Solar encompasses many different aspects, especially these days with our technology and explosion of the solar industry. The BIG Team offers free on site power assessments, coaching, and evaluation of your current set up. We put our meters on your household equipment to find your specific load usages and how we can improve your homes power efficiency before we gear up with solar.
Changing out a heavy load unit like a refrigerator, freezer, or electric dryer can reduce your array size by as much as one third. We educate you and change out inefficiency rather than just push too many solar panels upon you. One look at your power bill is not the way to gear you up with solar for the next 25 years.
We want you to go B.I.G. without spending too much money.
Solar power can heat water, move water, clean water, and even make ice.
More people everyday are learning how solar can benefit them personally and help our 'aina (land).
Our market is changing rapidly especially with the grid tie or net metering customers. Grids are filling up and our power company is constantly having to adapt with new power coming in and customers paying for less power.
The BIG team encourages education about Solar. We know people can decide what is best for them given all the facts.
With power company credits or incentives, tax credits, and low interest rates on solar loans, NOW is a great time to go Solar and Live Green.
Call or more better, come by our “off-grid” store for an education about Solar Power and treat yourself to a cold drink from our Solar refrigerator.