Figuring out how to divide and share rights, responsibilities and time with the kids is hard for divorcing parents of all children – with and without disabilities — because there are so many things to consider.
Divorce Is Different For Parents of Kids with Disabilities
I have found that information is empowering for people going through marital conflict or a #divorce. Sometimes just knowing WHY you are feeling like you are, or the physiological and psychological reasons for it, can help you manage it better
Breaking Up is Hard to Do, Pt. 1: Why Do I Feel So Overwhelmed?
This article is a high-level overview of what to know and how to plan for coverage post-divorce.
Health Insurance and Divorce - Collaborative Divorce Texas
There is a series of books, not the Arthur Miller play, but a series of books written by Psychologist, David Scharch, Ph.D., in which he talks about the "#Crucible." His goal in these books is to help people restore their marriage and/or sexual intimacy. But I have seen that his basic premise very useful in a description of what happens in some #divorces, particularly in the #CollaborativeDivorce process.
The Role of Listening and Asking Questions in Divorce, Pt. 2: The Crucible
Saying divorce can mess with your mind is a substantial understatement.
So how do you navigate your financial future in the midst of a trauma induced brain fog?
Divorce Finances – 4 Tools To Help You Financially
Divorce is a life changing event even in the best of circumstances. Perhaps you have done your due diligence, considered all your options, and decided that divorce is the best way to move forward.
Post-Divorce: Control Over Your Life and Making Informed Decisions
Communication is important in divorce situations because emotions are typically high, and relationships strained. Although it is easier said than done, it is extremely important to communicate effectively with an ex-spouse.
Communication and Co-Parenting - Collaborative Divorce Texas
As if COVID-19 isn’t enough to worry about, Individuals going through divorce are often overwhelmed by the laws involved, as well as by the financial issues.
Divorce During COVID-19 and Making Informed Decisions
Camille will be on the Jay Maymi show this Sunday at 11:00 AM! Be sure to tune in on 570 KLIF!
On Air Schedule
There’s no reason to engage in expensive and hostile divorce litigation that ultimately takes decision-making out of your hands. If you are willing to work through the Collaborative Divorce process, your post-marriage financial security can be improved.
How Does Collaborative Divorce Assure Good Divorce Decisions?
Please know that communication is vital, and these three are the most cost-effective way of communication.
Divorce Proceedings; The Impact of Email, Texts and Social Media
I regularly have new clients who have misconceptions about what #Mediation is. How does Mediation in #Texas compare and contrast to other states?
What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Mediation?
Failing to educate yourself about the #divorce process options that might be workable and more efficient can really cost you in all sorts of ways.
Fund YOUR Child's College, NOT Your Attorney's Child's Education
While over 90% of #divorces are settled before they actually go to trial, clients should ask themselves a very important question: What is the quality of our settlement?
First, Do No Harm -How Can You Achieve a Quality Divorce Settlement?
Camille Milner recently appeared on the The Jennifer Hargrave Show. They talk about how Camille first learned about #CollaborativeDivorce and how to be committed to helping families find resolution in non-traditional, non-litigation ways.
⭐️ Episode 11 - Camille Milner on The Jennifer Hargrave Show