Bodhizone is dedicated to mending and promoting the mind, body and spirit through the use of Osteopathic Medicine, Holistic Physical Therapy
At Bodhizone, we noticed early on that combining therapies like Chiropractic, Chinese Medicine, Physical Therapy and Osteopathic Medicine truly makes us stand apart. Our comprehensive and holistic approach to rehabilitation has been invaluable to our patients and has proven time and time again to be paramount to our practice.
Since 2000, Bodhizone Physical Therapy & Wellness has established the reputation of providing one-on-one patient care in a compassionate and encouraging environment. We are an independently owned practice trusted by family physicians, orthopedic surgeons, neurologists, physical medicine specialists, and over two decades of satisfied patients, professional athletes, performing artists and Olympians.
Our goal is for every patient to reach their maximum physical potential for return to work, life, and play pain free.