A gray divorce comes with unique challenges.
What's Difficult About Divorcing Later In Life?
A judge may order an "under the same roof" order for divorcing couples occupying the same home. What does that entail?
Should Exes Live Together During A Divorce?
Without consent, a custodial parent needs approval to move with junior.
Judging A Relocation Plan In Ohio
Not only can establishing paternity provide a father figure for children, it can help give them the emotional and financial support they need.
Putting The Kids' Interests First
Parents who are going through a divorce and are trying to figure out custody may wonder how the judge determines what is best for a child.
3 Ways Judges Determine Custody
Would a business started during a marriage be community or separate property?
What To Do When Divorce Divides A Business
There are methods for working through such an extremely difficult process.
4 Ways To Deal With Divorce's Negative Emotions
Post-divorce life can be easier for children when co-parents get along.
Easing Co-Parent Difficulties
Couples who go into business together can preserve the company during divorce by defining each person’s role and contributions.
How Will Our Divorce Impact The Business?