Believe it or not, burning wood in a fireplace while operating your heater will drive up your heating costs. The burning wood feeds on air, so it is drawing in the heated room air, while pulling replacement cold air through leaks in your home.
BTL (biomass to liquid) diesel is manufactured through a complex, multi-step procedure (known as the Fischer-Tropsch process) that converts wood and other plant materials into synthetic diesel fuel.
Industrial solvents come in a wide range of industrial applications, including paint thinners, which dry clean and even nail-polish removers.
Under normal driving conditions, our Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel fuel will not affect the power or performance of your vehicle. ULSD is formulated for all diesel engines, but because it has a lower energy content, you might realize a slight decrease in fuel economy.
Did you know that as fuel ages, it's more likely to develop impurities that can clog filters and fuel lines, as well as take on water? A fuel stabilizer can stop these processes in their tracks and help your fuel to continue to burn at maximum efficiency.
Biodiesel blends are labeled with B and a number between 1 and 100 that shows how much biodiesel is in the mix. B100 would be pure biodiesel, while B1 would be a mixture of 1 percent biodiesel and 99 percent petrodiesel.