gloves, weapons, uniforms, and more! Just click on the link below to order yours ASAP!
“A great many people never really discover themselves until ruin stares them in the face. They do not seem to know how to bring out their reserves until they are overtaken by an overwhelming disaster or until the sight of their blighted prospects and of the wreck of their homes and happiness stirs them to the very beings. The real test of character is what a man does after he fails. What will he do next? What recourses, what inventiveness will his failure arouse in him? Will it discover new sources of power? Will it bring out reserves, double his determination? Or will it dishearten him? ‘I know no such unquestionable badge and ensign of the sovereign mind,’ said Emerson ‘as that tenacity of purpose which through all changes of companions or parties or fortunes changes never, bates no jot of heart or hope but wearies out opposition and arrives at its port. To come up again and wrest triumph from defeat.’ That is the secret of the success of every brave and noble life that ever was lived. A little boy was asked how he learned to skate. ‘Oh, by getting up every time I fell down,’ he replied. This is the spirit that leads men and armies to victory. It is not the fall but the not getting up that is defeat. Perhaps the past has been a bitter disappointment to you. In looking it over you may feel that you’ve been plodding along in mediocrity. You may not have succeeded in the particular things you expected to succeed in. Or you may have lost friends and relatives who were very dear to you. You may have lost your business and ever your home may have been wrenched from you because you could not pay the mortgage on it or because of sickness and consequent inability to work. The new year may present a very discouraging outlook to you. Yet, in spite of any or all of these misfortunes, if you refuse to be conquered victory is awaiting you further on the road. This is the test of your manhood. How much is there left in you after you have lost everything outside of yourself? If you lie down now, throw up your hands and acknowledge yourself worsted, there’s not much in you. But if ,with heart undaunted and face turned forward, you refuse to give up or to lose faith in yourself, if you scorn to be the retreat, you will show that the man left in you is bigger than your loss, greater than your cross, and larger than any defeat. You may say that you have failed too often; that there is no use in trying; that it is impossible for you to succeed and that it is useless for you even to attempt to get on your feet again. Nonsense. There is no failure for a man for a man whose spirit is unconquered. No matter how late the hour or how many and repeated his failures success is still possible. The evolution of Scrooge the miser in the closing years of his life from a hard, narrow, heartless moneygrubber whose soul was imprisoned in his shining heap of hoarded gold to a generous, genial lover of his kind is no mere myth of Dickens’ brain. Time and again in the history of our daily lives, chronicled in our newspapers, recorded in biographies or exhibited before our eyes. We see men and women redeeming past failures rising up out of the stupor of discouragement and boldly turning face forward once more. There are thousands of people who have lost everything they had in the world who are just as far from failure as they were before their loss because of their unconquerable spirit; stout hearts that never quail . In true manhood there is something which rises higher than worldly success or failure. No matter what reverses come to him, what disappointments or failures a really great man rises superior to them. He never loses his equanimity. In the midst of storms and trial to which a weak nature would succumb, his serene soul, his calm confidence still assert themselves so completely dominating all outward conditions that they have no power to harm him. ‘What is defeat,’ says Wendell Phillips, ‘nothing but the first steps to something higher.’ Many a one has finally succeeded only because he has failed after repeated efforts. If he had never met defeat he would never have known any great victory. There is something in defeat that puts new determination into a man of mettle. No, there is no failure for the man who realizes his power, who never knows when he is beaten. There is no failure for the determined endeavor, the unconquerable will. There is no failure for the man who gets up every time he falls, who rebounds like a rubber ball, who persists when everyone else gives up, who pushes on when everyone else turns back.” -Orison Swett Marden
Gene Dunn November 28, 2020 at 12:25 AM · Many times I’ve counseled the class with “if you’re making mistakes, you’re doing it right” That being said some mistakes can be the hardest lessons for us as students of the martial arts. One such mistake I made was trying to go to hard with my Judo teacher Mr. Shiina when I was a much younger man; me in my mid 30’s and he in his late 60’s at the time. He was encouraging me to work on “my throws” while he defended with the gentlest of touches. I could not throw him! Truth be told it frustrated me so much that in an effort to win rather than practice I almost hurt him. Needless to say the class was over and he never engaged with me in that way again. I violated something so deep between the student and teacher because I couldn’t see past my own competitiveness and insecurities that I damaged the relationship, in some ways forever. What I learned through years of reflection was that lots of the ways in which I had been indoctrinated prevented me from seeing that Sensei was only trying to help me. The “grind and hustle”, “win at all cost” mentality had flipped the switch and was running the show rather than me the student of this great teacher and now I have to live with it forever. Where in your life are you not seeing that someone is really just trying to support and lift you up? That your poor out look is destroying a very good relationship? What can you do to salvage the relationship before it’s damaged beyond repair? The hardest part of this lesson for me is on some level knowing that I missed out on the deepest parts of what he had to offer as a teacher because I couldn’t keep my own ego in check. Love you 🙏🏼❤️ #communicategood #dogood #begood #itsallgood #instagood #verygood #seegood #heargood #thinkgood #actgood #dogood #weareallone #infinite #grateful #inspiration #Mind #Truth #Life #Love #Soul #Spirit #Principle #karate #judo #jiujitsu #kungfu #kickboxing #martialarts #dojo
Eric Page November 9, 2020 at 9:10 PM · It takes more strength to spread positivity. It takes more strength to be kind. The world needs you to be strong.
Everything is more fun with a friend! Next week on Tuesday and Wednesday the 16th and 17th during your regular afternoon classes you can bring a friend with you! You and your friends will have a blast learning and improving together! All we need from them is for their parents to fill out this intake form. Just copy and paste the link below and email or text it to them and they'll be all set! I look forward to working with you and your friends next week!
One of the things we love here is watching our students become comfortable being different. Our world needs leaders. And leaders are by necessity different from those around them! The Amazing and Learny Martial Arts Journey February 5 at 1:50 PM · It's so important to help kids to see their own potential and then work towards becoming the best version of themselves they can! Give them challenges that are a bit above their pay grade. Let them see what they are capable of. Help them to see the power they have inside them when they become what they were meant to become. Give them guidance and support. They'll need it because the right way is rarely the easy way!
Eric Page January 27 at 1:08 PM · Your excuses don’t care about you. Screw them.
The Amazing and Learny Martial Arts Journey January 15 at 8:05 AM · Earl Nightingale once said, "success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal." Kids need this guidance as much as adults. So these days, now that the normal thing is for kids to spend more of their time on a screen interacting with the virtual world, they'll need an extra push to get out and experience real life. And since we all have a tendency to with the path of least resistance, they may need more pushing than we expect. Help them find activities that will allow them to set goals they can feel with more of their senses than just their eyes. Help them get out and interact with others. Help them to find something that will get their bodies moving and come up against obstacles to be surmounted. Help them to realize that happiness isn't found in achieving meaningless status. Rather, it is in the journey, working towards something significant, that happiness is found.
2020 was rough on us all. Now that we're in a new year, we'd love to have you come and train with us and add more positivity to your life and the community around you! #bobbylawrencekaratedraper #martialarts #karate #training WWW.FACEBOOK.COM Get up and fight in 2021!


Company name
Bobby Lawrence Karate of Draper
Martial Arts


  • What is the phone number for Bobby Lawrence Karate of Draper in Draper UT?
    You can reach them at: 801-495-9470. It’s best to call Bobby Lawrence Karate of Draper during business hours.
  • What is the address for Bobby Lawrence Karate of Draper on in Draper?
    Bobby Lawrence Karate of Draper is located at this address: 715 E 12300 S Draper, UT 84020.
  • What are Bobby Lawrence Karate of Draper(Draper, UT) store hours?
    Bobby Lawrence Karate of Draper store hours are as follows: Mon-Thu: 3:30PM - 9:00PM, Fri: 3:30PM - 5:30PM, Sat: 8:30AM - 10:30AM, Sun: Closed.