Richmond International Airport is located 1.5 miles from the hotel. Candlewood Suites® Richmond Airport hotel's perks exceed both vacation and business travelers' expectations. Guests enjoy the benefits of having all of the comforts of home while staying at the hotel's location near downtown Richmond, Virginia. When traveling on business, there is no need to sacrifice convenience. Close to Kraft/Mondelez International, Coca Cola, Verizon and QTS our location offers a short commute to many major businesses. Guests are able to keep in touch with clients by using the free high-speed, wireless Internet access. They consider the hotel a smart alternative to a corporate apartment in Richmond. The hotel's amenities are also great for vacationers. Travelers enjoy the apartment-style suites, and the hotel's proximity to downtown Richmond, Virginia gives them easy access to all of the popular sites. Just a few minutes away, visitors can take flight at the Virginia Aviation Museum or take a stroll through Dorey Park. Consider us your home away from home during your stay in Richmond. The hotel's complimentary laundry facilities allow guests to pack light, and the 24-hour free Fitness Center helps you maintain your exercise regimen. If you choose to stay in for the night, borrow one of 65-plus DVDs from the lending library and relax in the cozy suite. These suites have everything you need for a stress-free stay.