Welcome to Building Blocks Academy, my name is Mrs. Ronda McDonald I am the director of
Building Blocks Academy. I have over 12 years of experience in Early Childhood Education,
my husband is Mr. Reggie McDonald and we have three children.
Building Blocks Academy was founded in 2003 in an effort to work with parents to support
their children's growth and development in the early stages of their lives. Our program is a
Christian Environment that develops the growing interest of our students and brings new
strengths and talent within a supportive atmosphere. We provide readiness skills such as:
reading, writing, listening, math, science and socialization.
Currently, we service children 6 weeks to 12 years old. We are dedicated to the children, and
we believe that a strong foundation of an age-appropriate curriculum promotes learning,
discipline, self-esteem and positive behavior. We are building '' Future leaders of tomorrow.''
We welcome not only our students but their families and community involvement as well. We
have visits from the fire and police department, dental groups, health dept, speech therapist,
christian leadership and a specialist for special needs. ''Train up a child in the way he should
go'' Proverbs 22:6
Ronda McDonald